Tag Archives: modelling

LE Europe HE Fees and Funding Options in Ireland

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 4 May, 2022

London Economics’ sister company, LE Europe, as part of the AARC Consortium (incorporating AARC, LE Europe and Indecon) were commissioned by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) to provide an analysis of the sustainability of higher education (HE) and further education and training (FET) in Ireland. The project’s general objective was […]

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Consultancy Research in the UK Maritime Technology Sector – November 2021

Sector:UK Government.
Client:Department for Transport
Published: 11 November, 2021

The consortium, composed of London Economics (lead) and NLA International (NLAI), was commissioned by Maritime Research and Innovation UK (MarRI-UK) to undertake economic research to inform the Department for Transport (DfT) approach to supporting the smart shipping industry in the UK. The research focuses on the UK’s strengths in smart shipping technology and provides economic […]

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The Costs and Benefits of International Higher Education Students to the UK Economy – September 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Higher Education Policy Institute and Universities UK International
Published: 09 September, 2021

With 496,000 international students studying for qualifications at higher education institutions across the United Kingdom – equivalent to 20% of all HE students – international students contribute significantly to the economic and social prosperity of the United Kingdom, both in the short term during their studies as well as in the medium to longer term […]

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HE Funding Threshold Changes – September 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 26 September, 2021

In light of the upcoming Comprehensive Spending Review, London Economics undertook some modelling of higher education fees and funding arrangements. Based on the current system of repayments facing the 2020-21 cohort of undergraduates, we were modelled the resource impact on the Exchequer of a change in the repayment threshold for graduates to ÂŁ23,000. The analysis […]

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The Economic Cost of Providing Potential Refunds to Students During the Covid 19 Pandemic – June 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:LSE and University of Sheffield Students’ Unions
Published: 1 June, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the LSE and University of Sheffield Students’ Unions to undertake a piece of analysis on higher education fees and funding. Underpinned by the significant financial constraints facing higher education institutions as a result of the pandemic, we were tasked with analysing a range of alternative approaches to provide domestic students […]

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The Cost of Amending Repayment Thresholds Alongside Changes in Interest Rate and Loan Repayment Period – June 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Higher Education Policy Institute
Published: 10 June, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute to undertake some modelling of higher education fees and funding arrangements. Based on the current system of repayments facing the 2020-21 cohort of undergraduates, we were asked to model the resource impact on the Exchequer of the removal of real interest rates, the possible extension […]

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Use of Additional Funding for Social Care – March 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Government
Published: 31 March, 2021

The Welsh Government commissioned LE Wales to assess the potential impacts of a number of policy options for the use of additional funding raised from a potential levy or alternative. The proposed options assessed by LE Wales include three options for offsetting the charges for residential and non-residential adult social care services that are paid […]

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Short to Medium Term Operational and Cost Pressures Affecting Social Care in Wales – March 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Welsh Government
Published: 31 March, 2021

This report presents projections of net current expenditure by local authorities on social care services in Wales for the period 2018/19 to 2022/23. The projections cover social care services for different age groups (children, working age adults and older people) and consider net expenditure (i.e. excluding income from clients and other sources) for a number […]

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Lost Learning, Lost Earnings – October 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:The Sutton Trust
Published: 1 October, 2020

London Economics were commissioned by the Sutton Trust to assess the economic impact of school closures and subsequent learning loss. This study combines an analysis of the Labour Force Survey, the lost learning due to school closures between March and July 2020, and the unequal experiences depending on socio-economic background to estimate the potential impact […]

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Counting the Cost of the Augar Review – July 2019

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 2 July, 2019

Following the publication of the Augur Review in May 2019, London Economics undertook a detailed analysis of the Review’s core recommendations for higher education funding on the Treasury, universities, students and graduates. Focusing on the resource flows associated with the 2018/19 cohort of first-year English-domiciled undergraduate students (studying anywhere in the UK) and EU-domiciled students […]

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Assessing the Impact of the Augur Review – on the Exchequer, Higher Education Institutions, Students and Graduates

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Universities UK
Published: 14 June, 2019

