Publications in: Higher education
The Economic Impact of the Russell Group Universities’ R&D Activities
Published: | 28 February, 2024 |
London Economics were commissioned to assess the economic impact of research and commercialisation activities undertaken by the 24 Russell Group universities on the UK economy. Our analysis estimates that the total economic impact of the Russell Group’s core research and commercialisation activities in 2021/22 was approximately £37.6 billion. In terms of the components of this […]
London Economics Awarded a Prestigious Grant from the Nuffield Foundation
Published: | 14 August, 2023 |
London Economics are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a prestigious grant from the Nuffield Foundation to model the resource implications – for students, graduates and the Exchequer – of the current Higher Education funding systems in the four nations of the UK. The analysis aims to improve the understanding the current fees […]
The Economic and Social Impact of the University of Southampton
Published: | 02 November, 2022 |
London Economics were commissioned by the University of Southampton to estimate their economic impact on the UK economy. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with the University of Southampton’s activities in 2020-21 was estimated at approximately £4.14 billion. Compared to the University of Southampton’s total operational costs of approximately £561 million in […]
The Economic and Social Impact of Cardiff University in 2020-21 – October 2022
Published: | 24 October, 2022 |
London Economics were commissioned to assess the economic and social impact of Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, focusing on the 2020-21 academic year. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with Cardiff University’s activities in 2020-21 was estimated at approximately £3.678 billion. Compared to Cardiff University’s total operational costs of approximately £573 […]
LE Europe HE Fees and Funding Options in Ireland
Published: | 4 May, 2022 |
London Economics’ sister company, LE Europe, as part of the AARC Consortium (incorporating AARC, LE Europe and Indecon) were commissioned by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) to provide an analysis of the sustainability of higher education (HE) and further education and training (FET) in Ireland. The project’s general objective was […]
The Economic Impact of Leeds Beckett University – April 2022
Published: | April, 2022 |
London Economics were commissioned by Leeds Beckett University to estimate their economic impact on the UK economy. The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with Leeds Beckett University’s activities in 2018-19 was estimated at approximately £1.43 billion. In terms of the components of this impact, Leeds Beckett University’s teaching and learning activities accounted […]
Mapping and Analysis of Science Engagement and Inequity in the UK – March 2022
Published: | March, 2022 |
The British Science Association (BSA) commissioned London Economics to support their development of a set of indicators and an index for science engagement and inequity across the United Kingdom. In creating a map of science engagement, the analysis was not just intended to be a means of identifying those regions and sub-regions where science engagement […]
Economic Impact of the University of Oxford – October 2021
Published: | 5 October, 2021 |
London Economics were commissioned to analyse the economic impact of the University of Oxford on the UK economy, focusing on the 2018-19 academic year. The analysis identified that: The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with the University of Oxford’s activities in 2018-19 was estimated at approximately £15.7 billion. In terms of the […]
The Economic Impact of the University of Glasgow – October 2021
Published: | 27 October, 2021 |
London Economics were commissioned by the University of Glasgow to undertake an economic contribution to the United Kingdom. The analysis identified that: The total economic impact on the UK economy associated with the University of Glasgow’s activities in 2018-19 was estimated at approximately £4.4 billion. In terms of the components of this impact, the value […]
The Costs and Benefits of International Higher Education Students to the UK Economy – September 2021
Published: | 09 September, 2021 |
With 496,000 international students studying for qualifications at higher education institutions across the United Kingdom – equivalent to 20% of all HE students – international students contribute significantly to the economic and social prosperity of the United Kingdom, both in the short term during their studies as well as in the medium to longer term […]