Tag Archives: quantitative analysis

Impact of International Investment Agreements on UK Outwards Direct Investment

Sector:International trade & investment.
Client:Department for Business and Trade
Published: 12 January, 2024

London Economics and Ipsos were commissioned by the Department for Business and Trade to investigate the impact of international investment agreements (IIAs) on UK outward direct investment (ODI). ODI is cross-border investment from one country into another, with the aim of establishing a lasting interest in an enterprise where the investor’s purpose is to play […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Leeds Trinity University

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Leeds Trinity University
Published: 19th December, 2023

London Economics were commissioned to estimate the economic and social impact of Leeds Trinity University. The key findings were as follows: The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with Leeds Trinity University’s activities in 2021-22 was estimated at £657 million. In terms of the components of this impact, the value of the University’s […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Queen Mary University of London

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Queen Mary University
Published: 31 October, 2023

  London Economics were commissioned to estimate the economic and social impact of Queen Mary. The key findings were as follows: The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with Queen Mary’s activities in the 2021-22 academic year was estimated at approximately £4,401 million. In terms of the components of this impact, the value […]

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London Economics Awarded a Prestigious Grant from the Nuffield Foundation

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Nuffield Foundation
Published: 14 August, 2023

London Economics are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a prestigious grant from the Nuffield Foundation to model the resource implications – for students, graduates and the Exchequer – of the current Higher Education funding systems in the four nations of the UK. The analysis aims to improve the understanding the current fees […]

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Market Assessment – UK Venture Capital Market for Early-stage Clean Tech Companies – March 2023

Sector:Data & technology.
Client:Department for Energy Security & Net Zero
Published: 13 March, 2023

The Department for Energy Security & Net Zero commissioned London Economics to assess the UK venture capital (VC) market for early-stage clean tech companies, aimed at enabling economic activity to provide goods and services while generating significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions. This study examines the state of early-stage investment in UK clean tech companies, comparing […]

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Part and Parcel: The Economic and Social Value of Post Office – February 2023

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Post Office
Published: 22 February, 2023

London Economics were commissioned by Post Office to analyse the economic and social value of Post Office. Post Office generated an economic impact of £4.7 billion in 2021/22 throughout the whole of the United Kingdom, with at least £2 million of economic impact originating in every parliamentary constituency. Post Office also supported nearly 50,000 full-time […]

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Skills and UK Productivity: Estimating the Contribution of Educational Attainment to Productivity Growth

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 23 February, 2023

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to investigate the contribution of educational attainment to UK productivity growth. Growth in UK labour productivity has slowed in recent years. We analyse this productivity puzzle by estimating the impact of changes in educational attainment on UK labour productivity (Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked) […]

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Assessing the Impacts of the Reduction in the Age of Entitlement to the National Living Wage from Age 25 to Age 23

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Low Pay Commission
Published: 19 January, 2023

London Economics were commissioned by the Low Pay Commission, who recommend changes to the minimum wage to the UK government, to investigate the impact of extending the eligibility to the National Living Wage from those aged 25 and above to include 23- and 24-year-olds in April 2021. The research of the Labour Force Survey and […]

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Understanding Methods for Measuring Digital Consumer Harms

Sector:Data & technology.
Published: 20 January, 2023

Digital markets have delivered numerous benefits for consumers, providing a range of new products and services that are designed and personalised with the analysis of consumer data. However, digital markets have given rise to new risks for consumers. It is often the same features that bring benefits that can also cause harm, including higher prices, […]

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SMEs in the COVID-19 Recovery: Which SMEs Faced Most Pressing Challenges?

Client:Internal document
Published: 7 December, 2022

SME & Entrepreneurship Working Paper No. 1 Technical Annex Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and into 2021, SMEs have experienced challenging economic circumstances due to lockdowns and social distancing measures, supply chain constraints, and a tight labour market. This paper investigates the relative importance of various problems that SMEs have faced in the […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of the University of Southampton

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Southampton
Published: 02 November, 2022

London Economics were commissioned by the University of Southampton to estimate their economic impact on the UK economy. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with the University of Southampton’s activities in 2020-21 was estimated at approximately £4.14 billion. Compared to the University of Southampton’s total operational costs of approximately £561 million in […]

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The Creative Industry Tax Reliefs Evaluation

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:HM Revenue & Customs
Published: 17 November, 2022

1.1 Key points from the evaluation there is strong evidence that the tax reliefs across film, high-end TV, animation and children’s TV have made the UK a more attractive filming and production location, and led to more productions taking place in the UK the reliefs were seen as having aspects which made them competitive beyond […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2020-21 – October 2022

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 24 October, 2022

London Economics were commissioned to assess the economic and social impact of Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, focusing on the 2020-21 academic year. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with Cardiff University’s activities in 2020-21 was estimated at approximately £3.678 billion. Compared to Cardiff University’s total operational costs of approximately £573 […]

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2021/2022 Annual Report on European SMEs – June 2022

Sector:Entrepreneurship & SMEs.
Published: June, 2022

Report prepared by LE Europe, London Economics’ subsidiary, was published by the European Commission. This report reviews how EU-27 SMEs fared in 2020 and 2021, and how they are likely to perform in 2022. In addition, after an extensive discussion of the state of digitalisation of SMEs in last year’s SME Annual Report, this year […]

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Evaluation of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme, Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, and Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme – June 2022

Client:British Business Bank
Published: 14 June, 2022

In March 2020, in response to the global pandemic and corresponding wide-ranging business impacts and uncertainty, the government rapidly designed and deployed a series of three loan-guarantee schemes – the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) and Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS). These aimed to support smaller […]

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LE Europe HE Fees and Funding Options in Ireland

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 4 May, 2022

London Economics’ sister company, LE Europe, as part of the AARC Consortium (incorporating AARC, LE Europe and Indecon) were commissioned by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) to provide an analysis of the sustainability of higher education (HE) and further education and training (FET) in Ireland. The project’s general objective was […]

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The Economic Impact of Leeds Beckett University – April 2022

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Leeds Beckett University
Published: April, 2022

London Economics were commissioned by Leeds Beckett University to estimate their economic impact on the UK economy. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with Leeds Beckett University’s activities in 2018-19 was estimated at approximately £1.43 billion. In terms of the components of this impact, Leeds Beckett University’s teaching and learning activities accounted […]

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Mapping and Analysis of Science Engagement and Inequity in the UK – March 2022

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:British Science Association
Published: March, 2022

The British Science Association (BSA) commissioned London Economics to support their development of a set of indicators and an index for science engagement and inequity across the United Kingdom. In creating a map of science engagement, the analysis was not just intended to be a means of identifying those regions and sub-regions where science engagement […]

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Consultancy Research in the UK Maritime Technology Sector – November 2021

Sector:UK Government.
Client:Department for Transport
Published: 11 November, 2021

The consortium, composed of London Economics (lead) and NLA International (NLAI), was commissioned by Maritime Research and Innovation UK (MarRI-UK) to undertake economic research to inform the Department for Transport (DfT) approach to supporting the smart shipping industry in the UK. The research focuses on the UK’s strengths in smart shipping technology and provides economic […]

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Economic Impact of the University of Oxford – October 2021

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Oxford
Published: 5 October, 2021

London Economics were commissioned to analyse the economic impact of the University of Oxford on the UK economy, focusing on the 2018-19 academic year. The analysis identified that: The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with the University of Oxford’s activities in 2018-19 was estimated at approximately £15.7 billion. In terms of the […]

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The Economic Impact of the University of Glasgow – October 2021

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Glasgow
Published: 27 October, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the University of Glasgow to undertake an economic contribution to the United Kingdom. The analysis identified that: The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with the University of Glasgow’s activities in 2018-19 was estimated at approximately £4.4 billion. In terms of the components of this impact, the value […]

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The Costs and Benefits of International Higher Education Students to the UK Economy – September 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Higher Education Policy Institute and Universities UK International
Published: 09 September, 2021

With 496,000 international students studying for qualifications at higher education institutions across the United Kingdom – equivalent to 20% of all HE students – international students contribute significantly to the economic and social prosperity of the United Kingdom, both in the short term during their studies as well as in the medium to longer term […]

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HE Funding Threshold Changes – September 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 26 September, 2021

In light of the upcoming Comprehensive Spending Review, London Economics undertook some modelling of higher education fees and funding arrangements. Based on the current system of repayments facing the 2020-21 cohort of undergraduates, we were modelled the resource impact on the Exchequer of a change in the repayment threshold for graduates to £23,000. The analysis […]

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The Economic Cost of Providing Potential Refunds to Students During the Covid 19 Pandemic – June 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:LSE and University of Sheffield Students’ Unions
Published: 1 June, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the LSE and University of Sheffield Students’ Unions to undertake a piece of analysis on higher education fees and funding. Underpinned by the significant financial constraints facing higher education institutions as a result of the pandemic, we were tasked with analysing a range of alternative approaches to provide domestic students […]

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The Cost of Amending Repayment Thresholds Alongside Changes in Interest Rate and Loan Repayment Period – June 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Higher Education Policy Institute
Published: 10 June, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute to undertake some modelling of higher education fees and funding arrangements. Based on the current system of repayments facing the 2020-21 cohort of undergraduates, we were asked to model the resource impact on the Exchequer of the removal of real interest rates, the possible extension […]

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The Impact of the Apprenticeship Levy on Apprenticeships and Other Training Outcomes – April 2021

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Centre for Vocational Education Research
Published: 14 April, 2021

Since April 2017, UK employers with an annual pay bill above £3 million have contributed to the Apprenticeship Levy. In this paper we use a matched firm-learner dataset to explore changes in apprenticeship and other training outcomes between 2015/16 and 2018/19, a period which spans the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy. The findings reveal that […]

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The Net Exchequer Impact of Increasing Pay for Agenda for Change Staff

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:NHS Trade Unions
Published: 18 January, 2021

Corresponding to approximately 4% of employees in England, there are currently just over 1 million nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, and NHS support staff covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) Pay framework in England. Since 2010-11, pay levels at every single AfC spine point have lagged behind inflation, resulting in a significant decline in […]

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The Value of VAT Reliefs for the Charity Sector – December 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Charity Tax Group
Published: 4 December, 2020

London Economics was commissioned by the Charity Tax Group (CTG) to undertake research to quantify the value of existing VAT (value added tax) reliefs to charities in the UK and to model the potential impact of any changes to these reliefs. The key findings show that VAT continues to place a significant burden on UK […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of The Open University

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:The Open University
Published: 6 November, 2020

  London Economics were commissioned to analyse the economic and social impact of The Open University across the United Kingdom in 2018-19. To capture the economic impact of the University, we generated estimates of the economic benefits associated with the University’s formal teaching and learning activity associated with the 2018-19 cohort of UK-domiciled Open University […]

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 10 November 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 10 November, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents. Previous updates and other COVID-19 publications are available here.

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Evaluation of the Research and Development Tax Relief for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – November 2020

Client:HM Revenue & Customs
Published: 17 November, 2020

The independent evaluation of the SME R&D tax relief scheme addressed the requirements of the evaluation plan set out in the European Commission (EC)’s decision letter and the common methodology designed by the EC for State Aid evaluations. More specifically, the evaluation had three main objectives: Assessing the direct impacts of the scheme, measured by […]

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 24 November 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 24 November, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents. Previous updates and other COVID-19 publications are available here.

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 2 September 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 2 September, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarises the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents. Previous updates and other COVID-19 publications are available here.  

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 4 August 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 8 August, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents. Previous updates and other COVID-19 publications are available here.    

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 18 August 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 18 August, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarises the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents. Previous updates and other COVID-19 publications are available here.

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COVID-19 Mortality and Long-term Care: a UK Comparison

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 29 August, 2020

This report, authored by researchers from London Economics / LE Wales and other institutions across the UK, provides a comparison of the impacts of COVID-19 on the long term care sector across the four UK nations.  It provides an up to date estimate of the size of the adult care home sector across the UK […]

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 28 July 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 28 July, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents.

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 7 July 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 8 July, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents.

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 14 July 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 15 July, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents.

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An Unintended Consequence of Staff Casualisation: the Effect on Student Satisfaction

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 17 July, 2020

London Economics’ Rhys Williams has contributed a blog article on the HEPI website, exploring the relationship between student satisfaction at Higher Education Institutions and the level of teaching conducted by casual staff. The key finding is that loading teaching on casual staff reduces student satisfaction. As a consequence, universities should think twice before considering cutting […]

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 2 June 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Government
Published: 2 June, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents.

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 9 June 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 09 June, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents.

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The COVID-19 Long-Term Care Situation in Wales – 15th June 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 15 June, 2020

This report uses available evidence from the Office for National Statistics and Care Inspectorate Wales to document the impact of COVID-19 on long-term care recipients in Wales. The document is available through the International Long Term Care Policy Network’s COVID-19 page, which was set up in March 2020 as a rapidly shared collection of resources […]

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 16 June 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 16 June, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarises the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents.

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 23 June 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 23 June, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents.

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Apprenticeships and Social Mobility – June 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Social Mobility Commission
Published: 24 June, 2020

London Economics were commissioned by the Social Mobility Commission to undertake an analysis of the impact of the Apprenticeship Levy on the outcomes of learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. Announcing the publication of the report, the Commission said that the apprenticeship system is failing disadvantaged young people and Covid-19 will make it worse. Learners from disadvantaged […]

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 30 June 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 30 June, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on Covid-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents.

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Covid-19 in Welsh Care Homes – Update 26 May 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 26 May, 2020

This is a one page briefing that summarise the latest weekly data from Care Inspectorate Wales on COVID-19 and other deaths of Welsh care home residents. Please click the link above to download.