Following the publication of the Augur Review in May 2019, London Economics were commissioned by Universities UK to estimate the impact of the Review’s core recommendations for higher education funding on the Treasury, universities, students and graduates. Focusing on the resource flows associated with the 2018/19 cohort of first-year English-domiciled undergraduate students (studying anywhere in […]

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Fees, Funding and Fairness – Understanding and Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 07 March, 2019

In light of the Augar Review, London Economics were asked by AdvanceHE to present an analysis of the main issues affecting higher education fees and funding. The analysis presents some estimates of the potential impact associated with a reduction in the tuition fee level (to ÂŁ7,500) as well as the reintroduction of maintenance grants.  We […]

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Analysis of the Value of Positioning Services in Denmark – March 2019

Client:The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency
Published: 20 March, 2019

Danish press release Danish report The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency commissioned London Economics to analyse the value of positioning services to Danish society. The report primarily covers Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) that have emerged as a standard technology for positioning across the globe but does not omit the alternatives. Expected developments […]

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Impact of the ONS Review on the Deficit – December 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 10 December, 2018

On 17th December 2018, the Office for National Statistics is expected to publish its recommendation on its review of the National Accounting treatment of student loans. This guidance will have significant consequences for the possible recommendations of the Augar Review, as well as the ability of the Government to implement any of those recommendations. Given […]

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Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – December 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 10 December, 2018

Following publication in the Telegraph of some possibilities emerging from the Augar review, London Economics have estimated the economic cost associated with reducing annual tuition fees to ÂŁ6,500 (with no additional Teaching grant); removing real interest rates; and reducing the repayment threshold to ÂŁ21,000. The result is a ÂŁ2.8 billion reduction in funding (per cohort) […]

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Research and Analysis to Quantify the Benefits Arising from Personal Data Rights Under the GDPR – August 2017

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Published: 07 August, 2017

The act of disclosing personal data typically takes place in an environment of incomplete and asymmetric information. This explains the crucial role of consumer confidence in enabling transactions that involve the disclosure of personal data. LE’s study for DCMS investigates the benefits of new individual rights introduced by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) […]

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The Impact of Student Loan Repayments on Graduate Taxes – July 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University and College Union
Published: 20 July, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the University and College Union to assess the lifetime costs to higher education students associated with receiving and repaying student loans provided by Student Finance England. In addition to assessing the loan balance on graduation and repayments made, the analysis estimates the effective average and marginal tax rates associated with […]

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The Economic Impact on the UK of a Disruption to GNSS

Client:Innovate UK, UK Space Agency, Royal Institute of Navigation
Published: June, 2017

GNSS provide signals from satellites orbiting in space to give us accurate information on positioning, navigation and timing. These systems have a large range of uses but, until now, the economic benefits have not always been well understood. This study aims to provide an answer in terms of estimated economic impact of a five day […]

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GNSS Market Report Issue 5

Client:European GNSS Agency
Published: May, 2017

The GNSS market report is a comprehensive source of knowledge and information on the dynamic, global GNSS market. The report is published every two years, with the latest edition released in 2017. The report provides comprehensive, in-depth analysis of global trends, and the latest developments in terms of shipments, revenues and the installed base of […]

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The Economic, Social and Cultural Impact of the University of Birmingham – March 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Birmingham
Published: 09 March, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the University of Birmingham to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic, social and cultural impact. The study considered the economic impact of teaching and learning, research activities, educational exports, as well as the direct, indirect and induced impact generated by the university and its students throughout the local, regional […]

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The Size & Health of the UK Space Industry 2016

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: December, 2016

Every two years, the UK Space Agency studies all organisations in the UK who supply and/or make use of space or satellite services – from upstream manufacturing right through to downstream satellite-enabled applications, including both commercial and non-commercial activities. The series of studies, titled the Size and Health of the UK Space Industry, represents the […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2014-15 – Press Release – November 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 28 November, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by Cardiff University to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic and social impact. The Press Release issued by Cardiff University can be accessed on the link above.

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2014-15 – Full Report – November 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 28 November, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by Cardiff University to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic and social impact. The full report assessing the economic impact of teaching and learning, research, education exports, and the direct, indirect and induced impact generated by Cardiff University can be accessed on the link above.

