Tag Archives: impact assessment

How Can Governments Best Support Businesses During Times of Crisis? An Evaluation of the Covid-19 Loan Guarantee Schemes, Led by London Economics, Addresses This Question

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:British Business Bank
Published: 28 November, 2023

In March 2020, in response to the massive disruption caused to businesses by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government rapidly deployed £78bn of finance to business through the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS), the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) and the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS). The second of three phases of the […]

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Part and Parcel: The Economic and Social Value of Post Office – February 2023

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Post Office
Published: 22 February, 2023

London Economics were commissioned by Post Office to analyse the economic and social value of Post Office. Post Office generated an economic impact of £4.7 billion in 2021/22 throughout the whole of the United Kingdom, with at least £2 million of economic impact originating in every parliamentary constituency. Post Office also supported nearly 50,000 full-time […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of the University of Southampton

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Southampton
Published: 02 November, 2022

London Economics were commissioned by the University of Southampton to estimate their economic impact on the UK economy. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with the University of Southampton’s activities in 2020-21 was estimated at approximately £4.14 billion. Compared to the University of Southampton’s total operational costs of approximately £561 million in […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2020-21 – October 2022

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 24 October, 2022

London Economics were commissioned to assess the economic and social impact of Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, focusing on the 2020-21 academic year. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with Cardiff University’s activities in 2020-21 was estimated at approximately £3.678 billion. Compared to Cardiff University’s total operational costs of approximately £573 […]

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Study on the Impact of the Data Act Proposal on European Telecom Operators’ Offerings, Business Models, and Innovation

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association
Published: 25 October, 2022

Following the publication of the European Commission’s Data Act proposals in February 2022, ETNO, the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association, commissioned LE Europe, in partnership with Plum Consulting and Wiggin LLP, to produce a study on the impact of the Data Act proposal on European telecom operators. The study investigated how the proposed new rules […]

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Evaluation of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme, Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, and Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme – June 2022

Client:British Business Bank
Published: 14 June, 2022

In March 2020, in response to the global pandemic and corresponding wide-ranging business impacts and uncertainty, the government rapidly designed and deployed a series of three loan-guarantee schemes – the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) and Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS). These aimed to support smaller […]

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LE Europe HE Fees and Funding Options in Ireland

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 4 May, 2022

London Economics’ sister company, LE Europe, as part of the AARC Consortium (incorporating AARC, LE Europe and Indecon) were commissioned by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) to provide an analysis of the sustainability of higher education (HE) and further education and training (FET) in Ireland. The project’s general objective was […]

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The Economic Impact of Leeds Beckett University – April 2022

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Leeds Beckett University
Published: April, 2022

London Economics were commissioned by Leeds Beckett University to estimate their economic impact on the UK economy. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with Leeds Beckett University’s activities in 2018-19 was estimated at approximately £1.43 billion. In terms of the components of this impact, Leeds Beckett University’s teaching and learning activities accounted […]

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Mapping and Analysis of Science Engagement and Inequity in the UK – March 2022

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:British Science Association
Published: March, 2022

The British Science Association (BSA) commissioned London Economics to support their development of a set of indicators and an index for science engagement and inequity across the United Kingdom. In creating a map of science engagement, the analysis was not just intended to be a means of identifying those regions and sub-regions where science engagement […]

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Economic Impact of the University of Oxford – October 2021

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Oxford
Published: 5 October, 2021

London Economics were commissioned to analyse the economic impact of the University of Oxford on the UK economy, focusing on the 2018-19 academic year. The analysis identified that: The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with the University of Oxford’s activities in 2018-19 was estimated at approximately £15.7 billion. In terms of the […]

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The Costs and Benefits of International Higher Education Students to the UK Economy – September 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Higher Education Policy Institute and Universities UK International
Published: 09 September, 2021

With 496,000 international students studying for qualifications at higher education institutions across the United Kingdom – equivalent to 20% of all HE students – international students contribute significantly to the economic and social prosperity of the United Kingdom, both in the short term during their studies as well as in the medium to longer term […]

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Agenda for Change Pay and House Prices Since March 2011 – June 2021