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Qualified for the Future: Quantifying Demand for Arts, Humanities and Social Science Skills – May 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:British Academy
Published: 7 May, 2020

Graduates in the arts, humanities and social sciences are just as employable as their counterparts in STEM subjects, fuel some of the fastest-growing sectors in the UK and enjoy rewarding careers in a wide range of sectors. These are the key findings of a new British Academy report examining the employment prospects of graduates from different subject […]

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Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on University Finances – May 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 1 May, 2020

Following the publication of the London Economics’ report for University and College Union on the potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on UK higher education institutions’ enrolments and finances, we were asked to present a summary of the analysis by higher education think-tank Wonkhe. The summary presentation providing the key findings is available to download […]

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The State of Commercial Earth Observation – May 2020

Client:European Space Agency (ESA)
Published: 12 May, 2020

London Economics was commissioned by the European Space Agency to quantify the size of the Earth Observation (EO) market and NewSpace EO markets across Europe. The results of this study provides a basis for tracking industry growth and the emergence of new entrants across the value chain at a national level. The results are the […]

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Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on University Deferral Rates and Student Switching – May 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University and College Union
Published: 20 May, 2020

As part of our ongoing work with the University and College Union on university finances, London Economics commissioned YouthSight to survey undergraduate applicants to assess the potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on UK higher education enrolments. We asked respondents two questions about attitudes towards deferral – one relating to a ‘business as usual’ scenario […]

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The Scottish Space Cluster – May 2020

Client:Scottish Enterprise
Published: 20 May, 2020

Scottish Enterprise commissioned London Economics to identify the size, capabilities, strengths, opportunities, potential growth and trends of the Scottish Space industry. Overall, the size of the Scottish Space industry is estimated at £254m in 2017/18, suggesting 12% per annum growth in real terms since 2012/13. This income supports Gross Value Added of £880m and 8,000 […]

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Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on University Finances – April 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University and College Union
Published: 23 April, 2020

London Economics were commissioned by the University and College Union to consider the potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on UK higher education institutions’ enrolments and finances. Combining the impact of the economic downturn with the expected deferral rate due to the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, compared to 2018-19 first year enrolments, approximately 232,000 […]

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MarRINav: Cost Benefit Analysis – April 2020

Client:European Space Agency (ESA)
Published: 17 April, 2020

The MarRINav project explores the vulnerabilities of GNSS as a position, navigation and timing solution. The project, funded by the European Space Agency and led by Blue Economy solutions company NLA International Ltd, is also researching systems complementary to GNSS that add layers of integrity and resilience. London Economics’ contribution consisted in analysing the economic […]

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The UK Space Sector: Insights and Opportunities – March 2020

Published: 12 March, 2020

Senior Economic Consultant, Farooq Sabri presented at “The UK Space Sector: Insights and Opportunities” held at the Silverstone Technology Cluster on 12th March 2020.   In his presentation “Growth Opportunities Across the Space Supply Chain” he highlighted key market trends for advanced manufacturing in the space sector and identified growth opportunities for UK companies. For […]

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Measuring and Comparing Economic Resilience Within the UK Agri-food and Drink Industry – February 2020

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Published: 18 February, 2020

London Economics were commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to investigate how the UK agri-food and drink industry responds across the supply chain to a broad set of economic risks and challenges. How well each sub-sector in the industry is able to respond to these challenges reflects how resilient the sub-sector is.   The […]

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Understanding the Economic Impact of Skills Gaps – February 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 10 February, 2020

London Economics were commissioned by Pearson to investigate the impact of skills gaps on the performance of UK businesses using data from the 2017 Employer Skills Survey (ESS).   A skills gap exists when an employee is deemed to be not fully proficient by their employer. Using information from the 2017 Employer Skills Survey (covering […]

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Exploring Trends in Apprenticeship Training Around the Introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy: Emerging Evidence Using a Matched Apprentice-Employer Dataset – January 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 27 January, 2020

As part of the Centre for Vocational Education Research, London Economics and the University of Sheffield undertook an in-depth analysis of the available evidence on the composition and distribution of apprenticeship training undertaken in England in recent years (before and after the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy). To achieve this, we developed a matched apprentice-employer […]

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2018/2019 SME Annual Report – Research & Development and Innovation by SMEs – November 2019

Published: 27 November, 2019

The annual report, prepared on a yearly basis as part of the SME Performance Review, provides a synopsis of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and an overview of the past and forecasted performance of SMEs from 2008 to 2021. Comparisons with partner countries outside the EU and with the […]

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2018/2019 SME Annual Report – Research & Development and Innovation by SMEs – November 2019

Published: 27 November, 2019

The annual report, prepared on a yearly basis as part of the SME Performance Review, provides a synopsis of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and an overview of the past and forecasted performance of SMEs from 2008 to 2021. Comparisons with partner countries outside the EU and with the […]

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Accompanying Study to the EUROPEAN SME INNOVATION ASSOCIATE – PILOT ACTION – November 2019

Published: 12 November, 2019

The study undertaken by a consortium comprising CARSA, Ramboll, LE Europe, DIW Econ and Ecorys evaluates the functioning and impact of the pilot of the European SME Innovation Associate program. LE Europe estimated the scale of the program that would be required to address the skills gap currently faced by EU SMEs undertaking innovation activities […]

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Economic Evaluation of the International Partnership Programme (IPP): Cost Effectiveness Analysis – October 2019

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 8 October, 2019

The International Partnership Programme (IPP) is a five year, £30 million per year programme run by the UK Space Agency (UKSA). IPP focuses strongly on using the UK space sector’s research and innovation strengths to deliver sustainable economic or societal benefits to emerging and developing economies around the world. The aim of this study is […]

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Economic Evaluation of the International Partnership Programme (IPP): Economic Return to the UK – October 2019

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 8 October, 2019

The International Partnership Programme (IPP) is a five year, £30 million per year programme run by the UK Space Agency (UKSA). IPP focuses strongly on using the UK space sector’s research and innovation strengths to deliver sustainable economic or societal benefits to emerging and developing economies around the world. his report quantifies a secondary objective […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of the University of Birmingham on the City of Guangzhou

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Birmingham
Published: 23 October, 2019

The University of Birmingham has a long-standing history of cooperation with the Chinese city of Guangzhou, covering research, education, public health, and capacity building programmes. London Economics were commissioned to estimate the economic impact on the Chinese economy generated by the University of Birmingham’s collaborative activities in Guangzhou in these areas. Our analysis of this […]

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CVER Discussion Papers Published – September 2019

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: August, 2019

The Centre for Vocational Educational Research, established in March 2015, brings together 4 partners who are experts in the educational arena, including London Economics. Recently, two discussion papers looking at labour market outcomes and progression in further education. More details and links to the papers are provided below.   Labour market outcomes disaggregated by subject […]

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Assessing the Economic Returns to Level 4 and 5 STEM-based Qualifications – July 2019

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Gatsby Foundation
Published: 16 July, 2019

London Economics were commissioned by the Gatsby Foundation to undertake an assessment of the net graduate premium and net Exchequer benefit associated with Higher Technical Education qualifications at Level 4 and Level 5. For full-time students, the analysis suggests that the net benefits to students undertaking specific STEM-based qualifications at Level 4/5 are substantial (and […]

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Counting the Cost of the Augar Review – July 2019

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 2 July, 2019

Following the publication of the Augur Review in May 2019, London Economics undertook a detailed analysis of the Review’s core recommendations for higher education funding on the Treasury, universities, students and graduates. Focusing on the resource flows associated with the 2018/19 cohort of first-year English-domiciled undergraduate students (studying anywhere in the UK) and EU-domiciled students […]

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IPPR Economics Prize – Winning Entry

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Institute for Public Policy Research
Published: 10 July, 2019

London Economics are delighted to announce that 7 members of our team have been awarded joint first prize in the Institute for Public Policy Research’s Economics Prize. This is the third largest prize in the economics discipline in the world, and is aimed at developing a roadmap for sustainable and inclusive growth across the United […]

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Assessing the Impact of the Augur Review – on the Exchequer, Higher Education Institutions, Students and Graduates

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Universities UK
Published: 14 June, 2019

Following the publication of the Augur Review in May 2019, London Economics were commissioned by Universities UK to estimate the impact of the Review’s core recommendations for higher education funding on the Treasury, universities, students and graduates. Focusing on the resource flows associated with the 2018/19 cohort of first-year English-domiciled undergraduate students (studying anywhere in […]

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Fees, Funding and Fairness – Understanding and Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 07 March, 2019

In light of the Augar Review, London Economics were asked by AdvanceHE to present an analysis of the main issues affecting higher education fees and funding. The analysis presents some estimates of the potential impact associated with a reduction in the tuition fee level (to £7,500) as well as the reintroduction of maintenance grants.  We […]

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Analysis of the Value of Positioning Services in Denmark – March 2019

Client:The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency
Published: 20 March, 2019

Danish press release Danish report The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency commissioned London Economics to analyse the value of positioning services to Danish society. The report primarily covers Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) that have emerged as a standard technology for positioning across the globe but does not omit the alternatives. Expected developments […]

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The UK Tax Revenues from International Graduates – March 2019

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 21 March, 2019

London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Kaplan International Pathways to undertake a detailed analysis of taxation receipts accrued by the United Kingdom Exchequer associated with international graduates in the UK labour market post graduation. The analysis focuses on the expected income tax, National Insurance and VAT contributions generated by the 235,325 international students commencing their studies in […]

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Your Future | Their Future: Impact of the Department for Education’s Marketing Campaign – January 2019

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 07 January, 2019

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to assess the impact and cost effectiveness of the Your Future | Their Future marketing campaign aimed at improving teacher recruitment in England. Combining information on website hits and website registrations, UCAS applications and marketing activities (and costs) over the period from 1st September 2012 to […]

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The Economic, Social and Cultural Impact of the University of York – January 2019

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of York
Published: 09 January, 2019

We were commissioned by the University of York to analyse its economic, social and cultural impact across the United Kingdom, focusing on the University’s activities in the 2016-17. The analysis focused on four major strands of economic impact. Specifically, in addition to the direct, indirect and induced impact associated with the University of York’s physical […]

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Impact of the ONS Review on the Deficit – December 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 10 December, 2018

On 17th December 2018, the Office for National Statistics is expected to publish its recommendation on its review of the National Accounting treatment of student loans. This guidance will have significant consequences for the possible recommendations of the Augar Review, as well as the ability of the Government to implement any of those recommendations. Given […]

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Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – December 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 10 December, 2018

Following publication in the Telegraph of some possibilities emerging from the Augar review, London Economics have estimated the economic cost associated with reducing annual tuition fees to £6,500 (with no additional Teaching grant); removing real interest rates; and reducing the repayment threshold to £21,000. The result is a £2.8 billion reduction in funding (per cohort) […]

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2017/2018 SME Annual Report – SME Growing Beyond Borders – November 2018

Client:EC DG Growth
Published: 26 November, 2018

The annual report, prepared on a yearly basis as part of the SME Performance Review, provides a synopsis of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and an overview of the past and forecasted performance of SMEs from 2008 to 2020. Comparisons with partner countries outside the EU and with the […]

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Fees, Funding and Fairness – Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – November 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 05 November, 2018

London Economics presented an analysis of some of the factors affecting higher education fees and funding; the potential alternatives that might be possible; as well as the role of the ONS’ treatment of student loans in the National Accounts at the 2018 WONKFEST annual conference.

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Pre-contractual Information in Retail Energy Markets – Experimental Consumer Research – October 2018

Client:EC DG Justice and Consumers
Published: 06 November, 2018

The European Commission commissioned LE Europe, Deloitte and Ipsos to study pre-contractual information in retail energy markets. The study used desk research, stakeholder consultations, a consumer survey and a behavioural experiment to understand consumers’ decision-making, attitudes and switching behaviour, and how to improve clarity and comparability in energy prices, consumption and contractual information. The study […]

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Understanding the Limitations of Graduate Outcome Measures in Higher Education – September 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 8 October, 2018

The structure and level of higher education student support funding continue to be key policy questions for the UK Government. Perceived as financially unstable, the current arrangements have recently been the subject of numerous Parliamentary reports on higher education fees and funding. In parallel to these reviews of the current structure of student support arrangements, […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2016-17

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 16 October, 2018

London Economics were commission by Cardiff University to estimate their economic and social impact in 2016-17 following two previous pieces of research relating to 2012-13 and 2014-15. Teaching more than 16,315 first-year students in 2016-17, and employing 5,875 full-time equivalent staff, the total economic impact associated with Cardiff University’s activities across the UK was estimated […]

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Estimating the Returns to Part-time Undergraduate Degrees – September 2018

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:The Open University
Published: 10 September, 2018

London Economics were commissioned by The Open University to undertake an analysis of the net graduate premium and net Exchequer benefit associated with undergraduate degrees undertaken on a part-time basis. The key findings indicated that The net graduate premium achieved by a representative English-domiciled student in the 2015-16 cohort completing a part-time undergraduate degree at […]

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Online Market Segmentation – Experimental Consumer Research and Economic Valuation – August 2018

Sector:Data & technology.
Client:EC DG Justice and Consumers
Published: 13 September, 2018

The European Commission commissioned LE Europe, Deloitte and Ipsos to study online personalised pricing and offers and targeted advertising. The study used desk research, stakeholder consultations, mystery shopping, a consumer survey and a behavioural experiment to understand how e-commerce websites use consumers’ personal information, and consumers’ attitudes and behaviour when faced with personalisation online. The […]

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Price and Service Transparency on Barristers’ Websites – Experimental Consumer Research – September 2018

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:The Bar Standards Board
Published: 13 September, 2018

The Bar Standards Board commissioned London Economics and YouGov to study consumer behaviour and attitudes towards barristers’ price and service transparency. The study used focus groups and a behavioural experiment to understand how consumers access, assess and act on price and service information when searching for barristers’ services. The Bar Standards Board will use the […]

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Press Release – Price and Service Transparency on Barristers’ Websites – Experimental Consumer Research – September 2018

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:The Bar Standards Board
Published: 14 September, 2018

The Bar Standards Board commissioned London Economics and YouGov to study consumer behaviour and attitudes towards barristers’ price and service transparency. The study used focus groups and a behavioural experiment to understand how consumers access, assess and act on price and service information when searching for barristers’ services. The Bar Standards Board will use the […]

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Estimating the Economic Impact of FDI to Support DIT’s Promotion Strategy: Analytical Report – August 2018

Sector:International trade & investment.
Client:Department for International Trade
Published: 06 August, 2018

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for International Trade (DIT) to estimate the economic impacts of FDI on the UK economy. The results will be used by the DIT to support their value-based investment promotion strategy. The analysis was undertaken in partnership with the DIT and academics at the University of Nottingham. It explored […]

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The Economic Impact of Group of Eight Universities (Australia)

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Group of Eight (Australia)
Published: 15 August, 2018

London Economics were commissioned by the Group of Eight universities in Australia to undertake an analysis of the economic contribution of their members universities to the Australian economy. The analysis focused on the 2016 academic year, and estimated the impact associated with the universities’ world-class research, the direct, indirect and induced impacts of the institutions’ expenditures, educational exports and the […]

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Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – July 2018

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 03 July, 2018

London Economics recently presented an analysis of the current higher education fees and funding arrangements – and possible alternatives – at the Wonkhe conference “Proceed with Caution”. The full presentation is available here.

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How to Double Savings Rates: A Case Study in Nudging for Good. The Behavioural Economics Guide 2018 – June 2018

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Published: 19 June, 2018

London Economics in association with our partners Genesis Analytics are please to contribute to the 2018 edition of the international Behavioural Economics Guide. We present a case study of our behavioural insights work where we introduce nudges to encourage consumers to save more.