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Modern Transport Bill / Spaceflight Regulation Impact Assessment Analysis

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: September, 2016

London Economics provided on-site analytical support to the UK Space Agency to evaluate the economic and internal resource implications of regulating spaceflight in the UK. This included support to a cross-government Impact Assessment of the Modern Transport Bill, a report which was awarded the highest “green” rating for quality, and analysis of the impact of a […]

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Economic Analysis of Higher Education Fees and Funding in the Health Professions – June 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UNISON and National Union of Students
Published: 08 June, 2016

Following the publication of the recent report on behalf of UNISON and the National Union of Students (here), we have added a short note providing some additional discussion relating to the modelling undertaken and evidence underpinning the analysis. The note is available on the link above.

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The Impact of the 2015 Comprehensive Spending Review on Higher Education Fees and Funding Arrangements in Subjects Allied to Medicine – May 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UNISON and National Union of Students
Published: 25 May, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by UINISON and the NUS to undertake an independent analysis of the impact of the removal of NHS bursaries on prospective students in Allied Health Professions announced in the 2015 Comprehensive Spending Review. The analysis considers the resource flows between the Exchequer, Higher Education Institutions and students/ graduates. Having been launched […]

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Mind the Gap: Comparing Public Funding in Higher and Further Education – November 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University and College Union
Published: 18 November, 2015

London Economics were commissioned by the University and College Union to undertake a forensic analysis of the public funding associated with Higher and Further Education across the Home Nations of the United Kingdom. The analysis demonstrates the significant differences in public funding between the different education paths in England, but also the fundamental differences across […]

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It’s the Finance, Stupid! The Decline of Part-time Higher Education and What to Do About It – October 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 29 October, 2015

London Economics have contributed to a new Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) Report on part-time higher education. The analysis by Dr Gavan Conlon and Maike Halterbeck contrasts the methodology underpinning current official estimate of the RAB charge and that presented in previous work undertaken by London Economics for million+ and the IPPR. Given the differences […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University – October 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: October, 2015

London Economics undertook an in-depth economic impact analysis on behalf of Cardiff University. The analysis considered the economic  and social impact  of the university on the UK economy covering teaching and learning activities, research, the direct, indirect and  induced effect associated with the university’s physical footprint, as well as its contribution to exports arising from […]

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Google Lunar XPRIZE Market Study 2014: Media Summary – August 2015

Client:XPRIZE Foundation
Published: August, 2015

This follow‐on study completed by London Economics on behalf of the XPRIZE Foundation builds on the insights developed through the Google Lunar XPRIZE Market Study 2013, digging deeper into the consolidated quantitative market demand and opportunity valuations, providing an updated, improved and more in‐depth analysis of the market opportunities addressable by teams competing in the […]

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Commercial Heat Network Modelling – Presentation

Published: June, 2015

London Economics presented an overview of different financial and economic modelling assumptions for heat network (district heating) modelling in the UK. What impacts the financial viability of a district heating plant in the UK? How do the assumptions used by a purely private sector investor typically differ from the assumptions used by e.g. a local […]

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Future of Paying for Social Care in Wales – Second Report – May 2015

Client:Welsh Government
Published: 06 May, 2015

The Welsh Government has committed to introduce reform of the arrangements for paying for social care in Wales. As part of the policy development process, the Welsh Government commissioned LE Wales to undertake an independent research study on the future of paying for care in Wales. The work produced material for the Welsh Government providing […]

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The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Young People – March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Low Pay Commission
Published: 18 March, 2015

London Economics were asked by the Low Pay Commission to undertake an analysis of the impact of the recent slowdown and freeze in the national minimum wage on young people’s earnings and employment outcomes.

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The Earnings and Employment Returns to A Levels – March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 22 March, 2015

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to analyse the returns to A levels. The core results indicated that compared to GCSEs/O levels, there are strong positive wage returns to A levels – irrespective of whether the individual goes on to complete further or higher qualifications. The full report is available here.