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Royal College of Nursing
Published: 16 June, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the Royal College of Nursing to undertake an assessment of the how average UK house prices and total annual nursing staff pay has evolved since 2011. Using information from the Office for National Statistics and NHS Digital, the analysis identified that average house price inflation over the decade was approximately […]

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Estimating the Potential Impact of Policy Changes on International Student Demand for UK Higher Education

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 8 February, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to undertake an analysis of: The price elasticity of international student enrolments with respect to changes in the level of tuition fees charged – separately at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and for EU and non-EU domiciled students. The potential impact on first-year EU student enrolments and […]

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The Net Exchequer Impact of Increasing Pay for Agenda for Change Staff

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:NHS Trade Unions
Published: 18 January, 2021

Corresponding to approximately 4% of employees in England, there are currently just over 1 million nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, and NHS support staff covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) Pay framework in England. Since 2010-11, pay levels at every single AfC spine point have lagged behind inflation, resulting in a significant decline in […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of The Open University

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:The Open University
Published: 6 November, 2020

  London Economics were commissioned to analyse the economic and social impact of The Open University across the United Kingdom in 2018-19. To capture the economic impact of the University, we generated estimates of the economic benefits associated with the University’s formal teaching and learning activity associated with the 2018-19 cohort of UK-domiciled Open University […]

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The Impact of UK Public Investments in UKAEA Fusion Research – December 2020

Client:Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Published: 24 November, 2020

London Economics was commissioned by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to undertake an independent impact evaluation of nuclear fusion research at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy. The study objective was to assess the costs and benefits of fusion research at Culham to date. Specifically, the study sought to: i) generate evidence […]

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Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on University Finances – May 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 1 May, 2020

Following the publication of the London Economics’ report for University and College Union on the potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on UK higher education institutions’ enrolments and finances, we were asked to present a summary of the analysis by higher education think-tank Wonkhe. The summary presentation providing the key findings is available to download […]

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Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on University Deferral Rates and Student Switching – May 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University and College Union
Published: 20 May, 2020

As part of our ongoing work with the University and College Union on university finances, London Economics commissioned YouthSight to survey undergraduate applicants to assess the potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on UK higher education enrolments. We asked respondents two questions about attitudes towards deferral – one relating to a ‘business as usual’ scenario […]

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Qualified for the Future: Quantifying Demand for Arts, Humanities and Social Science Skills – May 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:British Academy
Published: 7 May, 2020

Graduates in the arts, humanities and social sciences are just as employable as their counterparts in STEM subjects, fuel some of the fastest-growing sectors in the UK and enjoy rewarding careers in a wide range of sectors. These are the key findings of a new British Academy report examining the employment prospects of graduates from different subject […]

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Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on University Finances – April 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University and College Union
Published: 23 April, 2020

London Economics were commissioned by the University and College Union to consider the potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on UK higher education institutions’ enrolments and finances. Combining the impact of the economic downturn with the expected deferral rate due to the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, compared to 2018-19 first year enrolments, approximately 232,000 […]

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Exploring Trends in Apprenticeship Training Around the Introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy: Emerging Evidence Using a Matched Apprentice-Employer Dataset – January 2020

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 27 January, 2020

As part of the Centre for Vocational Education Research, London Economics and the University of Sheffield undertook an in-depth analysis of the available evidence on the composition and distribution of apprenticeship training undertaken in England in recent years (before and after the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy). To achieve this, we developed a matched apprentice-employer […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of the University of Birmingham on the City of Guangzhou

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Birmingham
Published: 23 October, 2019

The University of Birmingham has a long-standing history of cooperation with the Chinese city of Guangzhou, covering research, education, public health, and capacity building programmes. London Economics were commissioned to estimate the economic impact on the Chinese economy generated by the University of Birmingham’s collaborative activities in Guangzhou in these areas. Our analysis of this […]

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Industry 4.0 and the Future of UK Space Manufacturing – July 2019

Client:Innovate UK
Published: 25 July, 2019

London Economics was commissioned by Innovate UK, the UK’s Innovation Agency, to undertake a study to explore the future opportunities and challenges around adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in the UK Space Manufacturing sector. The study assists Innovate UK and the UK Government to better understand how UK Space Manufacturing can benefit from, and fit […]

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The UK Tax Revenues from International Graduates – March 2019

