Publications in: Finance

Evaluation of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme, Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, and Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme – June 2022

Published: 14 June, 2022

In March 2020, in response to the global pandemic and corresponding wide-ranging business impacts and uncertainty, the government rapidly designed and deployed a series of three loan-guarantee schemes – the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) and Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS). These aimed to support smaller […]

Funding the Transition to Carbon Neutrality

Published: September, 2021

This high-level report seeks to support the Jersey Government’s ongoing work on its carbon neutrality policy. It provides a typology covering the main avenues that Governments have open to them for funding expenditure and then provides more detailed descriptions of some of the more innovative funding options that Governments in other jurisdictions have used in […]

The Value of VAT Reliefs for the Charity Sector – December 2020

Published: 4 December, 2020

London Economics was commissioned by the Charity Tax Group (CTG) to undertake research to quantify the value of existing VAT (value added tax) reliefs to charities in the UK and to model the potential impact of any changes to these reliefs. The key findings show that VAT continues to place a significant burden on UK […]

Evaluation of the Research and Development Tax Relief for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – November 2020

Published: 17 November, 2020

The independent evaluation of the SME R&D tax relief scheme addressed the requirements of the evaluation plan set out in the European Commission (EC)’s decision letter and the common methodology designed by the EC for State Aid evaluations. More specifically, the evaluation had three main objectives: Assessing the direct impacts of the scheme, measured by […]

AI for Services – September 2020

Published: 16 September, 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other data technologies are set to impact almost every sector of the economy, bringing significant opportunities for UK businesses. Across the accountancy, insurance and legal sectors, AI and data have the potential to transform the way businesses interact with customers, deliver better and more personal products and services, and bring systemic […]

Regulatory Cost Faced by UK Insurance Brokers – January 2020

Published: 21 January, 2020

London Economics conducted for the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA) in late 2019 a study on the regulatory costs faced by UK insurance brokers and key findings of the study were published on 21 January 2020 in BIBA’s 2020 Manifesto. The most striking finding of the study was that, according to insurance brokers having responded […]

NewSpace: Bringing the New Frontier Closer to Home

Published: 4 December, 2019

London Economics was commissioned by Lloyd’s to provide an overview of current and future developments in the space sector. The report provides comprehensive analysis of the upstream sector so that risk managers in companies that are or will be involved in the industry, and all Lloyd’s market stakeholders, can begin to understand the potential impacts […]

General Insurance Pricing Practices October 2019

Published: 4 October, 2019

The Financial Conduct Authority commissioned London Economics (with subcontractors YouGov and Kudos Research) to carry out a study on consumers’ attitudes, search and switching behaviour in home and motor insurance. London Economics was lead contractor, responsible for refining the survey design, project management and reporting. LE also designed a stated preference component assessing consumers’ valuation […]

Estimating the Economic Impact of FDI to Support DIT’s Promotion Strategy: Analytical Report – August 2018

Published: 06 August, 2018

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for International Trade (DIT) to estimate the economic impacts of FDI on the UK economy. The results will be used by the DIT to support their value-based investment promotion strategy. The analysis was undertaken in partnership with the DIT and academics at the University of Nottingham. It explored […]

Statistical Background Information for the Independent Review of the Funding of Debt Advice in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland – January 2018

Published: 25 January, 2018

London Economics was commissioned by the Independent Review of the Funding of Debt Advice in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to provide an extensive statistical background document describing development of household debt at both a macro and micro level, the problems that high debt levels cause for individuals and households, the supply of debt […]