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Settling the Counterfactual Debate: Is There a Preferable Counterfactual when Estimating the Returns to Vocational Qualifications? – April 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Centre for Vocational Education Research
Published: 11 April, 2018

Using information from the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) data set, it is now possible to compare the characteristics and estimates for learners with different qualifications encompassing both types of counterfactuals used in the extant literature: learners in possession of qualifications at the ‘level-below’ and learners enrolling in similar vocational qualifications but failing to achieve (‘non-achievers’). […]

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Economic Evaluation of the Space for Smarter Government Programme (SSGP)

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: March, 2018

This study assesses the economic impact of the UK Space Agency’s Space for Smarter Government Programme (SSGP) on industry (as contract recipients) and government (as end users). Potential benefits to public sector amount to over £40 million per annum, including operational cost savings (£27.8 million), exceptional cost avoidance (£9.2 million) and catalytic benefits (£4.1 million). […]

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Review of International Best Practice in the Production of Productivity Statistics – February 2018

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Published: 7 February, 2018

London Economics and DIW Econ were commissioned by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to examine the productivity measures that are published by other national and international statistical organisations (NISOs) around the world and includes information on the range, timeliness, detail and frequency of the productivity data they produce. The report summarises the productivity publications […]

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The Costs of Amending Student Support Arrangements – February 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:London Economics’ Publication
Published: 13 February, 2018

With the potential review of higher education approaching, London Economics have modelled the costs to the Exchequer associated with a reduction in tuition fees to £6,000 and the re-introduction of maintenance grants. The analysis demonstrates that the cost of cutting fees stands at £1.169 billion per cohort, while maintenance grants cost £360 million. Importantly, despite […]

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Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – February 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:London Economics’ Publication
Published: 19 February, 2018

With the potential review of higher education approaching, London Economics have undertaken further modelling of the costs to the Exchequer associated with amending the interest charged on student loans, as well as the abolition of tuition fees. The analysis demonstrates that charging a 0% real rate of interest during study would cost the Exchequer £230 million per […]

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Research into the Experiences and Effectiveness of Solicitors’ First Tier Complaints Handling Processes – January 2018

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Client:The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)
Published: 08 January, 2018

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and Legal Ombudsman jointly commissioned London Economics and YouGov to undertake research into solicitors’ handling of first tier complaints. The study used a consumer survey, a survey of firms and depth interviews with firms and consumers, to understand consumers’ and solicitors’ experiences of the complaints process. The research identified recommended […]

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The Costs and Benefits of International Students by Parliamentary Constituency – January 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 11 January, 2018

Given the continuing political debate about the inclusion of international students in UK migration targets, and the limited number of analyses of their net economic impact to date, London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Kaplan International Pathways to undertake a detailed analysis of both the benefits and costs to […]

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Consumer Behaviour Research for Legal Services – December 2017

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:The Law Society
Published: 6 December, 2017

The Law Society commissioned London Economics to undertake behavioural economic research into how consumers search for legal services. The study used a behavioural experiment, focus groups and depth interviews to investigate how consumers access, assess and act on information. The research helped the Law Society to better understand the most useful information that solicitors can […]

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Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – December 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 13 December, 2017

London Economics’ modelling estimates that the recent decision of the government to raise the repayment threshold on student loan repayments to £25,000, alongside an increase in the interest rate thresholds will cost approximately £2.85 billion a cohort. Breaking down this estimate, the additional Exchequer expenditure includes £1.09 billion in costs associated with the lower level […]

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The Payoff to Vocational Qualifications: Reconciling Estimates from Survey and Administrative Data – December 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Centre for Vocational Education Research
Published: November, 2017

Estimating the wage differentials associated with particular qualifications has increasingly become part of the general ‘returns to education’ literature. Two particular strands of the literature looking at such qualifications can be identified: the first uses data on individuals obtained through representative sample surveys, such as the Labour Force Survey (LFS) in the UK, while the […]

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The Economic Impact of Russell Group Universities – November 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:The Russell Group
Published: 02 November, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the Russell Group to undertake an analysis of the economic contribution of their 24 members universities to the UK economy in 2015-16. The analysis estimated the impact associated with Teaching and Learning activity (here), world-class research (here), educational exports (here) and the direct, indirect and induced impact associated with the […]

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Annual Report on European SMEs 2016/17 – Focus on Self-employment and Companion Working Paper – November 2017

Client:EC DG Growth
Published: November, 2017

The annual report, prepared on a yearly basis, provides a synopsis of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and an overview of the past and forecasted performance of SMEs from 2008 to 2018. Comparisons with partner countries outside the EU and with the large enterprise sector are also included. The […]

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Reforming Student Finance to Increase Fairness and Widen Access – November 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:The Sutton Trust
Published: 16 November, 2017

London Economics was commissioned by the Sutton Trust to analyse the cost to graduates, higher education institutions and the Exchequer associated with a range of student support scenarios, including combinations of: means-tested tuition fees based on household income; the re-introduction of maintenance grants to 2015/16 levels before their abolition; and changes to the interest rates […]

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Economic Impact Evaluation of the Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) Scheme – November 2017

Client:British Business Bank
Published: 20 November, 2017

London Economics was commissioned by the British Business Bank to evaluate the Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) scheme. The evaluation estimated the economic impact created by the EFG scheme, and provided a detailed cost benefit analysis which established the economic gains of the scheme to the UK economy. The main analysis was complemented by a survey […]

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The Journey from Childhood Skills to Adult Financial Capability – Analysis of the 1970 British Cohort Study – November 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Money Advice Service
Published: 20 November, 2017

The Money Advice Service believes childhood and adolescence are vital times to influence future financial capability and that what happens in these years can have profound effects on financial outcomes. Too little is known about the factors in childhood and adolescence that contribute to long term financial outcomes. This research aims to contribute to filling […]

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Peer Effects and Social Influence in Post-16 Educational Choice – November 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Centre for Vocational Education Research
Published: 20 November, 2017

Following the increase in the education participation age, individuals are now required to study towards either a vocational or academic qualification until their 18th birthday once they have completed their GCSEs. However, there is currently relatively little understanding of the factors which determine which route learners choose to follow. Attainment in secondary school is clearly […]

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An Economic Assessment of Skill Gaps on Firm Productivity – November 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 27 November, 2017

London Economics has undertaken research for Filtered, an online training platform, providing comprehensive insight into employer demand for skills driven by skills gaps. Using the 2015 wave of the Employer Skills Survey (ESS), we found that skills gaps have a significant effect on a number of business outcomes, including losing business to competitors, delaying development, […]

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Analysis of the Potential Economic Impact of GDPR – October 2017

Sector:Data & technology.
Published: 30 October, 2017

This study examines the potential economic impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in relation to the ambiguities created by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) guidance on consent. Two elements of the guidance are analysed in detail: the prohibition of any form of opt-out consent and the requirement to name all third-parties that will […]

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The Earnings Differentials Associated with Vocational Education and Training Using the Longitudinal Education Outcomes Data – October 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Centre for Vocational Education Research
Published: October, 2017

For the first time, the matched Longitudinal Education Outcomes has been made available for analysis of qualification attainment and labour market outcomes in England. Using comprehensive information from different school, Further Education and Higher Education data sources, we estimate the association between achieving vocational qualifications at different levels of the Regulated Qualifications Framework and labour […]

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How is the Demand for Part-time Higher Education Affected by Changing Economic Conditions? – September 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:The Open University, Birkbeck University and London South Bank University
Published: 13 September, 2017

There has been a substantial fall in the number of part-time students enrolled in higher education over the past decade, with the decline being particularly apparent amongst English higher education providers. In contrast, the number of full-time student enrolments has been on an upward trend. In parallel, the wider economy has seen both a deep […]

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Nanosatellite Telecommunications: A Market and System Study for Machine-to-Machine Applications

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: September, 2017

The emergence of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) applications to enable monitoring and control of remote assets has created a demand for low-cost satellite communications to provide global connectivity. Markets such as maritime, energy, logistics, transport and healthcare could considerably benefit from M2M applications. However, as this is an emerging domain, market demand […]

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Research and Analysis to Quantify the Benefits Arising from Personal Data Rights Under the GDPR – August 2017

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Published: 07 August, 2017

The act of disclosing personal data typically takes place in an environment of incomplete and asymmetric information. This explains the crucial role of consumer confidence in enabling transactions that involve the disclosure of personal data. LE’s study for DCMS investigates the benefits of new individual rights introduced by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) […]

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The Impact of Student Loan Repayments on Graduate Taxes – July 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University and College Union
Published: 20 July, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the University and College Union to assess the lifetime costs to higher education students associated with receiving and repaying student loans provided by Student Finance England. In addition to assessing the loan balance on graduation and repayments made, the analysis estimates the effective average and marginal tax rates associated with […]

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The Economic Impact on the UK of a Disruption to GNSS

Client:Innovate UK, UK Space Agency, Royal Institute of Navigation
Published: June, 2017

GNSS provide signals from satellites orbiting in space to give us accurate information on positioning, navigation and timing. These systems have a large range of uses but, until now, the economic benefits have not always been well understood. This study aims to provide an answer in terms of estimated economic impact of a five day […]

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GNSS Market Report Issue 5

Client:European GNSS Agency
Published: May, 2017

The GNSS market report is a comprehensive source of knowledge and information on the dynamic, global GNSS market. The report is published every two years, with the latest edition released in 2017. The report provides comprehensive, in-depth analysis of global trends, and the latest developments in terms of shipments, revenues and the installed base of […]

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The Economic, Social and Cultural Impact of the University of Birmingham – March 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Birmingham
Published: 09 March, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the University of Birmingham to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic, social and cultural impact. The study considered the economic impact of teaching and learning, research activities, educational exports, as well as the direct, indirect and induced impact generated by the university and its students throughout the local, regional […]

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An Economic Evaluation of the National Careers Service – March 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: March, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to undertake an evaluation of the National Careers Service. Using information on labour market histories from the HMRC, as well as learner information from the Individualised Learner Record, the analysis involved merging a range of data sets and implementing a Propensity Score Matching model to compare […]

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The Determinants of University Selection – January 2017

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:LE Economic Brief
Published: 13 January, 2017 January, 2017

Read London Economics’ research brief on the determinants of university selection. The analysis considers the relative importance of fees and funding on the selection of universities, as well as the role of other characteristics (such as rankings). The report also highlights students’ willingness to pay for different university attributes.

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Facilitating Cross Border Data Flow in the Digital Single Market – January 2017

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Connect
Published: 10 January, 2017

Unnecessary requirements to maintain control over the location where data and documents physically reside are an obstacle to the free flow of data within the Single Market. LE investigated the restrictions to the free flow of data across borders within the European Union, concentrating on 8 member states. The study found that legal restrictions of […]

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The Determinants of International Demand for UK Higher Education – January 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 12 January, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute and Kaplan International Pathways to undertake an analysis of the international determinants of UK higher education enrolments. The analysis illustrates the impact of macroeconomic factors (such as a currency depreciation or overseas economic growth), institutional factors (such as UK and US fee levels) and policy […]

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The Size & Health of the UK Space Industry 2016

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: December, 2016

Every two years, the UK Space Agency studies all organisations in the UK who supply and/or make use of space or satellite services – from upstream manufacturing right through to downstream satellite-enabled applications, including both commercial and non-commercial activities. The series of studies, titled the Size and Health of the UK Space Industry, represents the […]

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Development of the Scottish Space Industry – December 2016

Client:Scottish Enterprise
Published: 1 December, 2016

Scottish Enterprise commissioned London Economics to support their work to develop the Scottish space industry. The objective of the study was to answer two key questions: Where is the Scottish space economy at present: in an absolute sense; and in comparison with the UK and global space economy? Where could, and should, the Scottish space […]

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The Social Value of the Post Office Network – November 2016

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Published: November, 2016

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Consumer Vulnerability Across Key Markets in the EU: Animated Infographic – November 2016

Sector:Consumer markets and protection.
Client:EC DG Justice and Consumers
Published: 21 November, 2016

Following the publication of London Economics’ study into consumer vulnerability across the EU for DG Justice and Consumers, the European Commission has released an animated infographic which presents the key findings of the study, including the varying impact of vulnerability drivers across key markets.

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Impact of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) on the Access to Finance for Business and Long-term Investments – November 2016

Client:EC DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (FISMA)
Published: 23 November, 2016

The Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) considerably strengthens the quantity and quality of the minimum capital that banks in Europe are required to hold. This study assesses whether increased minimum capital requirements, through observed changes in banks’ regulatory capital ratios, impact bank lending using data on a broad sample of banks in Europe, including for the […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2014-15 – Full Report – November 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 28 November, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by Cardiff University to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic and social impact. The full report assessing the economic impact of teaching and learning, research, education exports, and the direct, indirect and induced impact generated by Cardiff University can be accessed on the link above.

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2014-15 – Press Release – November 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 28 November, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by Cardiff University to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic and social impact. The Press Release issued by Cardiff University can be accessed on the link above.

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Annual Report on European SMEs 2015/16 – November 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Growth
Published: 24 November, 2016

The 2015/16 SME Annual Report prepared by London Economics as part of the 2016 SME Performance Review (undertaken by a consortium comprising Carsa, DIW, DIW econ, Innova, London Economics and PwC) shows that in 2015 in the EU28 SMEs as a group have experienced growth in value added, employment and the number of enterprises. In […]

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Insolvencies and SMEs: the Role of Second Chance, Special Study, SME PERFORMANCE REVIEW 2015/16 – November 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Growth
Published: 24 November, 2016

This companion study to the 2015/15 Annual Report on SMEs provides 1) a literature review of recent studies focusing on the determinants and impacts of SME bankruptcies and the economic impact of various characteristics of a bankruptcy regime; 2) a number of case studies on the issues faced by entrepreneurs when they went bankrupt or […]

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Modern Transport Bill / Spaceflight Regulation Impact Assessment Analysis

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: September, 2016

London Economics provided on-site analytical support to the UK Space Agency to evaluate the economic and internal resource implications of regulating spaceflight in the UK. This included support to a cross-government Impact Assessment of the Modern Transport Bill, a report which was awarded the highest “green” rating for quality, and analysis of the impact of a […]

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IPID Consumer Testing and Design Work – August 2016

Client:European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Published: 01 August, 2016

EIOPA commissioned a consortium consisting of LE Europe, Ipsos MORI and Academy Design Partners to undertake consumer testing on the design of a standardised presentation format of an Insurance Product Information Document (IPID). The findings of the consumer testing, as presented in this report, were intended to assist EIOPA to reach a view on the […]

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Economic Analysis of Higher Education Fees and Funding in the Health Professions – June 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UNISON and National Union of Students
Published: 08 June, 2016

Following the publication of the recent report on behalf of UNISON and the National Union of Students (here), we have added a short note providing some additional discussion relating to the modelling undertaken and evidence underpinning the analysis. The note is available on the link above.

