Use of additional funding for social care – March 2021

Practice area: Public Policy | Social care
Client: Welsh Government
Published: 31 March, 2021
Keywords: modelling social care workforce

The Welsh Government commissioned LE Wales to assess the potential impacts of a number of policy options for the use of additional funding raised from a potential levy or alternative. The proposed options assessed by LE Wales include three options for offsetting the charges for residential and non-residential adult social care services that are paid by recipients of social care services (the ‘user charge options’) and four options that relate to investment in the adult social care workforce in Wales (the ‘workforce options’). In particular, for the ‘user charge options’, LE Wales assessed the following options:

  • Option 1: Fully funded personal care;
  • Option 2: Fully funded non-residential care;
  • Option 3: Fixed weekly contribution towards residential care costs for self-funders. For the workforce analysis the options considered were
  • Option 4a: Uplift of care worker wages to the real living wage;
  • Option 4b: Uplift of care worker wages to NHS Agenda for Change pay rates.
  • Option 4c: Uplift of care worker wages to Local Authority pay rates.
  • Option 4d: Uplift of care worker wages to NHS Agenda for Change pay rates and terms and conditions

Both the English and Welsh versions of the report are available to download at the above links.