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 21 March, 2019

London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Kaplan International Pathways to undertake a detailed analysis of taxation receipts accrued by the United Kingdom Exchequer associated with international graduates in the UK labour market post graduation. The analysis focuses on the expected income tax, National Insurance and VAT contributions generated by the 235,325 international students commencing their studies in […]

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Denmark’s Economic Vulnerability to a Loss of Satellite-based PNT – March 2019

Client:Danish Inter-Governmental Space Committee
Published: 20 March, 2019

Danish press release Report in English with Danish summary London Economics were commissioned by the Danish Inter-Governmental Space Committee to analyse Denmark’s dependence on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT). As a modern society, Danish economic agents use GNSS for an increasing number of applications, and the report investigates the […]

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Analysis of the Value of Positioning Services in Denmark – March 2019

Client:The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency
Published: 20 March, 2019

Danish press release Danish report The Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency commissioned London Economics to analyse the value of positioning services to Danish society. The report primarily covers Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) that have emerged as a standard technology for positioning across the globe but does not omit the alternatives. Expected developments […]

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Your Future | Their Future: Impact of the Department for Education’s Marketing Campaign – January 2019

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 07 January, 2019

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to assess the impact and cost effectiveness of the Your Future | Their Future marketing campaign aimed at improving teacher recruitment in England. Combining information on website hits and website registrations, UCAS applications and marketing activities (and costs) over the period from 1st September 2012 to […]

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The Economic, Social and Cultural Impact of the University of York – January 2019

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of York
Published: 09 January, 2019

We were commissioned by the University of York to analyse its economic, social and cultural impact across the United Kingdom, focusing on the University’s activities in the 2016-17. The analysis focused on four major strands of economic impact. Specifically, in addition to the direct, indirect and induced impact associated with the University of York’s physical […]

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Fees, Funding and Fairness – Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – November 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 05 November, 2018

London Economics presented an analysis of some of the factors affecting higher education fees and funding; the potential alternatives that might be possible; as well as the role of the ONS’ treatment of student loans in the National Accounts at the 2018 WONKFEST annual conference.

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2016-17

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 16 October, 2018

London Economics were commission by Cardiff University to estimate their economic and social impact in 2016-17 following two previous pieces of research relating to 2012-13 and 2014-15. Teaching more than 16,315 first-year students in 2016-17, and employing 5,875 full-time equivalent staff, the total economic impact associated with Cardiff University’s activities across the UK was estimated […]

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Estimating the Returns to Part-time Undergraduate Degrees – September 2018

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:The Open University
Published: 10 September, 2018

London Economics were commissioned by The Open University to undertake an analysis of the net graduate premium and net Exchequer benefit associated with undergraduate degrees undertaken on a part-time basis. The key findings indicated that The net graduate premium achieved by a representative English-domiciled student in the 2015-16 cohort completing a part-time undergraduate degree at […]

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The Economic Impact of Group of Eight Universities (Australia)

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Group of Eight (Australia)
Published: 15 August, 2018

London Economics were commissioned by the Group of Eight universities in Australia to undertake an analysis of the economic contribution of their members universities to the Australian economy. The analysis focused on the 2016 academic year, and estimated the impact associated with the universities’ world-class research, the direct, indirect and induced impacts of the institutions’ expenditures, educational exports and the […]

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Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – July 2018

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: 03 July, 2018

London Economics recently presented an analysis of the current higher education fees and funding arrangements – and possible alternatives – at the Wonkhe conference “Proceed with Caution”. The full presentation is available here.

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The Costs of Amending Student Support Arrangements – February 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:London Economics’ Publication
Published: 13 February, 2018

With the potential review of higher education approaching, London Economics have modelled the costs to the Exchequer associated with a reduction in tuition fees to £6,000 and the re-introduction of maintenance grants. The analysis demonstrates that the cost of cutting fees stands at £1.169 billion per cohort, while maintenance grants cost £360 million. Importantly, despite […]

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Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – February 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:London Economics’ Publication
Published: 19 February, 2018

With the potential review of higher education approaching, London Economics have undertaken further modelling of the costs to the Exchequer associated with amending the interest charged on student loans, as well as the abolition of tuition fees. The analysis demonstrates that charging a 0% real rate of interest during study would cost the Exchequer £230 million per […]

