London Economics are delighted to launch the latest iteration of the long-running UK Space Agency (UKSA) study into the ‘Size & Health of the UK Space Industry’.
Access the 2023 survey by clicking here.
The Size & Health of the UK Space Industry is the primary source of evidence that the UKSA use to track growth in the sector, identify constraints, and make the case to the Government for funding.
An introductory letter from Dr. Paul Bate, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency, can be found by clicking this link.
A summary of the data that you may find it useful to collect in order to answer the survey can be found by clicking this link.
London Economics will be carrying out the data collection and analysis for both the 2023 and 2024 waves of the Size & Health series.
A PDF version of the questionnaire can be accessed here: S&H UK Space Agency 2023 – Full questionnaire