
Working Conditions in Road Transport: National Reports for France, Italy, Portugal and Sweden

Client: N/A
Published: October, 2002

The reports for the European Foundation for the Improving of Living and Working Conditions assess the impact of trends such as globalisation, increased competition and developments in technology, and look at the role of social dialogue in the sectors. They also feature several examples of interesting and innovative practice at local and national level aimed […]

European Integration and Productivity: Exploring the Gains of the Single Market

Client: LE Working Paper
Published: May, 2002

This paper uses a variety of panel data techniques to argue that the European Single Market Programme significantly increased productivity in a number of European countries. In particular, as a result of the Programme, industry productivity increased considerably in 1992 and 1993 in France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and in the UK.

OLS and Instrumental Variable Price Elasticity Estimates for Water in Mixed-Effect Models Under a Multipart Tariff Structure

Client: LE Working Paper
Published: April, 2002

A mixed-effects residential demand model for potable water is developed using a longitudinal data set constructed for the analysis. The data set comprises of 1,065 households from the Sydney Metropolitan and Wollongong areas, covering sixteen quarters from 1990 to 1994. The purpose of developing the demand model is to use it as a base model […]

Assessment of the Benefits of Universal Postal Service to Consignia

Client: Postwatch
Published: March, 2002

The report for Postwatch evaluates and quantifies the benefits of Consignia’s (Royal Mail) Universal Service Obligation (USO). The study reports the results of the application of a general economic model using pricing and production decisions by a multi-product monopolist to the postal sector. The methodology employed uses demand and supply side models and techniques to […]

Investigating the Use of Regional Economic Forecasting Models in Wales

Client: Welsh Assembly Government
Published: January, 2002

The report for Future Skills Wales reviews the economic forecasts and forecast models used by Education and Learning Wales (ELWa) and its partners, sets out a number of recommendations on how greater benefits could be derived from the forecasting-related activities, and examines how regional data and regional forecasts can be used in a skills’ gap […]

An Experimental Test of Design Alternatives for the British 3G / UMTS Auction

Client: LE Working Paper
Published: January, 2002

In spring 2000, the British government auctioned off licences for Third Generation mobile telecommunications services. In the preparation of the auction, two designs involving each a hybrid of an English and a sealed-bid auction were suggested by the government: a discriminatory and a uniform price variant. We report an experiment on these two designs, and […]