Tag Archives: Cost-benefit analysis

The Costs and Benefits of International Higher Education Students to the UK Economy – September 2021

Sector:Public Policy.
Client:Higher Education Policy Institute and Universities UK International
Published: 09 September, 2021

With 496,000 international students studying for qualifications at higher education institutions across the United Kingdom – equivalent to 20% of all HE students – international students contribute significantly to the economic and social prosperity of the United Kingdom, both in the short term during their studies as well as in the medium to longer term […]

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Estimating the Potential Impact of Policy Changes on International Student Demand for UK Higher Education

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:Department for Education
Published: 8 February, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Education to undertake an analysis of: The price elasticity of international student enrolments with respect to changes in the level of tuition fees charged – separately at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and for EU and non-EU domiciled students. The potential impact on first-year EU student enrolments and […]

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The Net Exchequer Impact of Increasing Pay for Agenda for Change Staff

Sector:Education and Labour Markets.
Client:NHS Trade Unions
Published: 18 January, 2021

Corresponding to approximately 4% of employees in England, there are currently just over 1 million nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, and NHS support staff covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) Pay framework in England. Since 2010-11, pay levels at every single AfC spine point have lagged behind inflation, resulting in a significant decline in […]

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