Publications in: Finance

Study on Consumers’ Decision-making in Insurance Services: A Behavioural Economics Perspective – November 2017

Published: 7 November, 2017

This study focused on consumersā€™ decision-making in the non-life insurance market when purchasing domestically and cross-border. It tested ways to help consumers make better decisions using a behavioural experiment, collected complementary data on the supply side of the market, and examined potential savings consumers could make.

Economic Impact Evaluation of the Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) Scheme – November 2017

Published: 20 November, 2017

London Economics was commissioned by the British Business Bank to evaluate the Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) scheme. The evaluation estimated the economic impact created by the EFG scheme, and provided a detailed cost benefit analysis which established the economic gains of the scheme to the UK economy. The main analysis was complemented by a survey […]

Impact of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) on the Access to Finance for Business and Long-term Investments – November 2016

Published: 23 November, 2016

The Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) considerably strengthens the quantity and quality of the minimum capital that banks in Europe are required to hold. This study assesses whether increased minimum capital requirements, through observed changes in banksā€™ regulatory capital ratios, impact bank lending using data on a broad sample of banks in Europe, including for the […]

IPID Consumer Testing and Design Work – August 2016

Published: 01 August, 2016

EIOPA commissioned a consortium consisting of LE Europe, Ipsos MORI and Academy Design Partners to undertake consumer testing on the design of a standardised presentation format of an Insurance Product Information Document (IPID). The findings of the consumer testing, as presented in this report, were intended to assist EIOPA to reach a view on the […]

Understanding Consumer Vulnerability in the EU’s Key Markets – February 2016

Published: 23 February, 2016

This study for the European Commission provides a new definition of vulnerable consumers, a new methodology for measuring consumer vulnerability and new insights into the actual patterns of consumer vulnerability. The large scale study employed stakeholder consultations, consumer surveys, focus groups and behavioural experiments across the EU28 plus Iceland and Norway.

FCA Symposium: Competition Analysis with Realistic Behaviour – December 2015

Published: December, 2015

LEā€™s Charlotte Duke participated in the FCA symposium: competition analysis with realistic behaviour. This forum brought together senior thinkers, researchers and policy makers to discuss the promotion of competition in financial services. During the day, delegates focussed on the research being done on Behavioural Industrial Organisation (BIO).

Consumer Testing Study of the Possible New Format and Content for Retail Disclosures of Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products – November 2015

Published: 13 November, 2015

The European Commission commissioned London Economics and Ipsos to undertake consumer testing of various ways of presenting information relating to Packaged Retail and Insuranceā€based Investment Products (PRIIPs). The motivation for the study was to assess which particular format of Key Information Documents would best help consumers compare and select products for their investment needs. The […]

High-Cost Short-Term Credit Price Comparison Websites – November 2015

Published: 30 November, 2015

This behavioural economics study for the FCA, tested additional standards for price comparison websites that compare HCSTC products. It forms part of the evidence base used by the FCA in its recommendations for additional standards in response to the CMAā€™s final report on payday lending.

Assessing the Impact of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) on the Access to Finance for Business and Long-term Investments – June 2015

Published: June, 2015

LE Europe has been appointed by the European Commission to assess the impact of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) on the access to finance for business and long-term investments, including infrastructure projects. On the impact of the CRR on infrastructure financing particularly, Graham Bishop, a consultant on EU financial matters, will advise on the importance […]

Competition and Collaboration in UK Payment Systems – November 2014

Published: November, 2014

The report focuses on UK payment systems, with a particular focus on interbank payment systems.Ā  It analyses the conditions for competition at different levels of the payments supply chain as well as the motivations, merits and potential drawbacks of collaboration among market participants.