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The Costs and Benefits of International Students by Parliamentary Constituency – January 2018

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 11 January, 2018

Given the continuing political debate about the inclusion of international students in UK migration targets, and the limited number of analyses of their net economic impact to date, London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Kaplan International Pathways to undertake a detailed analysis of both the benefits and costs to […]

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Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer – December 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 13 December, 2017

London Economics’ modelling estimates that the recent decision of the government to raise the repayment threshold on student loan repayments to £25,000, alongside an increase in the interest rate thresholds will cost approximately £2.85 billion a cohort. Breaking down this estimate, the additional Exchequer expenditure includes £1.09 billion in costs associated with the lower level […]

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The Economic Impact of Russell Group Universities – November 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:The Russell Group
Published: 02 November, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the Russell Group to undertake an analysis of the economic contribution of their 24 members universities to the UK economy in 2015-16. The analysis estimated the impact associated with Teaching and Learning activity (here), world-class research (here), educational exports (here) and the direct, indirect and induced impact associated with the […]

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Reforming Student Finance to Increase Fairness and Widen Access – November 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:The Sutton Trust
Published: 16 November, 2017

London Economics was commissioned by the Sutton Trust to analyse the cost to graduates, higher education institutions and the Exchequer associated with a range of student support scenarios, including combinations of: means-tested tuition fees based on household income; the re-introduction of maintenance grants to 2015/16 levels before their abolition; and changes to the interest rates […]

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Economic Impact Evaluation of the Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) Scheme – November 2017

Client:British Business Bank
Published: 20 November, 2017

London Economics was commissioned by the British Business Bank to evaluate the Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) scheme. The evaluation estimated the economic impact created by the EFG scheme, and provided a detailed cost benefit analysis which established the economic gains of the scheme to the UK economy. The main analysis was complemented by a survey […]

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Analysis of the Potential Economic Impact of GDPR – October 2017

Sector:Data & technology.
Published: 30 October, 2017

This study examines the potential economic impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in relation to the ambiguities created by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) guidance on consent. Two elements of the guidance are analysed in detail: the prohibition of any form of opt-out consent and the requirement to name all third-parties that will […]

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The Economic Impact on the UK of a Disruption to GNSS

Client:Innovate UK, UK Space Agency, Royal Institute of Navigation
Published: June, 2017

GNSS provide signals from satellites orbiting in space to give us accurate information on positioning, navigation and timing. These systems have a large range of uses but, until now, the economic benefits have not always been well understood. This study aims to provide an answer in terms of estimated economic impact of a five day […]

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The Economic, Social and Cultural Impact of the University of Birmingham – March 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:University of Birmingham
Published: 09 March, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the University of Birmingham to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic, social and cultural impact. The study considered the economic impact of teaching and learning, research activities, educational exports, as well as the direct, indirect and induced impact generated by the university and its students throughout the local, regional […]

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An Economic Evaluation of the National Careers Service – March 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: March, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to undertake an evaluation of the National Careers Service. Using information on labour market histories from the HMRC, as well as learner information from the Individualised Learner Record, the analysis involved merging a range of data sets and implementing a Propensity Score Matching model to compare […]

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The Determinants of International Demand for UK Higher Education – January 2017

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 12 January, 2017

London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute and Kaplan International Pathways to undertake an analysis of the international determinants of UK higher education enrolments. The analysis illustrates the impact of macroeconomic factors (such as a currency depreciation or overseas economic growth), institutional factors (such as UK and US fee levels) and policy […]

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The Determinants of University Selection – January 2017

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:LE Economic Brief
Published: 13 January, 2017 January, 2017

Read London Economics’ research brief on the determinants of university selection. The analysis considers the relative importance of fees and funding on the selection of universities, as well as the role of other characteristics (such as rankings). The report also highlights students’ willingness to pay for different university attributes.

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2014-15 – Press Release – November 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 28 November, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by Cardiff University to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic and social impact. The Press Release issued by Cardiff University can be accessed on the link above.

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2014-15 – Full Report – November 2016

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: 28 November, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by Cardiff University to undertake an analysis of the university’s economic and social impact. The full report assessing the economic impact of teaching and learning, research, education exports, and the direct, indirect and induced impact generated by Cardiff University can be accessed on the link above.

