Study of the consequences of further liberalisation of the postal market in Norway

Practice area: Competition & Antitrust | Post | Regulatory economics
Client: Ministry of Transport and Communications of Norway
Published: December, 2003
Keywords: qualitative analysis quantitative analysis stakeholder surveys and consultations

This Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications provides consultancy advice on the consequences of further liberalisation of the postal market in Norway. The study evaluates the impact of postal liberalisation, based on qualitative analysis and quantitative modelling. Under each of the models, we assess the impacts on liberation across various scenarios, ranging from preserving the status quo to abolishing the reserved area.

The results of the analysis show that the estimated impact on the profitability of Norway Post from full liberalisation is between NOK 200 million and NOK 400 million, whereas the incremental impact of accelerated liberalisation is estimated to be about NOK 147 million. In addition, we also evaluate the impact of postal liberalisation on various groups like customers, business, postal operators, government, rural areas and evaluate the consequences on employment, uniform tariffs, USO, economies of scale, effective competition and national goals.