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The Size & Health of the UK Space Industry 2014 – October 2014

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 09 October, 2014

Since 1992, the UK Space Agency has been periodically surveying the UK space sector, and places a great deal of emphasis on the results of this study as a measure of industry performance. The UK Space Agency contracted London Economics to conduct the 2014 edition, covering the years 2011/12 and 2012/13. The objectives of the […]

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Reaching Higher: Reforming Student Loans to Broaden Access to Postgraduate Study – October 2014

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Institute for Public Policy Research
Published: October, 2014

London Economics were commissioned by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) to model the costs to the Exchequer associated with the introduction of a loan scheme for postgraduate students.

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The Size & Health of the UK Space Industry 2014 – October 2014

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 09 October, 2014

Since 1992, the UK Space Agency has been periodically surveying the UK space sector, and places a great deal of emphasis on the results of this study as a measure of industry performance. The UK Space Agency contracted London Economics to conduct the 2014 edition, covering the years 2011/12 and 2012/13. The objectives of the […]

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Assessing Value for Money in Sixth Form Education – June 2014

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Sixth Form College Association
Published: 16 June, 2014

London Economics were commissioned by the Association of Sixth Form Colleges to undertake a detailed analysis of the value for money in Sixth Form education in England. Based on a number of merged data sets, the analysis demonstrated the exceptionally strong attainment outcomes achieved by students attending Sixth Form Colleges, as well as the superior […]

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Direct and Indirect Regulatory Costs Faced by UK Insurance Brokers – May 2014

Client:British Insurance Brokers’ Association
Published: May, 2014

The study for the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) quantifies direct regulatory costs faced by insurance brokers in 23 different jurisdictions and shows that such costs are the highest the UK and that regulatory fees and levies in the UK are more than five times those in New York, Japan, France and Germany. The research […]

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Higher Education Fees and Funding Reforms in England: What is the Breakeven RAB Charge for the Treasury?

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 12 March, 2014

London Economics’ Research Brief considers the costs of the higher education fees and funding reforms in England. In this analysis, the term “break-even” refers to the point at which the estimated costs to the Treasury resulting from the 2012-13 higher education reforms have the same long run economic cost as the fees and funding system […]

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An International Comparison of Apprentice Pay

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Low Pay Commission
Published: 13 March, 2014

London Economics were commissioned by the Low Pay Commission to undertake an investigation of the level of apprenticeship pay across fourteen countries. Covering a range of countries with different educational and apprenticeship systems, the main focus of the analysis relates to the assessment of apprentice pay (adjusted for price differences across countries) as a proportion […]

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Impact of EU Ban on Higher Nicotine E-Cigarettes on Tobacco Smoking

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Electronic Cigarettes Ltd
Published: 25 February, 2014

The proposed ban compromises e-cigarettes’ role in supporting smoke cessation and is forecast to lead to 210,000 fewer successful quitters each year across the EU. E-cigarettes’ role in smoke reduction is also affected and a 0.8% increase in tobacco smoking or the equivalent of an extra 9.6 million cigarettes being smoked each day across the […]

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Survival or Relegation? The Impact of a Managerial Change in the Premier League

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: December, 2013

London Economics calculates the economic impact of a managerial change in the Premier League. The research is one of the first studies ever to accurately quantify the impact of manager changes in football. The analysis concentrates on the impact over 10 games and, crucially, it accounts for other factors that are likely to affect team […]

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Modelling the Impact of Proposed Policies on Pubs and the Pub Sector

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: December, 2013

This report to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills provides an independent analysis of the impact of the consultation proposals on gross and net pub closures and employment levels within the pub industry, using whatever robust evidence can be accessed, to inform the final stage impact assessment of the likely costs and benefits of […]

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Impact on Competition and Social Welfare of the Proposed ElecLink Interconnector Between Great Britain and France

Client:Ofgem and CRE
Published: November, 2013

Ofgem and CRE commissioned London Economics to review and assess the modelling, assumptions and estimated impacts on the electricity market and electricity users of a interconnector between France and Great Britain proposed by ElecLink. The summary of the report can be downloaded in English above and in French at http://www.cre.fr/documents/consultations-publiques.