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The Danish Space Economy 2016 – June 2016

Client:Danish Agency for Science and Innovation
Published: 23 June, 2016

The Danish Government commissioned London Economics and Rambøll Management Consulting to support their work to develop Denmark’s first National Space Strategy. This report was the outcome of this work. It helped bridge the gap in the government’s understanding of the downstream space sector and provided the working group on the Government’s Space Strategy the supporting […]

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Estimating the Impact of Publicly Funded Training on Industry and Firm-level Outcomes – May 2016

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: 12 May, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to undertake an analysis of the impact of publicly funded training on industry-level and firm-level outcomes. To undertake the analysis, researchers at London Economics first matched the Individualised Learner Record, EDS ‘Blue Sheep’ data, and the Inter Departmental Business Register (IDBR), and then […]

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The Impact of the 2015 Comprehensive Spending Review on Higher Education Fees and Funding Arrangements in Subjects Allied to Medicine – May 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UNISON and National Union of Students
Published: 25 May, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by UINISON and the NUS to undertake an independent analysis of the impact of the removal of NHS bursaries on prospective students in Allied Health Professions announced in the 2015 Comprehensive Spending Review. The analysis considers the resource flows between the Exchequer, Higher Education Institutions and students/ graduates. Having been launched […]

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The Impact of Literacy, Numeracy and Computer Skills on Earnings and Employment Outcomes – March 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 31 March, 2016

This OECD Education working paper looks at the impact of literacy, numeracy and computer skills on earnings and employment outcomes. Using the 2012 PIAAC data, our analysis confirms that there are significantly higher earnings and employment returns to both increasing levels of formally recognised education, and to increasing levels of numeracy, literacy and Information and […]

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AmCham EU Agenda for Action Scorecard 2015 – November 2015

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU)
Published: 17 November, 2015

LE updated the KPIs for the AmCham EU ‘Agenda for Action Scorecard 2015’. The scorecard uses Agenda for Action’s five key policy action areas (skills, single market, industrial leadership, entrepreneurship & internationalisation) to measure Europe’s performance over time. The performance of each action area is measured by five indicators, both quantitative and qualitative. For each […]

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Evaluation of the Impact and Cost-effectiveness of UKTI’s Support for Events – November 2015

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: 03 November, 2015

UKTI’s Events programme consists of wide range of support activities, including lectures and workshops on specific industries/markets, overseas market visits, meetings and networking opportunities with business delegations, etc. The project assessed the net financial benefit of the programme, wider qualitative benefits accruing to participating businesses, and participants’ willingness to pay for attending events. The evidence […]

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An Assessment of Open to Export – November 2015

Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: 03 November, 2015

LE evaluated the impact of Open to Export, a website supported by UK Trade & Investment that functions as an electronic intermediary, connecting businesses with other businesses, organisations and official sources of information and assistance, including UK Trade & Investment. The study collected information through interviews with six selected “service providers” and a structured telephone […]

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2015 SME Annual Report – November 2015

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Growth
Published: 17 November, 2015

The 2015 SME Annual Report prepared by London Economics as part of the 2015 SME Performance Review (undertaken by a consortium comprising Carsa, DIW, DIW econ, Innova, London Economics and PwC) shows that in 2014 in the EU28 SMEs as a group have increased their employment for the first time since the onset of the […]

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Satellite Technologies in UK Agriculture – November 2015

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: November, 2015

A Pathfinder study funded under the National Space Technology Programme (NSTP) The need for sustainable, efficient and cost-effective methods of farming has never been more pressing. As the global population continues to rise, the challenge to meet global food demands in a sustainable manner is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, farmers are being […]

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High-Cost Short-Term Credit Price Comparison Websites – November 2015

Client:Financial Conduct Authority
Published: 30 November, 2015

This behavioural economics study for the FCA, tested additional standards for price comparison websites that compare HCSTC products. It forms part of the evidence base used by the FCA in its recommendations for additional standards in response to the CMA’s final report on payday lending.

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Return from Public Space Investments: An Initial Analysis of Evidence – November 2015

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 12 November, 2015

To support the ongoing development of an evidence-based framework for evaluation and appraisal of their funding and activities, the UK Space Agency commissioned London Economics to conduct an assessment of the evidence on the returns to public investments in the space sector. This report presents the findings of this exercise. Note: Some confidential information obtained […]

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Mind the Gap: Comparing Public Funding in Higher and Further Education – November 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University and College Union
Published: 18 November, 2015

London Economics were commissioned by the University and College Union to undertake a forensic analysis of the public funding associated with Higher and Further Education across the Home Nations of the United Kingdom. The analysis demonstrates the significant differences in public funding between the different education paths in England, but also the fundamental differences across […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University – October 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: October, 2015

London Economics undertook an in-depth economic impact analysis on behalf of Cardiff University. The analysis considered the economic  and social impact  of the university on the UK economy covering teaching and learning activities, research, the direct, indirect and  induced effect associated with the university’s physical footprint, as well as its contribution to exports arising from […]

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It’s the Finance, Stupid! The Decline of Part-time Higher Education and What to Do About It – October 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 29 October, 2015

London Economics have contributed to a new Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) Report on part-time higher education. The analysis by Dr Gavan Conlon and Maike Halterbeck contrasts the methodology underpinning current official estimate of the RAB charge and that presented in previous work undertaken by London Economics for million+ and the IPPR. Given the differences […]

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Google Lunar XPRIZE Market Study 2014: Media Summary – August 2015

Client:XPRIZE Foundation
Published: August, 2015

This follow‐on study completed by London Economics on behalf of the XPRIZE Foundation builds on the insights developed through the Google Lunar XPRIZE Market Study 2013, digging deeper into the consolidated quantitative market demand and opportunity valuations, providing an updated, improved and more in‐depth analysis of the market opportunities addressable by teams competing in the […]

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The Case for Space 2015 – July 2015

Client:Innovate UK, the Satellite Applications Catapult, UKspace trade association and the UK Space Agency
Published: 14 July, 2015

The UK space industry’s annual value grew to £11.8 billion in 2012-13, having grown at an average compound rate of 8.6% year-on-year since 2008-09, with a productivity some 3 times the UK average, according to The Case for Space 2015 report produced by London Economics and launched 14th July at the UK Space Conference. The […]

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UK Space Conference 2015: ‘The Space Value-chain Explained’

Published: 23 July, 2015

Liverpool, Tuesday 14th July – London Economics presented on ‘The space value-chain explained’ during the Opportunities for Business session at the UK Space Conference 2015. The slides introduce the definitions, value chain and some key findings of our report ‘The Case for Space 2015’, which was launched at the conference.

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Media Coverage: ‘The Case for Space 2015’ – July 2015

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 23 July, 2015

FT Video: UK space start-ups take off Jul 17, 2015: Peggy Hollinger looks at the booming UK space industry and meets companies making the next generation of propulsion engines and satellites. http://video.ft.com/4360019278001/UK-space-start-ups-take-off/Companies   FT: UK eager to claim its share at the final frontier Jul 17, 2015: Peggy Hollinger, Industry Editor http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/cfc0c360-2c1a-11e5-acfb-cbd2e1c81cca.html#axzz3gipoAvId   FT: UK […]

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The Death of the Saturday Job – June 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:UK Commission for Employment and Skills
Published: June, 2015

Read London Economics’ report for the UK Commission of Employment and Skills on the extent of young people combining work with study.

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Assessing the Impact of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) on the Access to Finance for Business and Long-term Investments – June 2015

Client:EC DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (FISMA)
Published: June, 2015

LE Europe has been appointed by the European Commission to assess the impact of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) on the access to finance for business and long-term investments, including infrastructure projects. On the impact of the CRR on infrastructure financing particularly, Graham Bishop, a consultant on EU financial matters, will advise on the importance […]

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Delivering Value from the Higher Education Estate – April 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 16 April, 2015

The Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE) has published the report ‘Delivering Value from the Higher Education Estate’ produced by Kilner Planning and London Economics. Delivering value from the estate is a core element of the Phase II Review of Sir Ian Diamond’s review into Efficiency and Effectiveness in Higher Education. The report documents […]

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The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Young People – March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Low Pay Commission
Published: 18 March, 2015

London Economics were asked by the Low Pay Commission to undertake an analysis of the impact of the recent slowdown and freeze in the national minimum wage on young people’s earnings and employment outcomes.

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The Earnings and Employment Returns to A Levels – March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 22 March, 2015

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to analyse the returns to A levels. The core results indicated that compared to GCSEs/O levels, there are strong positive wage returns to A levels – irrespective of whether the individual goes on to complete further or higher qualifications. The full report is available here.

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Study on the Coverage, Functioning and Consumer Use of Comparison Tools and Third-party Verification Schemes for Such Tools – March 2015

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Client:European Commission – Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC)
Published: March, 2015

The European Commission has published the study on consumers’ use of comparison tools. As part of the study London Economics completed a behavioural experiment in 15 EU countries that investigated consumer understanding and use comparison tools. The study forms part of the evidence base used by the Commission to develop, together with stakeholders, a series […]

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Managing Money Online – Working As Well As We Think? – February 2015

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Client:Keep Me Posted campaign
Published: 03 February, 2015

This study for the Keep Me Posted Campaign implemented a behavioural experiment and consumer survey in order to analyse consumers’ behaviour and perceptions when they receive transactional mail either by post or electronically.

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Reaching Higher: Reforming Student Loans to Broaden Access to Postgraduate Study – October 2014

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Institute for Public Policy Research
Published: October, 2014

London Economics were commissioned by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) to model the costs to the Exchequer associated with the introduction of a loan scheme for postgraduate students.

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A Partial and Fragile Recovery – Annual Report on European SMEs 2013/14 – October 2014

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: 06 October, 2014

The 2014 report provides an overview of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and their contribution to growth and jobs. Comparisons with important partner countries outside the EU and with the large enterprise sector are also included. The pace of recovery of SMEs has slowed in the last three years. […]

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The Size & Health of the UK Space Industry 2014 – October 2014

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 09 October, 2014

Since 1992, the UK Space Agency has been periodically surveying the UK space sector, and places a great deal of emphasis on the results of this study as a measure of industry performance. The UK Space Agency contracted London Economics to conduct the 2014 edition, covering the years 2011/12 and 2012/13. The objectives of the […]

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The Size & Health of the UK Space Industry 2014 – October 2014

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 09 October, 2014

Since 1992, the UK Space Agency has been periodically surveying the UK space sector, and places a great deal of emphasis on the results of this study as a measure of industry performance. The UK Space Agency contracted London Economics to conduct the 2014 edition, covering the years 2011/12 and 2012/13. The objectives of the […]

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Scaling Up Solutions to Social Care – October 2014

Client:Big Society Capital
Published: 30 October, 2014

The UK is facing a funding crisis in social care for older people. Demographic changes mean that between 2010 and 2022 the population of people aged 65 and over is expected to grow by 27% and the number of people aged 85 and over is projected to grow by 44%. Research suggests that, just to […]

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Ticket Retailing Code of Practice – What Information is Relevant – September 2014

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:Office of Rail Regulation
Published: 26 September, 2014

This study for the Office of Rail Regulation sets out to examine what information is important to passengers when choosing and buying rail tickets, what information passengers need in order to make informed decisions when selecting tickets, and how and when this information should be provided. The research is based on an online survey and […]

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Study on the Impact of the EU Energy Label – and Potential Changes to It – on Consumer Understanding and Purchase Decisions – August 2014

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Energy
Published: 19 August, 2014

As part of the review of the EU Directive on Energy Labels, the European Commission engaged London Economics to undertake a behavioural study on consumer understanding and purchasing decisions, of the current EU energy label and potential changes to it. Interim findings were presented to the 3rd Stakeholder meeting on the Evaluation of the Energy […]

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Behavioural Economics in Retail Financial Services: Training Workshop, 30th September 2014, Central London

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 19 August, 2014

The London Economics’ Behavioural and Financial Services teams will provide a training workshop on the application of behavioural economics to retail finance. The course will address: The underlying principles of behavioural economics; Regulators’ understanding and use of behavioural economics; How behavioural economics is applied in retail financial services ; and, how to design, apply and […]

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Using Behavioural Economics: Practical Examples – August 2014

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Published: 27 August, 2014

A presentation to practitioners at the Copenhagen Summer University. Explores how behavioural insights are being used by policy makers. Examples of behavioural studies used by regulators, and discusses the issues to consider when commissioning and designing experiments. The presentation also provides suggested papers illustrating the use of behavioural approaches and additional applied examples.

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Study on the Functioning of the Consumer Credit Market in the EU

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Client:EC DG Health and Consumers
Published: 12 June, 2014

Presentation to Eurofinas, Brussels, June 12th, 2014.

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Assessing Value for Money in Sixth Form Education – June 2014

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Sixth Form College Association
Published: 16 June, 2014

London Economics were commissioned by the Association of Sixth Form Colleges to undertake a detailed analysis of the value for money in Sixth Form education in England. Based on a number of merged data sets, the analysis demonstrated the exceptionally strong attainment outcomes achieved by students attending Sixth Form Colleges, as well as the superior […]

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Study on the Functioning of the Consumer Credit Markets in the European Union – May 2014

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:EC DG Health and Consumers
Published: 20 May, 2014

The study assesses the degree to which Consumer Credit Directive (CCD) fulfilled its principal objectives, namely: a) fostering an internal credit market in the EU, with a positive impact, in particular on cross­border competition; and, b) providing a high level of protection of consumers regarding consumer credits. The study focuses on the impact of the […]

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Economic Analysis of Merger in Hong Kong Mobile Telephony Sector – May 2014

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:Hong Kong Communications Authority
Published: 05 May, 2014

This final report considers the likely competition effects in Hong Kong telecommunications markets of the proposed acquisition of CSL New World Mobility Limited (CSLNWM) by HKT Limited. We assess whether there is likely to be a substantial lessening of competition (SLC) as a result of the merger; whether there are benefits to the public that […]

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Higher Education Fees and Funding Reforms in England: What is the Breakeven RAB Charge for the Treasury?

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 12 March, 2014

London Economics’ Research Brief considers the costs of the higher education fees and funding reforms in England. In this analysis, the term “break-even” refers to the point at which the estimated costs to the Treasury resulting from the 2012-13 higher education reforms have the same long run economic cost as the fees and funding system […]

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General Insurance Add-ons: Experimental Consumer Research Report

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Client:Financial Conduct Authority
Published: 13 March, 2014

Behavioural experiment by London Economics which formed part of the FCA’s Add-on Insurance Market Study. The experiment with 1,500 UK residents tested for common patterns of consumer behaviour that arise due to add-on insurance mechanisms and assessed how insurance add-ons may lead to poor outcomes for consumers in these markets.

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An International Comparison of Apprentice Pay

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Low Pay Commission
Published: 13 March, 2014

London Economics were commissioned by the Low Pay Commission to undertake an investigation of the level of apprenticeship pay across fourteen countries. Covering a range of countries with different educational and apprenticeship systems, the main focus of the analysis relates to the assessment of apprentice pay (adjusted for price differences across countries) as a proportion […]

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Impact of EU Ban on Higher Nicotine E-Cigarettes on Tobacco Smoking

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Electronic Cigarettes Ltd
Published: 25 February, 2014

The proposed ban compromises e-cigarettes’ role in supporting smoke cessation and is forecast to lead to 210,000 fewer successful quitters each year across the EU. E-cigarettes’ role in smoke reduction is also affected and a 0.8% increase in tobacco smoking or the equivalent of an extra 9.6 million cigarettes being smoked each day across the […]

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Using Behavioural Experiments to Identify Consumer Problems in Markets: Partitioned Pricing Practices

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Client:Office of Fair Trading
Published: January, 2014

This presentation at the OFT’s Economic Seminar series, considers how behavioural experiments can be used to identify problems consumers can have in markets and details an experiment completed for the OFT on partitioned pricing, the practice of splitting prices into parts. The study identifies that these pricing practices can reduce consumer welfare and lead to […]

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Voluntary Food Labelling Schemes Study

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Published: January, 2014

This market study for the European Commission included a pan-European behavioural experiment to test consumer willingness to pay for products associated with voluntary food labelling schemes. The study also included a web sweep of voluntary food labelling scheme in Europe, a consumer survey and assessment of schemes performance with the requirements of the 2010 Commission […]

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Survival or Relegation? The Impact of a Managerial Change in the Premier League

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: December, 2013

London Economics calculates the economic impact of a managerial change in the Premier League. The research is one of the first studies ever to accurately quantify the impact of manager changes in football. The analysis concentrates on the impact over 10 games and, crucially, it accounts for other factors that are likely to affect team […]

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The Economic and Societal Benefits Deriving from the Presence of Hyundai and Kia in Europe (update)

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:Hyundai Motor Company
Published: December, 2013

London Economics published updated figures on the contribution of Hyundai and Kia to the European economy. The key findings are: Almost 317,000 people owe their jobs to the presence of Hyundai and Kia in the European Union Hyundai and Kia contributed €2.1 billion in taxes and duties to European governments in 2012 The majority of […]

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Modelling the Impact of Proposed Policies on Pubs and the Pub Sector

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: December, 2013

This report to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills provides an independent analysis of the impact of the consultation proposals on gross and net pub closures and employment levels within the pub industry, using whatever robust evidence can be accessed, to inform the final stage impact assessment of the likely costs and benefits of […]

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Using Behavioural Experiments to Inform Consumer Policy in Financial Markets

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Published: December, 2013

A presentation at the Behavioural Finance Working Group conference, practitioners session on behavioural economics applied to finance markets. This presentation looks at applied policy examples of behavioural experiments relevant to consumer decision making in regard to financial products.

