Publications in: Further education

Estimating the Value of Educational Exports for the UK

Published: June, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed assessment of the value of educational exports to the United Kingdom economy. The analysis consisted of an assessment of the value of higher education tuition fee and non tuition fee expenditure along with the value of research grants and […]

A Feasibility Study Estimating the Value of Educational Imports from the UK

Published: June, 2011

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed assessment of the value of educational imports from the United Kingdom economy. Where possible, the analysis consisted of an assessment of the value of higher education tuition fee and non tuition fee expenditure along with the value of research […]

An Assessment of the Long Run Economic Returns Associated Education and Training Using DWP/ILR and HMRC Data

Published: June, 2011

An assessment of the long run economic returns associated education and training using DWP/ILR and HMRC data

Returns to BTEC Vocational Qualifications

Published: October, 2010

London Economics were commissioned by Pearson to undertake a detailed analysis of the earnings and employment effects associated with BTEC Qualifications. The analysis made use of information from 56 mergedĀ Labour Force Survey data sets to allow for an analysis of the marginal earnings and employment returns associated with these qualifications. The analysis also combined information […]

Analysis of the Impact of Raising Private Fee Contributions on Participation in Further Education

Published: July, 2009

London Economics were commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to undertake a detailed econometric analysis of the impact of raising private fee contributions on participation in Further Education. The analysis was based on the survey of all Further Education Colleges in England, as well as a detailed analysis of the Individual Learner […]

A Review of Costs and Benefits Associated with Parenting Interventions

Published: October, 2007

London Economics were commissioned to undertake a full scale review of the UK and international evidence relating to the costs and benefits of parenting interventions. This piece of analysis aims at separating out the impact or parenting characteristics and parenting interventions on child outcomes and was a crucial piece of evidence for policymakers in the […]

Study on the Returns to Various Types of Investment in Education and Training

Published: December, 2005

London Economics were commissioned to undertake a large-scale project for the EU Directorate General for Education, Arts and Culture on the rates of returns to the investment necessary to achieve the Lisbon educational targets using the European Labour Force Survey. The study computed the private and social costs of achieving the Lisbon targets for different […]

The Differential in the Rate of Return to Academic and Vocational Qualifications in the United Kingdom

Published: 2005

Education Economics, Volume 13, No.1, April 2005. Conlon, G.

The Determinants of Undertaking Academic and Vocational Qualifications in the United Kingdom

Published: 2002

Centre for the Economics of Education Discussion Paper 20, May 2002. Conlon, G.

Launch of Centre for Vocational Education Research – 24 March 2015

Published: 24 March,

London Economics are delighted to be announced as a co-contributor to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills funded Centre for Vocational Education Research. Download details of the launch of the event here.