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The Cost of Non-Europe: the Untapped Potential of the European Single Market

Client:European Commission – Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA)
Published: October, 2013

While the growth-creating potential of the Single Market has long been recognised, evidence on the remaining untapped potential of the Single Market (where such potential lies, how much additional growth it could deliver, and which policy measures would help unlock it) was largely missing. London Economics, in association with PwC, were commissioned by the European […]

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Google Lunar XPRIZE Market Study 2013: Media Summary

Client:XPRIZE Foundation
Published: October, 2013

A recent Market Study completed by London Economics on behalf of the XPRIZE Foundation estimates the value of the overall commercial market opportunities addressable by Google Lunar XPRIZE teams to be between US$1.1-2.7 billion in the 10 years directly following the competition (and US$ 3.1-9.7 billion over the 25 year longer term) in a newly […]

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European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) – Press Release: Preliminary Findings of Google Lunar XPRIZE Market Study 2013

Client:XPRIZE Foundation
Published: September, 2013

Greg Sadlier, an Associate Director at London Economics has just completed a study the value of commercial market opportunities that could be served by teams competing in the Google Lunar XPRIZE.

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The Economic and Social Benefits Associated with Further Education and Skills: Learning for Those Not in Employment

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: August, 2013

The study provides a detailed analysis of the benefits associated with Further Education and Skills for learners not in employment. The findings in this report are based on a telephone survey of 1,955 learners not in employment who received or completed their learning in 2011/12. In addition to focusing on the wider benefits associated with learning and […]

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How Much Does Size Matter? – A Comment on the English and Welsh Prison Estate

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: July, 2013

In the light of the recent announcement by the MoJ of its plan to build a 2,000 prison at Wrexham, and the report from the think tank Policy Exchange[1] arguing that ÂŁ10 billion could be saved over 25 years by restructuring the prison estate, we analyse what the data shows and what it suggests in […]

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The Value of Lost Load (VoLL) for Electricity in Great Britain

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: July, 2013

As part of the documents for the Consultation on the draft Electricity Market Reform Delivery, the Department of Energy and Climate Change has published the report prepared by London Economics which estimates the value of lost load (VoLL) for domestic, small and medium sized businesses and industrial and commercial electricity consumers in Great Britain. VoLL […]

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A Critical Path to Securing the Future of Higher Education in England

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2013

Following the significant changes to higher education fees and funding arrangements, the IPPR commissioned London Economics to undertake a range of modelling to assess the resource flows occurring between the Exchequer, Higher Education Institutions and students/graduates. Ensuring fiscal neutrality to the Exchequer at all times, the modelling demonstrates the outcomes associated with a reduction in […]

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Levelling the Playing Field in the Single Market

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:European Parliament
Published: June, 2013

The study for the European Parliament shows that the size of the shadow economy in the EU in 2012 is estimated at approximately EUR 2.35 trillion. The shadow economy represents a threat to the Single Market, leads to substantial budgetary difficulties, puts considerable pressure on legitimate businesses, and in long run, limits the potential growth […]

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The Outcomes Associated with the BTEC Route of Degree Level Acquisition

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2013

London Economics’ were commissioned by Pearson to undertake research on role of BTECs in offering pathways into higher education. The analysis was based on Labour Force Survey data over 16 years and assessed the outcomes in university achieved by learners with BTEC qualifications, as well as the outcomes of these learners in the labour market […]

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Higher Education Funding in England: Do the Alternatives Add Up?

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2013

Amid questions about the sustainability of the Coalition Government’s reforms to higher education funding in England, a new report from the university think-tank million+ and London Economics, Higher education funding in England: do the alternatives add up? reviews the costs and benefits of two alternative funding proposals that have been put forward. The first alternative […]

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The Determinants of University Selection

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: April, 2013

See London Economics’ recent Research Brief on the determinants of university selection. The analysis looks at the role of university name and ranking on selection rates, as well as the value of a university ranking place and graduate employment outcomes.

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Space Economy: Indicators and Economic Studies

Published: March, 2013

Presentation (on invitation) to the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Space Economy Technical Committee, held in Paris on 19th March 2013. The requested focus of the presentation is on the methodology and indicators employed in selected examples of our research in the field of the Space economics, March 19, 2013.

