Publications in: Public Policy

Part and Parcel: The Economic and Social Value of Post Office – February 2023

Published: 22 February, 2023

London Economics were commissioned by Post Office to analyse the economic and social value of Post Office. Post Office generated an economic impact of Ā£4.7 billion in 2021/22 throughout the whole of the United Kingdom, with at least Ā£2 million of economic impact originating in every parliamentary constituency. Post Office also supported nearly 50,000 full-time […]

The Creative Industry Tax Reliefs Evaluation

Published: 17 November, 2022

1.1 Key points from the evaluation there is strong evidence that the tax reliefs across film, high-end TV, animation and childrenā€™s TV have made the UK a more attractive filming and production location, and led to more productions taking place in the UK the reliefs were seen as having aspects which made them competitive beyond […]

Study on the Impact of the Data Act Proposal on European Telecom Operatorsā€™ Offerings, Business Models, and Innovation

Published: 25 October, 2022

Following the publication of the European Commissionā€™s Data Act proposals in February 2022, ETNO, the European Telecommunications Network Operatorsā€™ Association, commissioned LE Europe, in partnership with Plum Consulting and Wiggin LLP, to produce a study on the impact of the Data Act proposal on European telecom operators. The study investigated how the proposed new rules […]

LE Europe HE Fees and Funding Options in Ireland

Published: 4 May, 2022

London Economicsā€™ sister company, LE Europe, as part of the AARC Consortium (incorporating AARC, LE Europe and Indecon) were commissioned by the European Commissionā€™s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) to provide an analysis of the sustainability of higher education (HE) and further education and training (FET) in Ireland. The projectā€™s general objective was […]

Economic and Distributional Impacts of the Proposed New Enveloped Property Transactions Tax – February 2022

Published: 16 February, 2022

This report responds to a request from the Government of Jerseyā€™s Economics Unit to provide an assessment of the economic and distributional impacts of the proposed changes set out in the Draft Taxation (Enveloped Property Transactions) (Jersey) Law. The proposed changes analysed in the report are the introduction of a new Enveloped Property Transaction Tax […]

Funding the Transition to Carbon Neutrality

Published: September, 2021

This high-level report seeks to support the Jersey Governmentā€™s ongoing work on its carbon neutrality policy. It provides a typology covering the main avenues that Governments have open to them for funding expenditure and then provides more detailed descriptions of some of the more innovative funding options that Governments in other jurisdictions have used in […]

The Costs and Benefits of International Higher Education Students to the UK Economy – September 2021

Published: 09 September, 2021

With 496,000 international students studying for qualifications at higher education institutions across the United Kingdom ā€“ equivalent to 20% of all HE students ā€“ international students contribute significantly to the economic and social prosperity of the United Kingdom, both in the short term during their studies as well as in the medium to longer term […]

HE Funding Threshold Changes – September 2021

Published: 26 September, 2021

In light of the upcoming Comprehensive Spending Review, London Economics undertook some modelling of higher education fees and funding arrangements. Based on the current system of repayments facing the 2020-21 cohort of undergraduates, we were modelled the resource impact on the Exchequer of a change in the repayment threshold for graduates to Ā£23,000. The analysis […]

The Costs and Benefits of Introducing the Autism Code of Practice – July 2021

Published: 16 July, 2021

The Welsh Government commissioned LE Wales to assess the costs and benefits of introducing a Statutory Code of Practice on the Delivery of Autism Services compared with the current situation (ā€œbusiness as usualā€) and with the introduction of primary legislation. The research was undertaken between December 2020 and March 2021.

The Economic Cost of Providing Potential Refunds to Students During the Covid 19 Pandemic – June 2021

Published: 1 June, 2021

London Economics were commissioned by the LSE and University of Sheffield Studentsā€™ Unions to undertake a piece of analysis on higher education fees and funding. Underpinned by the significant financial constraints facing higher education institutions as a result of the pandemic, we were tasked with analysing a range of alternative approaches to provide domestic students […]