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Evaluation of the Functioning of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) – October 2016

Client:European Investment Bank
Published: October, 2016

LE assisted the EIB evaluation team with the evaluation of the functioning of the EFSI. The key conclusions of the evaluation are that the fund is on track in terms of approvals in view of its target of mobilising EUR 315 billion of total investment in the real economy, but is lagging behind in terms […]

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Modern Transport Bill / Spaceflight Regulation Impact Assessment Analysis

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: September, 2016

London Economics provided on-site analytical support to the UK Space Agency to evaluate the economic and internal resource implications of regulating spaceflight in the UK. This included support to a cross-government Impact Assessment of the Modern Transport Bill, a report which was awarded the highest “green” rating for quality, and analysis of the impact of a […]

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Estimating the Impact of Publicly Funded Training on Industry and Firm-level Outcomes – May 2016

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: 12 May, 2016

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to undertake an analysis of the impact of publicly funded training on industry-level and firm-level outcomes. To undertake the analysis, researchers at London Economics first matched the Individualised Learner Record, EDS ‘Blue Sheep’ data, and the Inter Departmental Business Register (IDBR), and then […]

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Return from Public Space Investments: An Initial Analysis of Evidence – November 2015

Client:UK Space Agency
Published: 12 November, 2015

To support the ongoing development of an evidence-based framework for evaluation and appraisal of their funding and activities, the UK Space Agency commissioned London Economics to conduct an assessment of the evidence on the returns to public investments in the space sector. This report presents the findings of this exercise. Note: Some confidential information obtained […]

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The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University – October 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Cardiff University
Published: October, 2015

London Economics undertook an in-depth economic impact analysis on behalf of Cardiff University. The analysis considered the economic  and social impact  of the university on the UK economy covering teaching and learning activities, research, the direct, indirect and  induced effect associated with the university’s physical footprint, as well as its contribution to exports arising from […]

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Smart Single Market Regulation – September 2015

Sector:Regulatory economics.
Client:European Parliament
Published: 29 September, 2015

This study proposes a consolidated governance system that would serve as a tool for smart Single Market regulation toward 2020 and beyond. It outlines areas for improvement in Single Market regulation through the adoption of performance-based policy concepts; and reviews the scope for making better use of the Single Market governance tools to improve the […]

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The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Young People – March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Low Pay Commission
Published: 18 March, 2015

London Economics were asked by the Low Pay Commission to undertake an analysis of the impact of the recent slowdown and freeze in the national minimum wage on young people’s earnings and employment outcomes.

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The Earnings and Employment Returns to A Levels – March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 22 March, 2015

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to analyse the returns to A levels. The core results indicated that compared to GCSEs/O levels, there are strong positive wage returns to A levels – irrespective of whether the individual goes on to complete further or higher qualifications. The full report is available here.

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GSA GNSS Market Report 2015 (Issue 4) – March 2015

Client:The European GNSS Agency (GSA)
Published: 25 March, 2015

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has published the fourth Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) Market Report. This fourth issue of the GSA’s annual report on the global GNSS market is based on an advanced forecasting model (the Market Monitoring and Forecasting Tool) developed and implemented by London Economics, in collaboration with our partners (Helios, VVA, […]

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Higher Education Fees and Funding Reforms in England: What is the Breakeven RAB Charge for the Treasury?

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: 12 March, 2014

London Economics’ Research Brief considers the costs of the higher education fees and funding reforms in England. In this analysis, the term “break-even” refers to the point at which the estimated costs to the Treasury resulting from the 2012-13 higher education reforms have the same long run economic cost as the fees and funding system […]

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Impact of EU Ban on Higher Nicotine E-Cigarettes on Tobacco Smoking

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Electronic Cigarettes Ltd
Published: 25 February, 2014

The proposed ban compromises e-cigarettes’ role in supporting smoke cessation and is forecast to lead to 210,000 fewer successful quitters each year across the EU. E-cigarettes’ role in smoke reduction is also affected and a 0.8% increase in tobacco smoking or the equivalent of an extra 9.6 million cigarettes being smoked each day across the […]

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Survival or Relegation? The Impact of a Managerial Change in the Premier League