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A Disaggregated Analysis of the Long Run Impact of Vocational Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake an assessment of the long term effect of vocational education and training on labour market outcomes. We combined information from the Individual Learner Record (ILR) between 2002/03 and 2005/06 on learner attainment, detailed earnings information (between 2003/04 and 2009/10) and employment […]

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Are the Changes to Higher Education Funding in England Cost-effective? – Report

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

In association with million+, London Economics published the second Behind the Headlines report today identifying the expected economic costs and benefits associated with the changes to higher education fees and funding that took place in 2012/13. Alongside the full report, a summary of the document is also available.

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Are the Changes to Higher Education Funding in England Cost-effective? – Press Release

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

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Secondary Analysis of 24 Waves of PIMS

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: January, 2013

London Economics performed a statistical and econometric analysis of data from 24 waves (6 years) of the UKTI Performance and Impact Monitoring Survey (PIMS). Probit models were fitted to explore the determinants of firm-level outcome measures including financial and qualitative benefits such as improved business performance and productivity. The analysis identified the quality of the […]

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The Impact of Further Education Learning

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: January, 2013

Based on a survey of 4,000 learners, London Economics assessed both the economic and wider benefits of learning associated with vocational education and training. The report also assessed a number of issues relating to deadweight loss and learners’ perceptions of loans in Further Education.

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An Exploratory Evaluation of the Next Step Service

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: November, 2012

The Next Step service is a nationally branded careers and skills advice service that is available free to adults in England aged 19 and over irrespective of their prior skills, qualifications and employment status. Since April 2012, Next Step has been rebranded as the National Careers Service. We merged Next Step administrative data with information […]

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Socio-economic Impacts – Evaluation of Norwegian Space Programs (with PwC)

Client:Ministry of Trade and Industry (Norway)
Published: 5 July, 2012

An independent socio-economic impact assessment of Norway’s participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) and National Support Funds. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was employed based on EC impact assessment guidelines, established economic principles and international best practice (e.g. UK government HM Treasury’s Green Book). Quantified additive benefits comprise wages/salaries (income tax, value added tax, retailer sales […]

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Assessing the Deadweight Loss and Additionality Associated with Public Investment in Education and Skills

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2012

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to undertake an analysis aimed at improving the current assessment of deadweight loss in the Further Education and Skills arena, where deadweight loss is defined as the extent to which government-funded training generates outcomes that are not additional to what would have occurred […]

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The Impact of Investment in Intangible Assets on Productivity Spillovers

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2012

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to conduct a literature review of the evidence regarding the impact of investment in intangible assets on productivity spillovers. The review provides a summary of the theory underpinning the concepts of intangible assets, their measurement, as well as the theory of spillovers. We […]

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Estimating the Impact of Training on Productivity Using Firm-level Data

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2012

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake an assessment of the impact of publicly funded training on firm-level productivity. Firm-level analysis has traditionally been hampered by a lack of reliable and comprehensive data. For the first time in the UK, a matched employer-employee dataset with information on government […]

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The Role of Packaging Imagery on Consumer Preferences for Experience Goods – Report

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Published: March, 2012

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Potential Impacts of Stamp Price Increases: Consumer Research

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: February, 2012

Consumer Focus has published the report by London Economics “Potential impacts of stamp price increases: Consumer research”. The study examines how consumers might react to stamp price increases in the context of potential rises following Ofcom’s Royal Mail price control, using an online choice experiment methodology. In particular, we analyse the extent to which consumers […]

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The Impact of State Guarantees on Banks’ Debt Issuing Costs, Lending and Funding Policy

Client:EC DG Economic & Financial Affairs
Published: February, 2012

This study investigates the effectiveness of state guarantee schemes and ad hoc guarantees given to banks over 2008-10. The study analyses the market value of state guarantees as reflected in the costs banks faced in raising funds on wholesale financial markets and whether state guarantees influenced the funding and (ultimately) lending behaviour of banks. The […]

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Funding Debt Advice in the UK – A Proposed Model

