Empirical testing of consumers’ perceptions of differences in package and product version of seemingly identical branded food products

Practice area: Behavioural Economics
Client: N/A
Published: 20 July, 2023

London Economics worked with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre to investigate how the design of food packaging affects consumers’ perceptions, beliefs about differences between products, and ability to make informed purchasing decisions. The study used data collected via an online survey and experiment to provide insights on two fronts: it informs policymakers whether, and under what circumstances, the packaging allows consumers to identify product versions; and whether these differences translate into consumer beliefs about product differences. The results identify the influence of packaging design elements on perceptions of product differences and on consumer choices; however, the effects differ across design elements and by product, highlighting the need for case-by-case assessment.

The full report is available here: https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC130388