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: December, 2013

London Economics calculates the economic impact of a managerial change in the Premier League. The research is one of the first studies ever to accurately quantify the impact of manager changes in football. The analysis concentrates on the impact over 10 games and, crucially, it accounts for other factors that are likely to affect team […]

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The Economic and Societal Benefits Deriving from the Presence of Hyundai and Kia in Europe (update)

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:Hyundai Motor Company
Published: December, 2013

London Economics published updated figures on the contribution of Hyundai and Kia to the European economy. The key findings are: Almost 317,000 people owe their jobs to the presence of Hyundai and Kia in the European Union Hyundai and Kia contributed €2.1 billion in taxes and duties to European governments in 2012 The majority of […]

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Impact on Competition and Social Welfare of the Proposed ElecLink Interconnector Between Great Britain and France

Client:Ofgem and CRE
Published: November, 2013

Ofgem and CRE commissioned London Economics to review and assess the modelling, assumptions and estimated impacts on the electricity market and electricity users of a interconnector between France and Great Britain proposed by ElecLink. The summary of the report can be downloaded in English above and in French at http://www.cre.fr/documents/consultations-publiques.

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Performance-based Full Policy Cycle for the Digital Single Market

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:European Parliament
Published: October, 2013

A benchmarking exercise of a number of Digital Single Market policy initiatives recently proposed by the European Commission against the performance-based policy model shows that the current policy development and assessment process could be improved markedly by following the performance-based policy model set out in the present study.

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Performance-based Full Policy Cycle for the Digital Single Market

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:European Parliament
Published: October, 2013

A benchmarking exercise of a number of Digital Single Market policy initiatives recently proposed by the European Commission against the performance-based policy model shows that the current policy development and assessment process could be improved markedly by following the performance-based policy model set out in the present study. The key features of a performance-based full […]

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GSA Releases 2013 Sat Nav Market Report (Issue 3)

Client:European GNSS Agency
Published: October, 2013

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has published the third Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) Market Report. This third issue of the GSA’s annual report on the global GNSS market is based on an advanced forecasting model (the Market Monitoring and Forecasting Tool) developed and implemented by London Economics.

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The Economic and Social Benefits Associated with Further Education and Skills: Learning for Those Not in Employment

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: August, 2013

The study provides a detailed analysis of the benefits associated with Further Education and Skills for learners not in employment. The findings in this report are based on a telephone survey of 1,955 learners not in employment who received or completed their learning in 2011/12. In addition to focusing on the wider benefits associated with learning and […]

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A Critical Path to Securing the Future of Higher Education in England

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: June, 2013

Following the significant changes to higher education fees and funding arrangements, the IPPR commissioned London Economics to undertake a range of modelling to assess the resource flows occurring between the Exchequer, Higher Education Institutions and students/graduates. Ensuring fiscal neutrality to the Exchequer at all times, the modelling demonstrates the outcomes associated with a reduction in […]

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Space Economy: Indicators and Economic Studies

Published: March, 2013

Presentation (on invitation) to the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Space Economy Technical Committee, held in Paris on 19th March 2013. The requested focus of the presentation is on the methodology and indicators employed in selected examples of our research in the field of the Space economics, March 19, 2013.

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A Disaggregated Analysis of the Long Run Impact of Vocational Qualifications

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake an assessment of the long term effect of vocational education and training on labour market outcomes. We combined information from the Individual Learner Record (ILR) between 2002/03 and 2005/06 on learner attainment, detailed earnings information (between 2003/04 and 2009/10) and employment […]

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The Economic and Societal Benefits of Deriving from the Presence of Hyundai and Kia in Europe

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Hyundai Motor Company
Published: February, 2013

The study highlights the contribution of Hyundai and Kia, two of the most successful car manufacturers operating in Europe, in a number of dimensions, namely: the contribution to employment and GDP; training and development of the labour force; the contribution to European R&D and innovation; the contribution to the development of the automotive supply chain […]

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Are the Changes to Higher Education Funding in England Cost-effective? – Report

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

In association with million+, London Economics published the second Behind the Headlines report today identifying the expected economic costs and benefits associated with the changes to higher education fees and funding that took place in 2012/13. Alongside the full report, a summary of the document is also available.