Published: January, 2012

The Money Advice Service (MAS) commissioned London Economics to examine how the costs of debt advice work undertaken by MAS could be allocated across a spectrum of creditors, whilst also considering the allocation of the debt advice costs within the current FSA fee blocks. The study concludes that Bank of England data on lending to […]

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Estimating the Value of Lost Load (VoLL)

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: November, 2011

This report for Ofgem estimates the Value of Lost Load (VoLL) for domestic and SME, industrial and commercial (I&C), and electricity producing gas consumers. VoLL represents the value that gas users attribute to security of gas supply and the estimates could be used to provide a price signal about the adequate level of security of […]

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McDonald’s Economic Footprint in Europe

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: November, 2011

This report examines McDonald’s economic footprint in Europe in terms of contribution to GDP growth, raw material sourcing, job creation and business opportunities via its franchising model. The analysis shows that McDonald’s continued to grow throughout the recession of 2007-09 and its growth has consistently exceeded EU GDP growth as well as the growth of […]

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Evaluation of Commercial Services Provided by UKTI Overseas Posts

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Hong Kong Communications Authority
Published: October, 2011

The study investigates 1) the scope for increased cost recovery from the services in support of UK-based exporters offered by UKTI’s overseas posts and 2) the structure of the market for these services, including the existence of synergies between UKTI’s overseas posts and other providers of services to UK exporters, such as consultants, business associations, […]

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Estimating the Returns to Intermediate and Low Level Vocational Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: September, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake an econometric analysis of the earnings and employment returns to intermediate and low level vocational qualifications. The analysis involved the analysis of information from the Labour Force Survey between 1996 and 2009. The focus of the analysis was on the assessment […]

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An Assessment of the Economic Returns Associated with Higher Education Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake an econometric analysis of the returns to higher education qualifications. The analysis involved the forensic replication of some previous research in the area using information from the Labour Force Survey. The focus of the analysis was on the assessment of the […]

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Estimating the Value of Educational Exports for the UK

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed assessment of the value of educational exports to the United Kingdom economy. The analysis consisted of an assessment of the value of higher education tuition fee and non tuition fee expenditure along with the value of research grants and […]

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A Feasibility Study Estimating the Value of Educational Imports from the UK

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed assessment of the value of educational imports from the United Kingdom economy. Where possible, the analysis consisted of an assessment of the value of higher education tuition fee and non tuition fee expenditure along with the value of research […]

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An Assessment of the Long Run Economic Returns Associated Education and Training Using DWP/ILR and HMRC Data

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2011

An assessment of the long run economic returns associated education and training using DWP/ILR and HMRC data

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Digital Radio Switchover: Willingness to Pay and Consumer Behaviour Research

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Published: April, 2011

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has published the report Digital Radio Switchover: Willingness to Pay and Consumer Behaviour Research by London Economics in association with YouGov. The study assesses consumers’ willingness to pay for the various attributes of digital radio through a choice experiment, and examines consumers’ attitudes towards radio and the costs […]

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Study on the Costs and Benefits of Different Policy Options for Mortgage Credit

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: March, 2011

The costs and benefits of potential changes in the following four mortgage policy areas are considered in the study, which was published by the European Commission on 31 March 2011: pre-contractual information, the definition of the annual percentage rate of charge, early repayment and responsible lending and borrowing. The approach to assessing the costs and […]

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The Contribution of Insurance Brokers to the UK Economy

Published: March, 2011

The market for insurance products, like many other markets, is characterised by imperfect information by each party to the transaction, significant search costs to find the “best” deal, and asymmetric bargaining power. The report shows that insurance brokers play a key role in the marketplace by identifying the risks faced by clients, reducing insurance distribution […]

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Returns to BTEC Vocational Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: October, 2010

London Economics were commissioned by Pearson to undertake a detailed analysis of the earnings and employment effects associated with BTEC Qualifications. The analysis made use of information from 56 merged Labour Force Survey data sets to allow for an analysis of the marginal earnings and employment returns associated with these qualifications. The analysis also combined information […]

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Modelling Student Support Arrangements As Part of the Browne Review of Higher Education

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2010

London Economics were commissioned by the Open University to undertake some detailed financial modeling of the fees and students support arrangements facing part-time students ahead of the Browne Review of higher education. The analysis illustrated the impact of a number of different fee assumptions and approaches to the funding of part time students to illustrate […]