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2012/2013 Annual Report on European SMEs

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: November, 2013

The 2012/13 report on European SMEs was prepared by a consortium comprising CARSA, DIW, DIW econ, Innova, London Economics, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (University of Manchester) and PwC Luxembourg. The report provides an overview of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and their contribution to growth and jobs, as emphasised in the Small […]

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Impact on Competition and Social Welfare of the Proposed ElecLink Interconnector Between Great Britain and France

Client:Ofgem and CRE
Published: November, 2013

Ofgem and CRE commissioned London Economics to review and assess the modelling, assumptions and estimated impacts on the electricity market and electricity users of a interconnector between France and Great Britain proposed by ElecLink. The summary of the report can be downloaded in English above and in French at http://www.cre.fr/documents/consultations-publiques.

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Impacts of Second Level Domain Registration (SLDR) in the .uk Domain Space

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: November, 2013

London Economics advised Nominet, the UK domain name registry, on the potential direct and indirect impacts of introducing of second-level (“.uk”) domain name registration in the UK. We advised Nominet on impacts as the form of their proposal changed in response to inputs from stakeholders. We used existing data and evidence sources to qualitatively describe […]

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The Cost of Non-Europe: the Untapped Potential of the European Single Market

Client:European Commission – Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA)
Published: October, 2013

While the growth-creating potential of the Single Market has long been recognised, evidence on the remaining untapped potential of the Single Market (where such potential lies, how much additional growth it could deliver, and which policy measures would help unlock it) was largely missing. London Economics, in association with PwC, were commissioned by the European […]

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Implications of the European Commission’s Proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation for Business

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: October, 2013

Uncertainty about the final shape of the new EU Data Protection Regulation does not mask one fact – they will change how every organisation has to deal with personal information and the cost base and risk factors involved. Whether through the impact of new consent requirements or the need to employ a Data Protection Officer, […]

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Google Lunar XPRIZE Market Study 2013: Media Summary

Client:XPRIZE Foundation
Published: October, 2013

A recent Market Study completed by London Economics on behalf of the XPRIZE Foundation estimates the value of the overall commercial market opportunities addressable by Google Lunar XPRIZE teams to be between US$1.1-2.7 billion in the 10 years directly following the competition (and US$ 3.1-9.7 billion over the 25 year longer term) in a newly […]

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European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) – Press Release: Preliminary Findings of Google Lunar XPRIZE Market Study 2013

Client:XPRIZE Foundation
Published: September, 2013

Greg Sadlier, an Associate Director at London Economics has just completed a study the value of commercial market opportunities that could be served by teams competing in the Google Lunar XPRIZE.

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Barriers to Cross-border Health Care: Can Behavioural Insights Help?

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Published: September, 2013

Presentation at European Commission conference on Applying Behavioural Insights to Policy-Making 30th September 2013.

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Partitioned Pricing Research: A Behavioural Experiment

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: August, 2013

London Economics was commissioned by the Office of Fair Trading to undertake a behavioural economics study into how partitioned pricing, which is the practice of splitting the price of a good or service into multiple components, affects consumer decision making. The study builds upon earlier research by London Economics for the OFT on the impact […]

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The Economic and Social Benefits Associated with Further Education and Skills: Learning for Those Not in Employment

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: August, 2013

The study provides a detailed analysis of the benefits associated with Further Education and Skills for learners not in employment. The findings in this report are based on a telephone survey of 1,955 learners not in employment who received or completed their learning in 2011/12. In addition to focusing on the wider benefits associated with learning and […]

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How Much Does Size Matter? – A Comment on the English and Welsh Prison Estate

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: July, 2013

In the light of the recent announcement by the MoJ of its plan to build a 2,000 prison at Wrexham, and the report from the think tank Policy Exchange[1] arguing that £10 billion could be saved over 25 years by restructuring the prison estate, we analyse what the data shows and what it suggests in […]

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The Value of Lost Load (VoLL) for Electricity in Great Britain

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: July, 2013

As part of the documents for the Consultation on the draft Electricity Market Reform Delivery, the Department of Energy and Climate Change has published the report prepared by London Economics which estimates the value of lost load (VoLL) for domestic, small and medium sized businesses and industrial and commercial electricity consumers in Great Britain. VoLL […]

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A European Single Point of Contact

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:European Parliament
Published: July, 2013

This research study for the European Parliament discusses the features and value added of a European single point of contact. The large number of European level online services combined with an extensive range of services at national level generates complexity in identification of the most appropriate services, and in understanding their different competencies. Such complexity […]

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Study on the Impact of Directive 2007/64/EC on Payment Services in the Internal Market and on the Application of Regulation (EC) No. 924/2009 on Cross-border Payments in the Community

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: July, 2013

The study, undertaken with iff and PaySys, examines the effects of Directive 2007/64/EC on payment services in the internal market (PSD) and Regulation (EC) No 924/2009 on fees and charges for cross-border payments (Regulation 924) and identifies a number of potential amendments to current version of the PSD.  The report is based on four different […]

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A Critical Path to Securing the Future of Higher Education in England

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2013

Following the significant changes to higher education fees and funding arrangements, the IPPR commissioned London Economics to undertake a range of modelling to assess the resource flows occurring between the Exchequer, Higher Education Institutions and students/graduates. Ensuring fiscal neutrality to the Exchequer at all times, the modelling demonstrates the outcomes associated with a reduction in […]

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Levelling the Playing Field in the Single Market

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:European Parliament
Published: June, 2013

The study for the European Parliament shows that the size of the shadow economy in the EU in 2012 is estimated at approximately EUR 2.35 trillion. The shadow economy represents a threat to the Single Market, leads to substantial budgetary difficulties, puts considerable pressure on legitimate businesses, and in long run, limits the potential growth […]

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The Outcomes Associated with the BTEC Route of Degree Level Acquisition

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2013

London Economics’ were commissioned by Pearson to undertake research on role of BTECs in offering pathways into higher education. The analysis was based on Labour Force Survey data over 16 years and assessed the outcomes in university achieved by learners with BTEC qualifications, as well as the outcomes of these learners in the labour market […]

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Implications of the European Commission’s Proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation for Business

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:Information Commissioner’s Office
Published: May, 2013

London Economics undertook a review of the costs and benefits of proposed European data protection policies for UK businesses. The study developed a framework for assessing costs and benefits of the proposed measures, reviewed existing evidence and used a survey of data protection professionals in the UK to quantify the expected impact of the proposals. […]

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Energy Retail Markets Comparability Study

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: May, 2013

The report assesses the trends and position of the UK electricity and gas retail markets relative to comparable jurisdictions in terms of prices, competition and profitability. The study draws on several decades of publicly available data. The main comparator groups are the EU 15 and a selected OECD grouping based on comparability.

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Higher Education Funding in England: Do the Alternatives Add Up?

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2013

Amid questions about the sustainability of the Coalition Government’s reforms to higher education funding in England, a new report from the university think-tank million+ and London Economics, Higher education funding in England: do the alternatives add up? reviews the costs and benefits of two alternative funding proposals that have been put forward. The first alternative […]

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Regional Disparities in GDP Per Capita in the EU After the Financial Crisis

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: May, 2013

This London Economics’ Noteworthy Statistics Briefing investigates the level of regional disparities in per-capita income across the EU27 in 2011 and changes in such disparities following the financial crisis, using the latest data made available by Eurostat.

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The Determinants of University Selection

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: April, 2013

See London Economics’ recent Research Brief on the determinants of university selection. The analysis looks at the role of university name and ranking on selection rates, as well as the value of a university ranking place and graduate employment outcomes.

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The Impact of a Financial Transaction Tax on Corporate and Sovereign Debt

Client:International Regulatory Strategy Group
Published: April, 2013

Commissioned on behalf of the International Regulatory Strategy Group and authored by London Economics, this paper examines the impact of the European Commission’s proposed financial transaction tax (FTT) on corporate and sovereign debt markets. The research quantifies the additional cost the FTT is likely to impose on corporates and sovereigns using debt security markets to […]

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Living Standards in the EU After the Financial Crisis – UK Records Among the Largest Declines

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: April, 2013

This London Economics’ Noteworthy Statistics Briefing investigates the change in living standards across the EU27 following the financial crisis, using the latest data made available by Eurostat. The analysis focuses on two measures of standards of living: the median equivalised disposable income and the severe material deprivation rate.

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The Impact of the EU Financial Transactions Tax on the Real Economy – Analysis of the Impact on Corporate and Sovereign Bonds

Published: April, 2013

This Financial services and capital markets briefs highlights the significance of the proposed EU financial transactions tax (FTT) to the real economy. The FTT rates are small – 0.1% on equities and bonds and 0.01% on derivatives. However, the associated total tax burden may be significant through a number‐of‐transactions effect (as securities are traded frequently) […]

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Are the Changes to Higher Education Funding in England Cost-effective? – Report

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

In association with million+, London Economics published the second Behind the Headlines report today identifying the expected economic costs and benefits associated with the changes to higher education fees and funding that took place in 2012/13. Alongside the full report, a summary of the document is also available.

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Are the Changes to Higher Education Funding in England Cost-effective? – Press Release

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

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A Disaggregated Analysis of the Long Run Impact of Vocational Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake an assessment of the long term effect of vocational education and training on labour market outcomes. We combined information from the Individual Learner Record (ILR) between 2002/03 and 2005/06 on learner attainment, detailed earnings information (between 2003/04 and 2009/10) and employment […]

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The Economic and Societal Benefits of Deriving from the Presence of Hyundai and Kia in Europe

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Hyundai Motor Company
Published: February, 2013

The study highlights the contribution of Hyundai and Kia, two of the most successful car manufacturers operating in Europe, in a number of dimensions, namely: the contribution to employment and GDP; training and development of the labour force; the contribution to European R&D and innovation; the contribution to the development of the automotive supply chain […]

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Secondary Analysis of 24 Waves of PIMS

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: January, 2013

London Economics performed a statistical and econometric analysis of data from 24 waves (6 years) of the UKTI Performance and Impact Monitoring Survey (PIMS). Probit models were fitted to explore the determinants of firm-level outcome measures including financial and qualitative benefits such as improved business performance and productivity. The analysis identified the quality of the […]

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What’s the Value of a UK Degree?

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: January, 2013

In partnership with London Economics, University think-tank million+ publishes a new report “What’s the Value of a UK Degree?”. The report brings together information assessing the rates of return for the Treasury, taxpayers and individuals arising from investment in higher education.

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The Impact of Further Education Learning

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: January, 2013

Based on a survey of 4,000 learners, London Economics assessed both the economic and wider benefits of learning associated with vocational education and training. The report also assessed a number of issues relating to deadweight loss and learners’ perceptions of loans in Further Education.

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Research on EU Product Labelling

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Energy
Published: December, 2012

This study by London Economics, Ipsos MORI and AEA investigated the possibility of creating a product label which provides consumers with information about the environmental lifecycle performance of products (televisions, washing machines and light bulbs). The information may be added to the current EU Energy Efficiency label. Pan-European behavioural experiments  were used in conjunction with […]

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Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A – 2012 Report Part I: Recent Developments

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2012

The study examines recent trends in FDI and capital movements. Overall, the recovery in world-wide FDI witnessed in 2010 continued in 2011, after the sharp decline in the period 2007-09. In 2011, the level of worldwide inward FDI reached €1.1 trillion, increasing by 10.9% from its level in 2010. However, the 2011 level is still […]

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An Exploratory Evaluation of the Next Step Service

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: November, 2012

The Next Step service is a nationally branded careers and skills advice service that is available free to adults in England aged 19 and over irrespective of their prior skills, qualifications and employment status. Since April 2012, Next Step has been rebranded as the National Careers Service. We merged Next Step administrative data with information […]

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Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A – 2012 Report Part I: Recent Developments

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2012

The study examines recent trends in FDI and capital movements. Overall, the recovery in world-wide FDI witnessed in 2010 continued in 2011, after the sharp decline in the period 2007-09. In 2011, the level of worldwide inward FDI reached €1.1 trillion, increasing by 10.9% from its level in 2010. However, the 2011 level is still […]

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Evaluation of the Impact and Cost Effectiveness of UKTI’s Regional Network Support

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: October, 2012

The study examined the impact and efficiency of the delivery of the services provided by UKTI’s regional network. The export support activities of UKTI’s regional teams are delivered by International Trade Advisers (ITAs) under contract, with different set ups being used across the nine English regions. The study explores the drivers of ITAs’ performance by […]

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Economic Impact Assessments of Proposals for Computer Trading

Published: September, 2012

The report provides an evidence-based analysis of a number of proposals targeted at computer trading within financial markets, with some of these measures having been included in the European Commission’s proposal for a revised Directive on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II). These measures include: increasing tick sizes and introducing control by regulators of algorithms, […]

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Socio-economic Impacts – Evaluation of Norwegian Space Programs (with PwC)

Client:Ministry of Trade and Industry (Norway)
Published: 5 July, 2012

An independent socio-economic impact assessment of Norway’s participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) and National Support Funds. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was employed based on EC impact assessment guidelines, established economic principles and international best practice (e.g. UK government HM Treasury’s Green Book). Quantified additive benefits comprise wages/salaries (income tax, value added tax, retailer sales […]

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Evaluation of the Fiscal Stimulus Initiative

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: March, 2012

UKTI’s Fiscal Stimulus Initiative was a programme aimed at facilitating access to opportunities created by fiscal stimulus measures around the world in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008/09. The project evaluated the performance of the programme and the effectiveness of the chosen implementation through consultations with UKTI specialists in the UK and […]

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The Role of Packaging Imagery on Consumer Preferences for Experience Goods – Report

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Published: March, 2012

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Potential Impacts of Stamp Price Increases: Consumer Research

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: February, 2012

Consumer Focus has published the report by London Economics “Potential impacts of stamp price increases: Consumer research”. The study examines how consumers might react to stamp price increases in the context of potential rises following Ofcom’s Royal Mail price control, using an online choice experiment methodology. In particular, we analyse the extent to which consumers […]

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The Impact of State Guarantees on Banks’ Debt Issuing Costs, Lending and Funding Policy

Client:EC DG Economic & Financial Affairs
Published: February, 2012

This study investigates the effectiveness of state guarantee schemes and ad hoc guarantees given to banks over 2008-10. The study analyses the market value of state guarantees as reflected in the costs banks faced in raising funds on wholesale financial markets and whether state guarantees influenced the funding and (ultimately) lending behaviour of banks. The […]

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Funding Debt Advice in the UK – A Proposed Model

