Evaluation of Commercial Services Provided by UKTI Overseas Posts

Practice area: Competition & Antitrust | Productivity, Innovation and New Economy | Public Policy
Client: Hong Kong Communications Authority
Published: October, 2011
Keywords: modelling qualitative analysis quantitative analysis stakeholder surveys and consultations

The study investigates 1) the scope for increased cost recovery from the services in support of UK-based exporters offered by UKTI’s overseas posts and 2) the structure of the market for these services, including the existence of synergies between UKTI’s overseas posts and other providers of services to UK exporters, such as consultants, business associations, banks and audit firms. The study is based on three strands of survey research, including in-depth telephone interviews with a selection of overseas posts, an online survey of service providers and a CATI survey of UK exporters.

The study uses a contingent valuation approach to estimate users’ willingness to pay for UKTI’s services and the scope for price increases to improve cost-effectiveness. The determinants of willingness to pay are analysed using detailed data from UKTI recurring user satisfaction survey (PIMS) and primary data collected from service users. The study further explores the impact of possible changes to service prices on UKTI’s policy objectives in terms of outreach to UK companies and the export success of service users.