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Are the Changes to Higher Education Funding in England Cost-effective? – Press Release

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: February, 2013

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Differential Price Responsiveness Among Drinker Types

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: December, 2012

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An Exploratory Evaluation of the Next Step Service

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Published: November, 2012

The Next Step service is a nationally branded careers and skills advice service that is available free to adults in England aged 19 and over irrespective of their prior skills, qualifications and employment status. Since April 2012, Next Step has been rebranded as the National Careers Service. We merged Next Step administrative data with information […]

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Economic Impact Assessments of Proposals for Computer Trading

Published: September, 2012

The report provides an evidence-based analysis of a number of proposals targeted at computer trading within financial markets, with some of these measures having been included in the European Commission’s proposal for a revised Directive on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II). These measures include: increasing tick sizes and introducing control by regulators of algorithms, […]

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Socio-economic Impacts – Evaluation of Norwegian Space Programs (with PwC)

Client:Ministry of Trade and Industry (Norway)
Published: 5 July, 2012

An independent socio-economic impact assessment of Norway’s participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) and National Support Funds. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was employed based on EC impact assessment guidelines, established economic principles and international best practice (e.g. UK government HM Treasury’s Green Book). Quantified additive benefits comprise wages/salaries (income tax, value added tax, retailer sales […]

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GSA Releases 2012 Sat Nav Market Report

Client:European GNSS Agency
Published: May, 2012

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has published the second Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) Market Report. This second issue of the GSA’s annual report on the global GNSS market is based on an advanced forecasting model (the Market Monitoring and Forecasting Tool) developed and implemented by London Economics.

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The Role of Packaging Imagery on Consumer Preferences for Experience Goods – Report

Sector:Behavioural Economics.
Published: March, 2012

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Regulation on the Approval and Market Surveillance of Two- or Three-wheeled Vehicles and Quadricycles

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:European Parliament
Published: February, 2012

This study is a three-part impact assessment of amendments proposed by the IMCO Committee to three measures contained in the European Commission’s proposal for a “Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheeled vehicles and quadricycles”. The first part concerns the fitting of an anti-lock braking system (ABS), the second part concerns […]

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McDonald’s Economic Footprint in Europe

Sector:Public Policy.
Published: November, 2011

This report examines McDonald’s economic footprint in Europe in terms of contribution to GDP growth, raw material sourcing, job creation and business opportunities via its franchising model. The analysis shows that McDonald’s continued to grow throughout the recession of 2007-09 and its growth has consistently exceeded EU GDP growth as well as the growth of […]

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Economic Benefits of an Internet Domain for Wales

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Published: November, 2011

The report forms part of a 2-part study focused on the potential economic benefits that would arise from the introduction of sub-national, geographically specific top-level domains (“geo-TLDs”) in London and Wales. The study explores the transmission channels for possible economic costs and benefits based on a review of current research, a consultation with industry associations, […]

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Study on the Costs and Benefits of Different Policy Options for Mortgage Credit

Client:EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: March, 2011

The costs and benefits of potential changes in the following four mortgage policy areas are considered in the study, which was published by the European Commission on 31 March 2011: pre-contractual information, the definition of the annual percentage rate of charge, early repayment and responsible lending and borrowing. The approach to assessing the costs and […]

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The Contribution of Insurance Brokers to the UK Economy

Published: March, 2011

The market for insurance products, like many other markets, is characterised by imperfect information by each party to the transaction, significant search costs to find the “best” deal, and asymmetric bargaining power. The report shows that insurance brokers play a key role in the marketplace by identifying the risks faced by clients, reducing insurance distribution […]

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Evaluation of OFT Competition Advocacy

Sector:Competition & Antitrust.
Client:Office of Fair Trading
Published: April, 2010

London Economics was commissioned to conduct an evaluation of the impact of the OFT competition advocacy interventions. A survey of government officials illustrates that competition advocacy is valued by those receiving the advice, often resulting in changes to delivery and, in cases, to the very objectives of the policy. The report also explores, with the […]

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Launch of Centre for Vocational Education Research – 24 March 2015

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Published: 24 March,

London Economics are delighted to be announced as a co-contributor to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills funded Centre for Vocational Education Research. Download details of the launch of the event here.

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