Published: January, 2012

The Money Advice Service (MAS) commissioned London Economics to examine how the costs of debt advice work undertaken by MAS could be allocated across a spectrum of creditors, whilst also considering the allocation of the debt advice costs within the current FSA fee blocks. The study concludes that Bank of England data on lending to […]

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The Impact of Competition Interventions on Compliance and Deterrence

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:Office of Fair Trading
Published: December, 2011

The research, which consisted of a survey of more than 500 large companies and 300 SMEs, as well as a small survey of specialist competition advisers in legal firms, estimates that for each abuse of dominance case, 12 potential infringements are deterred; for each cartel case, 28 potential infringements are deterred and for each commercial […]

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Impacts of AA and DLA on Older People in Wales

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Assembly Government
Published: November, 2011

This study draws on official data sources and on stakeholder consultations to review the current take‐up and use of income from two disability related benefits – Attendance Allowance (AA) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – and explores links with the demand for social care.  The research then uses this information to develop projections of the […]

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Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A (mergers and Acquisitions) – Part II

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2011

This report consists of three papers providing analyses of topics relevant to foreign direct investment: bilateral investment treaties, a financial transactions tax and investment screening mechanisms. Bilateral investment treaties An empirical analysis of the influence bilateral investment treaties (BITs) on the pattern of FDI flows in the EU was carried out. A gravity model of […]

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Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A (mergers and Acquisitions) – Part II

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2011

This report consists of three papers providing analyses of topics relevant to foreign direct investment: bilateral investment treaties, a financial transactions tax and investment screening mechanisms. Bilateral investment treaties An empirical analysis of the influence bilateral investment treaties (BITs) on the pattern of FDI flows in the EU was carried out. A gravity model of […]

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Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A (mergers and Acquisitions) – Part I

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2011

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of developments in the fields of direct investment and M&A in 2010-11. This includes a descriptive analysis of inward and outward FDI stocks and flows (including FDI resulting from M&A activity) within the EU and between the EU and third countries, by sector, type of FDI, etc. Major factors […]

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Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A (mergers and Acquisitions) – Part I

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2011

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of developments in the fields of direct investment and M&A in 2010-11. This includes a descriptive analysis of inward and outward FDI stocks and flows (including FDI resulting from M&A activity) within the EU and between the EU and third countries, by sector, type of FDI, etc. Major factors […]

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Estimating the Value of Lost Load (VoLL)

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: November, 2011

This report for Ofgem estimates the Value of Lost Load (VoLL) for domestic and SME, industrial and commercial (I&C), and electricity producing gas consumers. VoLL represents the value that gas users attribute to security of gas supply and the estimates could be used to provide a price signal about the adequate level of security of […]

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Economic Benefits of an Internet Domain for Wales

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: November, 2011

The report forms part of a 2-part study focused on the potential economic benefits that would arise from the introduction of sub-national, geographically specific top-level domains (“geo-TLDs”) in London and Wales. The study explores the transmission channels for possible economic costs and benefits based on a review of current research, a consultation with industry associations, […]

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McDonald’s Economic Footprint in Europe

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: November, 2011

This report examines McDonald’s economic footprint in Europe in terms of contribution to GDP growth, raw material sourcing, job creation and business opportunities via its franchising model. The analysis shows that McDonald’s continued to grow throughout the recession of 2007-09 and its growth has consistently exceeded EU GDP growth as well as the growth of […]

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The Fiscal Impact of the Jackson Proposals: the Case of Employers’ Liability

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Thompson Solicitors
Published: November, 2011

The report estimates the fiscal impact of the Jackson Proposals for the reform of personal injury litigation funding arrangements on revenues and expenditures of government and public bodies. Based on survey data collected during Lord Justice Jackson’s investigation, we estimate the effect of the proposed measures on the volume of cases and the success fees […]

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Impacts of DLA on Working Age People in Wales

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Assembly Government
Published: November, 2011

The UK Government is currently in the process of introducing reforms to Disability Living Allowance (DLA). DLA will be replaced by a similar benefit called Personal Independence Payment (PIP). This study for the Welsh Government aims to assess the potential impacts of the change as they relate to working age adults in Wales. It first […]

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Evaluation of Commercial Services Provided by UKTI Overseas Posts

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Hong Kong Communications Authority
Published: October, 2011

The study investigates 1) the scope for increased cost recovery from the services in support of UK-based exporters offered by UKTI’s overseas posts and 2) the structure of the market for these services, including the existence of synergies between UKTI’s overseas posts and other providers of services to UK exporters, such as consultants, business associations, […]

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Review of Company Surveys of Consumer Willingness to Pay to Reduce the Impacts of Transmission Infrastructure on Visual Amenity

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: October, 2011

In the context of potential measures to reduce the visual amenity impacts of existing transmission infrastructure, this London Economics study for Ofgem provides a critical review of willingness to pay evidence provided to Ofgem by the transmission operators. The first step of the review involved determining a current best practice model for WTP studies assessing […]

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Experimental Study on Non-geographic Calls

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: September, 2011

Ofcom has published the report by London Economics Experimental work on potential interventions in relation to non-geographic calls. The study uses economic experiments to investigate call price transparency for non-geographic phone numbers such as Directory Enquiries and customer support lines, and tests alternative regulatory interventions to improve price transparency to help consumers make more informed […]

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Estimating the Returns to Intermediate and Low Level Vocational Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: September, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake an econometric analysis of the earnings and employment returns to intermediate and low level vocational qualifications. The analysis involved the analysis of information from the Labour Force Survey between 1996 and 2009. The focus of the analysis was on the assessment […]

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The Economics of Cartels: Incentives, Sanctions, Stability, and Effects

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: July, 2011

Damgaard, M.T., Ramada, P., Conlon, G. and Godel, M. Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, doi: 10.1093/jeclap/lpr041

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An Assessment of the Economic Returns Associated with Higher Education Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake an econometric analysis of the returns to higher education qualifications. The analysis involved the forensic replication of some previous research in the area using information from the Labour Force Survey. The focus of the analysis was on the assessment of the […]

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Estimating the Value of Educational Exports for the UK

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed assessment of the value of educational exports to the United Kingdom economy. The analysis consisted of an assessment of the value of higher education tuition fee and non tuition fee expenditure along with the value of research grants and […]

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Study on Consumers’ Postal Practices and Socio-economic Needs in Terms of the Quality and Provision of the Priority Postal Service

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: June, 2011

The study focuses on the postal practices and needs of households and businesses, especially SMEs. The first part of the study examines the extent to which the postal service is important to users, the users’ knowledge of postal products, their current postal practices, their sensitivity to the time it takes for a postal product to […]

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An Assessment of the Long Run Economic Returns Associated Education and Training Using DWP/ILR and HMRC Data

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2011

An assessment of the long run economic returns associated education and training using DWP/ILR and HMRC data

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A Feasibility Study Estimating the Value of Educational Imports from the UK

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed assessment of the value of educational imports from the United Kingdom economy. Where possible, the analysis consisted of an assessment of the value of higher education tuition fee and non tuition fee expenditure along with the value of research […]

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Dynamic Modelling of Transmission Systems: Costs of Seasonal-zonal Transmission Loss Factor Charging and the Impact of Large-scale Offshore Wind

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: June, 2011

2nd forum on Economics of Marine Renewable Energy, HMRC UCC, June 2011.

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Quality of Services and Consumers’ Needs: Recent Evidence from France

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: June, 2011

19th CPDE, CRRI, Jersey, June 2011.

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Digital Radio Switchover: Willingness to Pay and Consumer Behaviour Research

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: April, 2011

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has published the report Digital Radio Switchover: Willingness to Pay and Consumer Behaviour Research by London Economics in association with YouGov. The study assesses consumers’ willingness to pay for the various attributes of digital radio through a choice experiment, and examines consumers’ attitudes towards radio and the costs […]

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Review of Respite Care in Wales

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Assembly Government
Published: 15 March, 2011

This review for the Welsh Assembly Government presents data on the volume and spend on publicly funded respite care services in Wales for both adults and children/young people, reports on consultations with carers, and makes a number of policy recommendations to the Welsh Assembly Government. The recommendations form the basis of a public consultation by […]

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Study on the Costs and Benefits of Different Policy Options for Mortgage Credit

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: March, 2011

The costs and benefits of potential changes in the following four mortgage policy areas are considered in the study, which was published by the European Commission on 31 March 2011: pre-contractual information, the definition of the annual percentage rate of charge, early repayment and responsible lending and borrowing. The approach to assessing the costs and […]

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The Contribution of Insurance Brokers to the UK Economy

Published: March, 2011

The market for insurance products, like many other markets, is characterised by imperfect information by each party to the transaction, significant search costs to find the “best” deal, and asymmetric bargaining power. The report shows that insurance brokers play a key role in the marketplace by identifying the risks faced by clients, reducing insurance distribution […]

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Competition-promoting Consumer Behaviour

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: March, 2011

The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority (DCCA) has published two reports analysing the interactions between consumer behaviour and competition in retail markets; one of which was written by London Economics. The study undertaken by London Economics analyses consumer behaviour during the purchasing processes and is based on a survey of 6,000 Danish consumers. The study […]

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Measuring Consumer Detriment from Postal Quality-Price Misperceptions in France

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: February, 2011

CCRP workshop, Aston University, Birmingham, February 2011.

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Consumer Contracts

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: February, 2011

The OFT has published the market study on problems consumers have with contracts. To inform the market study London Economics in association with YouGov completed a behavioural survey of consumers combined with an economic experiment to investigate the features of contracts that cause most problems for consumers.

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The Functioning of Retail Electricity Markets in the European Union

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:EC DG Health and Consumers
Published: November, 2010

London Economics, in cooperation with Ipsos, IBF Consulting and CRIOC, were commissioned by the EC DG Health and Consumers (SANCO) to examine the functioning of retail electricity markets in the European Union. Based on consumer surveys, stakeholder surveys and mystery shopping exercises carried out in the 27 Member States, the study shows that, although consumers […]

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Understanding the Impact of MiFID in the Context of National and Global Regulatory Innovations

Client:City of London Corporation
Published: October, 2010

Since its EU-wide implementation in November 2007, MiFID has significantly modified the environment and structure of secondary market equity trading in Europe. For this research, London Economics conducted empirical analysis and stakeholder interviews to clarify whether as a result of MiFID: the expected benefits on the integration of EU financial markets have materialised; whether national […]

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Small Business Cost of Capital

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: October, 2010

This report estimates the cost of capital for small independent gas transport (IGT)companies. The report was submitted to Ofgem as part of their consultation on the cost of capital for the legacy IGT sector in the UK as part of their normal 5-year review. London Economics has estimated the weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) for […]

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Returns to BTEC Vocational Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: October, 2010

London Economics were commissioned by Pearson to undertake a detailed analysis of the earnings and employment effects associated with BTEC Qualifications. The analysis made use of information from 56 merged Labour Force Survey data sets to allow for an analysis of the marginal earnings and employment returns associated with these qualifications. The analysis also combined information […]

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Fostering Allowances and a Fees Framework for Foster Carers in Wales

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Assembly Government
Published: October, 2010

This research, by LE Wales and the Hadley Centre for Adoption and Foster Care Studies, was commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government. The aim of the research was to provide a more defined methodology to estimate the costs to foster parents of bringing up a fostered child to be used as a basis for setting […]

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A Graduate Tax: Would It Work?

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: September, 2010

London Economics were commissioned by million+ to consider the options surrounding a graduate tax as an alternative to the current system of fees and loans available to students. The analysis illustrated that a 1% graduate levy on earnings in excess of £15,000 achieved a cost-neutral impact for students/graduates, institutions and the Exchequer compared to current […]

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Consumer Switching Experimental Economics Research

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: September, 2010

This study completed for Ofcom reports the results of an economic experiment that investigates different features of switching processes for consumers in the market for communication services. The economic experiment tests the impact of two main forms of switching process, Gaining Provider Led Processes (GPLPs) and Losing Provider Led Processes (LPLPs) on a set of […]

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Economic and Social Impact of Software and Software-based Services (SSBS)

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: August, 2010

The study evaluates the potential economic and social impact of software-based services in the EU and identifies the drivers of growth and competitiveness of the sector, the current barriers limiting the sector’s development, the policy actions needed to remove those barriers, and the economic and social impact of such actions.  

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Evaluation of UK Trade & Investment’s Global Entrepreneur Programme

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: July, 2010

London Economics was commissioned by UKT Trade & Investment to evaluate its Global Entrepreneur Programme (GEP). The GEP is underpinned by the view that entrepreneurs look beyond national borders for the most attractive sources of capital, talent, guidance and access to markets. The key objectives of the programme include attracting entrepreneur led, early stage high […]

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Study on the Economic Benefits of Privacy-enhancing Technologies (PETs)

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:EC DG Freedom, Security and Justice
Published: July, 2010

This report for the European Commission’s DG Freedom, Security and Justice investigates the economic benefits of privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) for data controllers, with a particular focus on SMEs. Based on consultations with data protection authorities in 12 Member States, as well as on a large-scale survey of businesses and a number of case studies detailing […]

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Modelling Student Support Arrangements As Part of the Browne Review of Higher Education

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2010

London Economics were commissioned by the Open University to undertake some detailed financial modeling of the fees and students support arrangements facing part-time students ahead of the Browne Review of higher education. The analysis illustrated the impact of a number of different fee assumptions and approaches to the funding of part time students to illustrate […]

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Study Analysing Possible Changes in the Minimum Rates and Structures of Excise Duties on Alcoholic Beverages

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Taxation and Customs Union
Published: May, 2010

This report for EC DG Taxation and Customs Union considers the arguments and evidence, for and against changes to the existing minimum duty rates for alcoholic beverages that apply across all EU Member States.  The overarching objective of the study is to examine whether the current structures of alcohol taxation and the minimum rates laid […]

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The Economic Evidence on the Barriers Faced by Lone Parents in Wales in Accessing Employment and Training

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: May, 2010

This research for the Welsh Assembly Government aims to study the relative importance of the various choices and constraints faced by lone parents in Wales and to establish a comprehensive list of the barriers faced by lone parents who wish to access work or learning.  

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The Impact of Price Frames on Consumer Decision Making

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: May, 2010

London Economics was comissioned by the Office of Fair Trading to undertake a behavioural economics study into how different price frames may impact upon consumer behaviour. The study uses experimental economics to test if consumers incur behavioural biases under five common pricing practices used by firms, including drip pricing and “3 for 2” offers. The […]

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Economic Feasibility of Coupling Offshore with Large-scale Storage Hydro in Ireland – A Preliminary Investigation

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: April, 2010

Economics of Ocean and Marine Energy Symposium, UCC, HMRC, April 21, 2010.

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UK Space Exploration Review Economic Analysis

Client:LE Presentation
Published: April, 2010

EC-ESA Workshop on Exploration and Innovation, Industrial Competitiveness and Technological Advance, Oxfordshire, UK, April 29-30, 2010

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Model of Estate Costs (MEC)

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: March, 2010

London Economics were commissioned by AUDE (University Association of Directors of Estate) to update and restructure the previous model of the non-residential estate costs. The new model, the Model of Estate Costs (MEC) allows the estimation of annualised financial costs for different types of freehold, leasehold and licence non-residential estate (teaching, research, etc) and of […]

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An Independent Review of the Evidence Base for UKTI’s Support for Firms in High Growth Markets

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: February, 2010

A study undertaken to review the rationale for supporting UK firms into high growth markets, incorporating an impact evaluation of UKTI’s pilot High Growth Market Programme.

