Publications in: Economics of Education

Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on University Finances – May 2020

Published: 1 May, 2020

Following the publication of the London Economics’ report for University and College Union on the potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on UK higher education institutions’ enrolments and finances, we were asked to present a summary of the analysis by higher education think-tank Wonkhe. The summary presentation providing the key findings is available to download […]

Exploring Trends in Apprenticeship Training Around the Introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy: Emerging Evidence Using a Matched Apprentice-Employer Dataset – January 2020

Published: 27 January, 2020

As part of the Centre for Vocational Education Research, London Economics and the University of Sheffield undertook an in-depth analysis of the available evidence on the composition and distribution of apprenticeship training undertaken in England in recent years (before and after the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy). To achieve this, we developed a matched apprentice-employer […]

The Economic and Social Impact of the University of Birmingham on the City of Guangzhou

Published: 23 October, 2019

The University of Birmingham has a long-standing history of cooperation with the Chinese city of Guangzhou, covering research, education, public health, and capacity building programmes. London Economics were commissioned to estimate the economic impact on the Chinese economy generated by the University of Birmingham’s collaborative activities in Guangzhou in these areas. Our analysis of this […]

Counting the Cost of the Augar Review – July 2019

Published: 2 July, 2019

Following the publication of the Augur Review in May 2019, London Economics undertook a detailed analysis of the Review’s core recommendations for higher education funding on the Treasury, universities, students and graduates. Focusing on the resource flows associated with the 2018/19 cohort of first-year English-domiciled undergraduate students (studying anywhere in the UK) and EU-domiciled students […]

Assessing the Economic Returns to Level 4 and 5 STEM-based Qualifications – July 2019

Published: 16 July, 2019

London Economics were commissioned by the Gatsby Foundation to undertake an assessment of the net graduate premium and net Exchequer benefit associated with Higher Technical Education qualifications at Level 4 and Level 5. For full-time students, the analysis suggests that the net benefits to students undertaking specific STEM-based qualifications at Level 4/5 are substantial (and […]

Assessing the Impact of the Augur Review – on the Exchequer, Higher Education Institutions, Students and Graduates

Published: 14 June, 2019

Following the publication of the Augur Review in May 2019, London Economics were commissioned by Universities UK to estimate the impact of the Review’s core recommendations for higher education funding on the Treasury, universities, students and graduates. Focusing on the resource flows associated with the 2018/19 cohort of first-year English-domiciled undergraduate students (studying anywhere in […]

BBC Radio 4 – The University Time Bomb – March 2019

Published: 03 April, 2019

London Economics recently contributed to the BBC Radio 4 series The Great University Time Bomb. The two-part series hosted by Branwen Jeffreys addressed the many financial issues currently facing the higher education sector ahead of the Augar Review of higher education fees and funding and the Office for National Statistics assessment of student loan accounting treatment. Episode 1 […]

Fees, Funding and Fairness – Understanding and Estimating the Costs Associated with the Student Support Offer

Published: 07 March, 2019

In light of the Augar Review, London Economics were asked by AdvanceHE to present an analysis of the main issues affecting higher education fees and funding. The analysis presents some estimates of the potential impact associated with a reduction in the tuition fee level (to £7,500) as well as the reintroduction of maintenance grants.  We […]

Wonkhe Podcast on Higher Education

Published: 15 March, 2019

Listen to London Economics discussing the implications for higher education of the March 2019 OBR Fiscal Outlook and Spring Statement, university accommodation, essay mills and HESA Data Futures: Data, housing, funding and cheating  

The UK Tax Revenues from International Graduates – March 2019

Published: 21 March, 2019

London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Kaplan International Pathways to undertake a detailed analysis of taxation receipts accrued by the United Kingdom Exchequer associated with international graduates in the UK labour market post graduation. The analysis focuses on the expected income tax, National Insurance and VAT contributions generated by the 235,325 international students commencing their studies in […]