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Study Analysing Possible Changes in the Minimum Rates and Structures of Excise Duties on Alcoholic Beverages

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:EC DG Taxation and Customs Union
Published: May, 2010

This report for EC DG Taxation and Customs Union considers the arguments and evidence, for and against changes to the existing minimum duty rates for alcoholic beverages that apply across all EU Member States.  The overarching objective of the study is to examine whether the current structures of alcohol taxation and the minimum rates laid […]

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Estimating the Price Elasticity of Demand for School Meals

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 2010

London Economics were commissioned by the School Food Trust to undertake an analysis of the relationship between the price charged for school meals and take up. The analysis involved an assessment of the academic literature relating to the elasticity of demand for food and food product with respect to price and income; an analysis of […]

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Analysis of the Impact of Raising Private Fee Contributions on Participation in Further Education

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: July, 2009

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed econometric analysis of the impact of raising private fee contributions on participation in Further Education. The analysis was based on the survey of all Further Education Colleges in England, as well as a detailed analysis of the Individual Learner […]

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Estimating the Economic Benefits of Healthy Eating

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2009

The School Food Trust commissioned London Economics to undertake an econometric analysis of the lifetime earnings associated with different levels and types of qualification attainment in the United Kingdom. This study made use of the National Pupil Database as well as the Labour Force Survey to assess the impact of healthy eating in schools at […]

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Economic Benefit of the Consultative Committee for Professional Management Organisations (CCPMO)

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: December, 2008

The analysis involved an assessment of the current activities of the CCPMO member organisations, as well as estimating the economic benefit associated with obtaining professional qualifications and membership of professional organisations. The analysis illustrated that the lifetime premium associated with gaining professional qualifications and membership was in the region of ÂŁ152,000 in today’s money terms. […]

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Impact Evaluation of the Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP)

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:UK Trade & Investment
Published: September, 2008

London Economics was commissioned in August 2007 to undertake an impact evaluation of the Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP). The evaluation research involved a firm survey, a stakeholder consultation and a detailed quantitative and econometric analysis of programme impact and additionality. These research strands were then used to formulate a benefit-cost analysis, identify an economic rationale […]

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Review of Data Relating to Those Eligible to Teach Mathematics or Science

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: May, 2008

London Economics were commissioned by the Training and Development Agency for Schools to undertake an assessment of the centrally held Teacher Information Line data to better understand the supply of eligible teachers in maths and science. The work involves the detailed assessment of the TIL data alongside a primary analysis of the Labour Force Survey […]

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Project to Assess the Impact of the New EU Chemicals Strategy (REACH) and to Develop a Model – Economic Model and MatLab Code

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Published: September, 2005

The report assesses the economic costs along the supply chain of the testing and registration phase of the new chemicals policy. The analysis includes an assessment of the impact on the prices of the chemical and of the products that successively use the chemical along the supply chain and how these changes in prices affect […]

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Wealth Creation from Science, Engineering and Technology

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: March, 2004

The Engineering and Technology Board commissioned London Economics to undertake a study of the contribution of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) to the wealth and quality of life in the United Kingdom. We use two approaches in estimating the contribution of SET in the economy: the contribution of those sectors of the economy that employed […]

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Investigation of the Determinants of Farm-retail Price Spreads

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs
Published: February, 2004

London Economics was commissioned by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to undertake an econometric analysis of the factors that have affected the spreads between farm gate prices and retail prices. According to the terms of reference of the project, the study was to focus on developments in the United Kingdom and […]

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Launch of Centre for Vocational Education Research – 24 March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: 24 March,

London Economics are delighted to be announced as a co-contributor to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills funded Centre for Vocational Education Research. Download details of the launch of the event here.

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Size and Health of the UK Space Industry 2018

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 2019

The UK Space Agency commissioned LE for the third time to update the government’s reference analysis on the UK space industry, including various breakdowns of turnover by satellite type, value chain segment and region. The 2018 edition of the study also included overviews on Gross Value Added (GVA) and employment throughout the UK space industry […]

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