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Statistical Investigation of Needs Proxies

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Independent Commission on Funding and Finance for Wales
Published: 2010

This research was undertaken for the Independent Commission on Funding and Finance for Wales (the ‘Holtham Commission’). Using the funding allocation mechanisms for health, local government and schools in England, the research shows that it is possible to replicate these funding outcomes with a high degree of accuracy by using much simpler needs-based formulae. The […]

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Estimating the Impact of Access Conditions on Service Quality in Post

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: 2010

In this Working Paper, London Economics uses data on the speed of delivery for international letter post to estimate the impact of access conditions on quality in the postal sector.

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Estimating the Price Elasticity of Demand for School Meals

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 2010

London Economics were commissioned by the School Food Trust to undertake an analysis of the relationship between the price charged for school meals and take up. The analysis involved an assessment of the academic literature relating to the elasticity of demand for food and food product with respect to price and income; an analysis of […]

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Evaluation of the Impact of the HM Prison Service Enhanced Thinking Skills Programme on Reoffending Outcomes of the Surveying Prisoner Crime Reduction (SPCR) Sample

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Ministry of Justice (UK)
Published: 2010

London Economics undertook an evaluation of the impact of a cognitive-behavioural offending behaviour programme (Enhanced Thinking Skills, or ETS) on the reconviction outcomes of treated prisoners. By combining new data collected as part of the SPCR survey and existing management information for the first time, the causal treatment effect (average treatment effect on the treated, […]

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An Economic Study on Patent Backlogs and a System of Mutual Recognition

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: January, 2010

IPO conference, London, March 10, 2010.

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Study on Consumer Detriment in the Area of Dynamic Packages

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Health and Consumers
Published: November, 2009

In a report published by EC DG Health and Consumers, London Economics has estimated consumer detriment in EU-27 in the area of ‘dynamic travel packages’. A ‘dynamic package’ is a holiday package where different tourist services (flights, car rental, accommodation, excursions etc.) are put together at the same time to fit the specifications of a […]

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Why PETs? Stakeholder Views and Economic Considerations

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: November, 2009

European Commission, Brussels, November 12, 2009

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Evaluation of a Sample of OFT’s Consumer Enforcement Cases

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Office of Fair Trading
Published: October, 2009

This study for the Office of Fair Trading reviews the effectiveness of six past consumer protection interventions by the OFT. The project carried out six case studies and in each case it identified the sources of consumer detriment and evaluated the reduction in consumer detriment attributable to the interventions of the OFT. The six cases […]

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The Importance of Wholesale Financial Services to the EU Economy 2009

Client:City of London Corporation
Published: September, 2009

This report investigates the role, structure and importance of wholesale financial services in the European Union. The specific topic for this year’s report is the EU’s wholesale finance market and its various competitors under a range of differing scenarios, such as changing demographics, the rise of Asia and emerging market economies, the impact of regulation […]

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Analysis of the Impact of Raising Private Fee Contributions on Participation in Further Education

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: July, 2009

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed econometric analysis of the impact of raising private fee contributions on participation in Further Education. The analysis was based on the survey of all Further Education Colleges in England, as well as a detailed analysis of the Individual Learner […]

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The Evolution of the High-volume Retail Sector in Europe over the Past 5 Years

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Consultative Commission on Industrial Change
Published: July, 2009

This study aims to provide a complete and detailed insight of the evolution of high-volume retailers (HVR) in the food and clothing sectors in different EU Member States. The main conclusions from the analysis are the following. The number of HVR (firms with more than 5% market share) in the food sector is around 5 […]

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An Exploratory Study into the Effect of a Change in Business Ownership on Employment and Wages

Published: June, 2009

The main aim of this exploratory study is to draw together economic evidence relating to the effect of a change in business ownership upon a range of firm outcomes; with particular focus on employment and wage impacts. The study presents data on changes in business ownership for Wales in comparison to nine other European regions […]

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Estimating the Economic Benefits of Healthy Eating

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2009

The School Food Trust commissioned London Economics to undertake an econometric analysis of the lifetime earnings associated with different levels and types of qualification attainment in the United Kingdom. This study made use of the National Pupil Database as well as the Labour Force Survey to assess the impact of healthy eating in schools at […]

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London Living Wage Benefits Study

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2009

A growing number of organisations have committed to providing the pay and conditions of the London Living Wage to all staff, including contracted support staff. London Economics were appointed by the Greater London Authority (GLA) Economics to undertake an independent study of the social and economic benefits to organisations (both buyer and contractor) and employees […]

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Review of Non-residential Social Care Charges in Wales

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Assembly Government
Published: May, 2009

A report with accompanying baseline assessment, produced by LE Wales for the Welsh Assembly Government, which provides an analysis of local authority charging for non-residential social care services and of the policy options for introducing more consistency in such charging.  

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Extended Schools: Establishing a Baseline Methodology to Estimate the Impact of the Extended School Programme on Attainment

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: January, 2009

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Children, Schools and Families to establish a methodology for the evaluation of the Extended School programme. The analysis involved a detailed analysis of the National Pupil Database and Annual Schools Census, alongside administrative information relating to the Extended Schools initiative from the Training and Development Agency for […]

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The Effectiveness of Competition Policy and the Price-Cost Margin: New Econometric Evidence

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: December, 2008

This paper presents new econometric evidence suggesting that effective competition policy serves to curtail the exercise of market power – countries in which competition policy is judged to be more effective are characterised by lower market price-cost margins, controlling for other factors believed to influence the price-cost margin.

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An Analysis of Teacher Mobility Within the European Union

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:European Parliament
Published: December, 2008

London Economics were commissioned by the European Parliament to undertake an analysis of teacher mobility within the European Union. The study undertakes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of teacher mobility across the European Union Member States where information exists. It explores the relative benefits, costs, strengths and weaknesses of the various mobility programmes. On the […]

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Economic Benefit of the Consultative Committee for Professional Management Organisations (CCPMO)

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: December, 2008

The analysis involved an assessment of the current activities of the CCPMO member organisations, as well as estimating the economic benefit associated with obtaining professional qualifications and membership of professional organisations. The analysis illustrated that the lifetime premium associated with gaining professional qualifications and membership was in the region of £152,000 in today’s money terms. […]

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Analysis of Developments in the Field of Direct Investment and M&A

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2008

This study examines first the developments in international capital flows, especially FDI, in 2007. Next, as a special topic, it undertakes an in-depth quantitative analysis of the difference in economic performance between domestically-owned and foreign-owned business in Europe. The performance indicators used in the analysis are turnover, employment and profitability in levels and over the […]

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Evaluation of the CAP Policy on Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI)

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Agriculture
Published: November, 2008

The study is based on two elements. A descriptive part provides a detailed analysis of the development of the Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) schemes over the course of the evaluation period, including the regulatory framework and the implementation mechanism underpinning the schemes. The second part of the project focuses […]

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Analysis of Developments in the Field of Direct Investment and M&A

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2008

This study examines first the developments in international capital flows, especially FDI, in 2007. Next, as a special topic, it undertakes an in-depth quantitative analysis of the difference in economic performance between domestically-owned and foreign-owned business in Europe. The performance indicators used in the analysis are turnover, employment and profitability in levels and over the […]

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An Evaluation of the Tradeshow Access Programme

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: September, 2008

The key objectives of the evaluation were to 1) clarify the economic rationale for government support for trade fairs, and use this to determine the appropriate intervention model for TAP;  2) assess how and whether TAP meets its programme targets, for different groups (i.e. sponsors and participants) and in different markets; 3) separately determine the […]

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Impact Evaluation of the Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP)

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: September, 2008

London Economics was commissioned in August 2007 to undertake an impact evaluation of the Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP). The evaluation research involved a firm survey, a stakeholder consultation and a detailed quantitative and econometric analysis of programme impact and additionality. These research strands were then used to formulate a benefit-cost analysis, identify an economic rationale […]

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Study on the Role and Regulation of Non-credit Institutions in EU Mortgage Markets

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: September, 2008

This study analyses non-credit institutions in EU Member State mortgage markets. The study identifies Member States where non-credit institutions are allowed to provide mortgage credit; provides information on the regulation and supervision of these undertakings; the funding techniques non-credit institutions are allowed to use; the size of the mortgage lending activities of non-credit institutions, both […]

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2008 SMG Model

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: August, 2008

The Model, with updated parameters, allows HEIs to compute their own estimates of the sustainable and total estate provisions using either a range of default input values or their own institution-specific information and assumptions. The Model is accompanied by a User Guide. The cost model allows users to calculate both the cost of maintaining the […]

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The Importance of Wholesale Financial Services to the EU Economy 2008

Published: July, 2008

This report investigates the role, structure and importance of wholesale financial services in the European Union. The specific topic for this year’s report is the EU’s wholesale finance market and its various competitors under a range of differing scenarios, such as changing demographics, the rise of Asia and emerging market economies, the impact of regulation […]

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Impact Assessment for Proposed Changes to UK Copyright Law

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:UK Intellectual Property Office
Published: June, 2008

London Economics was commissioned by the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK-IPO) to provide an impact assessment of four different options for the revision of the current conditions for exemption from payment of music licensing fees for the public performance of musical work. The impact assessment sought to understand, and where possible quantify, the likely costs […]

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Assessing Current and Potential Provision of Free School Meals

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2008

London Economics were commissioned by the School Food Trust to undertake a forensic analysis of the number (and proportion) of school children in England eligible for Free School Meals (not just those registered). The research was based on information from the Labour Force Survey, General Household Survey and Family Resources Survey. The findings illustrated that […]

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Analysis of the Regulatory Environment Facing the Owners of London Heathrow

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:London First
Published: June, 2008

London Economics recently completed an analysis of the regulatory environment facing the owners of London Heathrow on behalf of London First. The report was launched by the Secretary of State for Transport – Ruth Kelly – on the 25th June 2008.

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Estimation of the Net Cost of Fulfilling Universal Service Obligations in the Telecoms Sector

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Economic Brief
Published: May, 2008

This LE Economic Brief describes London Economics’ estimation of the net cost of the Universal Service Obligation in Ireland.

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Modelling EU Electricity Market Competition Using the Residual Supply Index

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: May, 2008

This LE Working Paper reports on research undertaken by LE and others for the European Commission inquiry into the state of competition in the EU’s electricity markets. It also presents new analysis on the economic foundations of the Residual Supply Index as a market structure variable.  From 2005 to 2007

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Review of Data Relating to Those Eligible to Teach Mathematics or Science

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2008

London Economics were commissioned by the Training and Development Agency for Schools to undertake an assessment of the centrally held Teacher Information Line data to better understand the supply of eligible teachers in maths and science. The work involves the detailed assessment of the TIL data alongside a primary analysis of the Labour Force Survey […]

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Estimating the Impact of Price Regulation on Quality of Service in Post

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: May, 2008

16th CPDE, Portugal, May 2008.

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Economic Impacts of Increased Flexibility and Liberalisation in European Spectrum Management

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: April, 2008

London Economics was commissioned by a group of European communications sector companies to carry out an independent review of the available evidence examining the costs and benefits of greater flexibility in the use of radio spectrum. This report sets out the findings of that review and is based on existing studies that examine the actual […]

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Interim Evaluation of Welsh Medium Teaching Schemes

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: April, 2008

This interim evaluation was undertaken by LE Wales and Dateb for the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW). The main objective was to assess the extent to which the Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme and the Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship Scheme had been successful to date and to identify any lessons about their operation that might be […]

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Study on the Impact of Co-operative Groups on the Competitiveness of Their Craft and Small Enterprise Members

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: January, 2008

London Economics were commissioned by EC DG Enterprise and Industry to undertake an in-depth study on the impact of co-operative groups on the competitiveness of their craft and small enterprise members. The analysis undertaken was based on extensive identification of both co-operatives and their members across the European Union; primary data collection of information on […]

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An Analysis of Higher Education Student Finance Regimes in the United Kingdom

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: November, 2007

London Economics were commissioned by Million+ to undertake an analysis of higher education funding and student funding regimes ahead of the parliamentary review taking place in 2009. The analysis involved modelling the current student support arrangements in relation to HEFCE resource allocation and current student support arrangements (maintenance grants and loans and tuition fees and […]

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Determinants of Prices and Margins in the EU’s Major Electricity Markets

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: October, 2007

European Global Energy Symposium, Lisbon, October 9, 2007.

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An Economic Impact Analysis for the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC)

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: September, 2007

London Economics recently undertook an economic impact analysis for the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC). This analysis assessed the impact of hosting major cricket matches at Lord’s on the local and London economies.

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Consolidation in Electricity Markets in CEE: The Case of Hungary

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: July, 2007

Gas and Power in Central & Eastern Europe Conference, Vienna, July 5-6, 2007.

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Gaming in the EU – The Case for State Lotteries

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: May, 2007

4th Congress of the European State Lottery and Toto Association, Budapest, May 21-24, 2007.

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Impact Assessment Relating to the Economic and Governance Evolution of Space in Europe

Client:EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: April, 2007

London Economics were one of the contributors to this RPA led study for the European Commission’s DG Enterprise & Industry. The research reviewed the market for space and space related services, including the development of a number of demand scenarios, and also reviewed the roles of the key public sector actors and undertook an analysis […]

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Review of Statistical Planning Issues Underlying Welsh Medium Initial Teacher Training

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: March, 2007

LE Wales advised the Welsh Assembly Government on an approach to modelling the supply and demand of initial teacher training (ITT) places for Welsh medium teachers as a contribution to the Assembly Government’s work on ITT intake planning. We also advised on appropriate data sources and on a definition of what constitutes a Welsh medium […]

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Structure and Performance of Six European Wholesale Electricity Markets in 2003, 2004, and 2005

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:EC DG Competition
Published: February, 2007

The report provides an in-depth assessment of the electricity wholesale markets in Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain with a view to determining how competitive markets were in 2003, 2004 and 2005. The report provides summary key results for traditional market structural indicators, electricity-specific measures of market structure and market outcome measures. […]

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Investment and the Regulatory Framework

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:Hong Kong Communications Authority
Published: November, 2006

IDATE Foundation Seminar “Reviewing the Review”, Montpellier, November 14, 2006.

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Impact Assessment of Implementing the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:LE Economic Brief
Published: November, 2006

This Economic Bried reports on an econometric assessment London Economics has carried out of the likely trade impacts of adoption of the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).

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The Impact of the Regulatory Framework on Investment Across the EU

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: October, 2006

Conference: Improving the Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications: Challenges for the Next Decade organised by CBKE (Uniwersity of Wrocław), CIL (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), WIK, and under the auspices of the Polish regulator UKE, University of Wroclaw, October 18-20, 2006.

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Research into Payment Protection Insurance in the UK

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Office of Fair Trading
Published: October, 2006

The report reviews the relevant payment protection insurance market and analyses those characteristics of the market that may be limiting competition and giving rise to consumer detriment. The report also identifies a series of additional data that would be desirable to obtain to further the analysis of the sector.

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The Case for State Lotteries

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:European Lotteries and Toto Association
Published: September, 2006

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the gaming market in the EU25 and assesses the likely impact of full liberalisation of gaming activities on lotteries and good causes funded by lotteries. The report also reviews the wider socio-economic effects of gaming.

