Tag Archives: Labour markets

London Economics Awarded a Prestigious Grant from the Nuffield Foundation

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Nuffield Foundation
Published: 14 August, 2023

London Economics are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a prestigious grant from the Nuffield Foundation to model the resource implications – for students, graduates and the Exchequer – of the current Higher Education funding systems in the four nations of the UK. The analysis aims to improve the understanding the current fees […]

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Estimating the Potential Impact of Policy Changes on International Student Demand for UK Higher Education

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 8 February, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to undertake an analysis of: The price elasticity of international student enrolments with respect to changes in the level of tuition fees charged – separately at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and for EU and non-EU domiciled students. The potential impact on first-year EU student enrolments and […]

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The Net Exchequer Impact of Increasing Pay for Agenda for Change Staff

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:NHS Trade Unions
Published: 18 January, 2021

Corresponding to approximately 4% of employees in England, there are currently just over 1 million nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, and NHS support staff covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) Pay framework in England. Since 2010-11, pay levels at every single AfC spine point have lagged behind inflation, resulting in a significant decline in […]

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