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Study on the Economic Impact of Auditors’ Liability Regimes

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: September, 2006

This study focuses on the market for statutory audits of large companies in Europe. It reviews first the state of the international market for audit firms in the EU. Next, it examines the insurance market for statutory audits. It then examines the likely short-run and long-run effects of the possible disappearance of one or more of […]

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Evaluating the Cumulative Impact of Safety, Health and Environmental Regulation on the UK Industrial Coatings, Aerosols and Speciality Chemicals Sectors

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: August, 2006

This report provides estimates of the cost of compliance with current safety, health and environmental regulations in excess of the minimum costs necessary to ensure current levels of protection, describes the perceived benefits of these regulations and sets out a number of proposals for reducing the cost of compliance with the current regulations while maintaining […]

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The EU Car Market Under the New BER

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:EC DG Competition
Published: July, 2006

This Brief summarises our report for DG Competition and reviews market developments in automotive retailing and after-sales sectors following the entry into force of the Regulation No. 1400/2002 (the Block Exemption Regulation or, simply BER), the new EC regulation covering distribution and after sales services of new motor vehicles in the EU.

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E-communications Investment in the EU

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Economic Brief
Published: July, 2006

This Brief summarises research undertaken by London Economics for the European Commission. The research provides first data on investments in the electronic communications markets in the EU Member States and analyses sources of differences across Member States, sectors and competitors (incumbent versus new entrants). It also provides a comparative analysis of growth of the electronic […]

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An Assessment of the Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications – Growth and Investment in the EU E-Communications Sector

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:EC DG Information Society
Published: July, 2006

The study provides first data on investments in the electronic communications markets in the EU Member States and analyses sources of differences across Member States, sectors and competitors (incumbent versus new entrants).  Next, provides a comparative analysis of growth of the electronic communications sector in the EU and in other main geographical markets.  Finally, it […]

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Developments in Car Retailing and After-sales Markets Under Regulation 1400/2002

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:EC DG Competition
Published: June, 2006

This report reviews market developments in automotive retailing and after-sales sectors following the entry into force of the Regulation No. 1400/2002 (the Block Exemption Regulation or, simply BER), the new EC regulation covering distribution and after sales services of new motor vehicles in the EU. The report focuses on the competition implications of the new […]

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The Costs of Welsh Medium Provision in Higher Education Institutions

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2006

In 2005, London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) to undertake a study to determine in detail the additional costs that can be associated with delivery of courses and modules through the medium of Welsh. Our final report was presented to a sector seminar in September 2006 and HEFCW […]

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Impact Assessment of Implementing GHS (Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) – Trade Effects

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: May, 2006

In July 2003, the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) was formally adopted by the UN ECOSOC. Its aim is to bring together the major world classification and labelling (C&L) systems of chemicals (substances and preparations/mixtures) into a single new system. This part of the impact assessment provides empirical evidence on […]

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Impact of the Regulatory Framework on Investment Across Europe – an Update

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: May, 2006

Münchner Kreis Conference – “The Effectiveness of Electronic Communications Sector Regulation in Europe”, Brussels, May 7, 2007.

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Making the Best Use of Resources

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2006

“Returns to various types of investment in education and training” in Brussels, Belgium. May 22-23, 2006.

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Study to Inform the Policy Review of the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs
Published: April, 2006

This study undertaken assesses the costs and benefits of completed and current projects funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund Programme during the period 2004 to 2007. It also aims to investigate whether continued funding after 2007 would provide value for money and, if so, what activities should be funded.

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Evaluation of the National Top-Up to the EU School Milk Subsidy in England

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: December, 2005

The report addresses the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the scheme; assesses the rationale for the National Top-Up scheme, including its suitability as a policy instrument for the consumption of milk by children in England; examines the effectiveness of the scheme in achieving its intended outcomes, giving consideration to the level and pattern of take-up […]

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Study on the Returns to Various Types of Investment in Education and Training

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:EC DG Education Arts and Culture
Published: December, 2005

London Economics were commissioned to undertake a large-scale project for the EU Directorate General for Education, Arts and Culture on the rates of returns to the investment necessary to achieve the Lisbon educational targets using the European Labour Force Survey. The study computed the private and social costs of achieving the Lisbon targets for different […]

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The Costs and Benefits of Integration of EU Mortgage Markets

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: August, 2005

London Economics was commissioned by the European Commission – DG Internal Market and Services to study the costs and benefits of new initiatives that would lead to the full integration of markets for residential mortgages and home loans in the 25 EU Member States. The report estimates these costs and benefits and also assesses the […]

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Rescue and Restructuring State Aid

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: August, 2005

This Workign Paper examines the survival of companies having received rescue or restructuring State aid in the EU. The analysis is based on a newly constructed dataset on the awards of State aid that were approved individually by the Commission between 1995 and 2003.

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Estimation of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Quality of Service in Post

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: June, 2005

13th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics in Antwerp, Belgium. June 1-4, 2005.

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The Cost Of Space

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: March, 2005

This report provides a methodology to calculate and benchmark the total cost of any higher education institution’s (HEI’s) non-residential estate in the UK.  

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Drivers of the Size of the HE Estate

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: March, 2005

he report develops an estate size benchmarking tool that is based on a statistically estimated relationship between the size of the non-residential estate and a number of drivers such as income, location, characteristics of the estate and composition of the student body.

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A Review of the All-Island Financial Services Sector

Client:InterTrade Ireland
Published: November, 2004

This report for InterTradeIreland provides an analysis of the size, scale, employment and earnings of the sector in Northern Ireland, Ireland, and in the island as a whole. It also assesses the extent of cross-border trade in financial services and the significance of perceived barriers to cross-border trade. Finally, the report examines the options to […]

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Structure and Functioning of the Electricity Market in Belgium in a European Perspective

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: October, 2004

London Economics was commissioned by the General Council of the “Commission fédérale de Régulation de l’Electricité et du Gaz” (CREG) to analyse whether, and to what extent, the current federal regulation makes the markets for production, trading and supply of electricity competitive or potentially competitive and, if not, what remedies could be implemented. The report […]

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The Impact of Size-based Pricing on Mail Users

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: July, 2004

This report presents the results of London Economics’ study for Postwatch concerning the impact of the change to size based pricing (SBP) proposed by Royal Mail in August 2003. The proposal represents a major change to Royal Mail’s pricing structure and would affect most postal users to varying degrees. The proposed price changes vary greatly […]

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Empirical Analysis of Further Liberalisation in Norway

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: June, 2004

12th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics. Cork, Ireland. June 2-5, 2004.

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Assessing the Key Economic Drivers for Change in the Current Business Climate

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: June, 2004

European Outsourcing Association’s Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. June 9-10, 2004.

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An Empirical Examination of the Theory and Practice of How to Set X

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: June, 2004

This Working Paper examines the setting of the X-factor in price cap regulation. We show the US-style productivity-offset  X relies on assumptions that are unlikely to hold empirically. We propose a more direct X, where X equals the forecast of TFP growth less the difference between industry input and consumer price growth.

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Ex-post Evaluation of the Impact of Rescue and Restructuring Aid on the International Competitiveness of the Sector(s) Affected by Such Aid

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: June, 2004

London Economics was commissioned by the European Commission – DG Enterprise to evaluate the impact of rescue and restructuring aid on the international competitiveness on the sectors affected by such aid. This ex-post evaluation focuses on the survival of companies having received rescue and/or restructuring State aid, the social and economic effects of such aid […]

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Internet Use by Businesses in Old and New EU Member Countries

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: April, 2004

TIGER Conference The New Economy and Post-Socialist Transition. Warsaw, April 10-11, 2004.

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Wealth Creation from Science, Engineering and Technology

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: March, 2004

The Engineering and Technology Board commissioned London Economics to undertake a study of the contribution of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) to the wealth and quality of life in the United Kingdom. We use two approaches in estimating the contribution of SET in the economy: the contribution of those sectors of the economy that employed […]

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Overview of EU25 Securities Trading, Clearing, Central Counterparties, and Securities Settlement

Client:EC DG Competition
Published: February, 2004

The report for the European Commission – DG Competition provides a pan-European overview of trading, clearing and central counterparties, settlement, and custody, of equity, corporate and government bonds, and the related infrastructures (exchanges, clearing institutions and central counterparties, central securities depositories and international central securities depositories at primary level and international central securities depositories and […]

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Investigation of the Determinants of Farm-retail Price Spreads

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs
Published: February, 2004

London Economics was commissioned by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to undertake an econometric analysis of the factors that have affected the spreads between farm gate prices and retail prices. According to the terms of reference of the project, the study was to focus on developments in the United Kingdom and […]

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Statistical Inference in Merger Analysis

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: 2004

In the context of merger analysis, statistical inference is often used in the guise of a hypothesis test, where the test is on whether the merger will be harmful to consumers (and/or possibly to other competitors). The aim of this Working Paper is to review the methodological choices regarding the use of statistical inference. We […]

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Study of the Consequences of Further Liberalisation of the Postal Market in Norway

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:Ministry of Transport and Communications of Norway
Published: December, 2003

This Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications provides consultancy advice on the consequences of further liberalisation of the postal market in Norway. The study evaluates the impact of postal liberalisation, based on qualitative analysis and quantitative modelling. Under each of the models, we assess the impacts on liberation across various scenarios, ranging […]

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London and Foreign Direct Inward Investment

Published: November, 2003

London Economics was commissioned by Greater London Authority (GLA) Economics to undertake a study on how London as a world city contributes to attract foreign direct inward investment (FDI) into the United Kingdom, and the risks to London’s attractiveness for FDI in the future. The report reviews recent trends in direct foreign inward investment into […]

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PR04 Scope for Efficiency Studies

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: November, 2003

This report for OFWAT provides an assessment of the scope for future operating and capital efficiency in the water and sewerage industries by using both a “top-down” and “bottom-up” approach. The top-down approach assesses the scope for future efficiency improvements by analysing past productivity trends in the water and sewerage industries and by undertaking a […]

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Financial Markets and the Funding of Enterprises in the European Union: What Future?

Client:European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions
Published: July, 2003

This report uses scenarios to explore the future landscape of the financial services industry in the European Union. The question posed is whether the structure of business finance will shift towards greater reliance on capital markets, equity and bonds, and away from bank finance. After reviewing the key factors that drove change in the nineties, […]

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ICT and GDP Growth in the United Kingdom: A Sectoral Analysis

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:CISCO Systems
Published: April, 2003

This report for Cisco Systems quantifies the contribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to output and labour productivity growth for twelve sectors of the UK. By using growth accounting methods, this study shows that the contribution of ICT to economic performance is substantial for most of the UK sectors.

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ICT Investment and Productivity in the UK: a Regional Assessment

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:LE Economic Brief
Published: April, 2003

This Brief summarises our research for Cisco Systems which quantifies the contribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to output and labour productivity growth for twelve sectors of the UK. By using growth accounting methods, this study shows that the contribution of ICT to economic performance is substantial for most of the UK sectors.

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Assessment of Restrictions in the Supply of Professional Services

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: March, 2003

The London Economics/Indecon report analyses competition and restrictions in eight professions in 3 sectors: engineers and architects, medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dentists and optometrists in the medical sector and solicitors and barristers in the legal sector. The report notes that three types of restrictions are common across the eight professions. These are restrictions on entry […]

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A Production Model of Service Quality at An Post

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Presentation
Published: 2003

“A Production Model of Service Quality at An Post”. Paper presented at the 11th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics. Toledo, Spain. June 4-7, 2003.

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Study on a Methodology for Identifying Sectors with Serious Structural Problems

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:EC DG Competition
Published: December, 2002

London Economics was commissioned by DG Competition state aid II to develop a general methodology to be used by EC officials to draw up an initial “List of sectors” where serious structural problems prevail. In the report we set out an analytical framework that reviews various aspects (sales, output, employment) of an industry when the […]

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Quantification of the Macro-Economic Impact of Integration of EU Financial Markets

Published: November, 2002

“Financial Market Integration and Economic Growth: Quantifying the Effects”. European Commission. Brussels, Belgium. 19 February, 2003.

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Quantification of the Macro-Economic Impact of Integration of EU Financial Markets – Executive Summary

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2002

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European Integration and Productivity: Exploring the Gains of the Single Market

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: May, 2002

This paper uses a variety of panel data techniques to argue that the European Single Market Programme significantly increased productivity in a number of European countries. In particular, as a result of the Programme, industry productivity increased considerably in 1992 and 1993 in France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and in the UK.

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OLS and Instrumental Variable Price Elasticity Estimates for Water in Mixed-Effect Models Under a Multipart Tariff Structure

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: April, 2002

A mixed-effects residential demand model for potable water is developed using a longitudinal data set constructed for the analysis. The data set comprises of 1,065 households from the Sydney Metropolitan and Wollongong areas, covering sixteen quarters from 1990 to 1994. The purpose of developing the demand model is to use it as a base model […]

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Assessment of the Benefits of Universal Postal Service to Consignia

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: March, 2002

The report for Postwatch evaluates and quantifies the benefits of Consignia’s (Royal Mail) Universal Service Obligation (USO). The study reports the results of the application of a general economic model using pricing and production decisions by a multi-product monopolist to the postal sector. The methodology employed uses demand and supply side models and techniques to […]

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An Experimental Test of Design Alternatives for the British 3G / UMTS Auction

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:LE Working Paper
Published: January, 2002

In spring 2000, the British government auctioned off licences for Third Generation mobile telecommunications services. In the preparation of the auction, two designs involving each a hybrid of an English and a sealed-bid auction were suggested by the government: a discriminatory and a uniform price variant. We report an experiment on these two designs, and […]

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Investigating the Use of Regional Economic Forecasting Models in Wales

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Assembly Government
Published: January, 2002

The report for Future Skills Wales reviews the economic forecasts and forecast models used by Education and Learning Wales (ELWa) and its partners, sets out a number of recommendations on how greater benefits could be derived from the forecasting-related activities, and examines how regional data and regional forecasts can be used in a skills’ gap […]

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Polarisation and Financial Services Intermediary Regulation

Published: July, 2000

The report to the FSA studies the economic effects of a range of possible options for changes to the polarisation regime.

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Real Options: Valuing Nuclear Generation with the Option to Shut Down

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: 1999

Bridge Strategy Quarterly, Fall 1999. Swinand, G. and Swinand, P.

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The Economic and Societal Contribution of Hyundai and Kia in Europe – October 2017

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Hyundai Motor Company
Published: 23 October 2017

This report provides a quantification of the economic and societal benefits deriving from the presence of Hyundai and Kia in Europe. The report draws on the most up-to-date data on the operations of Hyundai and Kia in Europe, as well as official and industry data sources. The focus of the report is on the direct […]

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Launch of Centre for Vocational Education Research – 24 March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: 24 March,

London Economics are delighted to be announced as a co-contributor to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills funded Centre for Vocational Education Research. Download details of the launch of the event here.

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Size and Health of the UK Space Industry 2018

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 2019

The UK Space Agency commissioned LE for the third time to update the government’s reference analysis on the UK space industry, including various breakdowns of turnover by satellite type, value chain segment and region. The 2018 edition of the study also included overviews on Gross Value Added (GVA) and employment throughout the UK space industry […]

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